16:00:53 <b3rnard0> #startmeeting OpenStack Ansible Meeting 16:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 7 16:00:53 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is b3rnard0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:00 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:01:16 <d34dh0r53> \*/ 16:01:22 <b3rnard0> #topic Agenda & rollcall 16:01:22 <b3rnard0> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:01:31 <palendae> Hi 16:01:51 <stevelle> hello 16:02:21 <b3rnard0> howdy 16:03:50 <Sam-I-Am> howdy 16:04:41 <cloudnull> presente 16:04:43 <cloudnull> :) 16:04:44 <cloudnull> and late. 16:04:58 <sigmavirus24> o/ 16:05:47 <b3rnard0> #chair cloudnull 16:05:48 <openstack> Current chairs: b3rnard0 cloudnull 16:07:11 <cloudnull> so lets get started. 16:07:16 <cloudnull> is everyone here ? 16:07:32 <cloudnull> if your not present please stand up. . . 16:07:38 * Sam-I-Am stands up 16:07:50 * b3rnard0 sits down 16:07:59 <cloudnull> #topic Review action items from last week 16:08:09 <cloudnull> we only had one action item which was 16:08:15 <cloudnull> cloudnull to learn to use better bash magic - http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/035#getopts for das reference 16:08:59 <cloudnull> and i did it and have decided that I will ignore getops and continue using my while loop. so thats good. - yw Apsu 16:09:20 <cloudnull> #topic Blueprints 16:09:32 <sigmavirus24> cloudnull: A+ 16:09:54 <cloudnull> We have one BP to talk about so far: 16:09:56 <cloudnull> Developer docs https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/developer-docs / https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173155/. Specifically, a section was added to discuss extending os-ansible-deployment. This spec is now in its final draft 16:10:04 <cloudnull> hands mic to palendae 16:10:06 <Apsu> cloudnull: lol. As long as you're aware of getopts and how you're failing, my work here is done ;P 16:10:18 <b3rnard0> #info Developer docs https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/developer-docs / https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173155/. Specifically, a section was added to discuss extending os-ansible-deployment. This spec is now in its final draft 16:10:36 <palendae> yep, I feel confident about this spec now and would appreciate more reviews 16:10:49 <cloudnull> Apsu its all about failing forward. 16:11:17 <Sam-I-Am> moar docs 16:11:34 <cloudnull> oh look a volunteer. Sam-I-Am 16:11:34 <Apsu> cloudnull: Good man 16:11:40 <palendae> Don't have a whole lot else to say - comments on the spec are welcome 16:12:01 <Sam-I-Am> cloudnull: lol 16:12:08 <Sam-I-Am> i'm drooling to contribute stuff :) 16:13:44 <Sam-I-Am> palendae: these dev docs will likely include some sort of install guide 16:14:04 <Sam-I-Am> plus the config file documentation 16:14:14 <palendae> Sure, and more 16:14:19 <Sam-I-Am> moarrrr 16:14:24 <cloudnull> one of our approved specs for ceilometer needs more reviews on the implementation commit. 16:14:25 <cloudnull> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173067/ 16:15:02 <cloudnull> i know that alex is OOO for this week and i think next but it would be great to get some folks to review that patch so we can move it a long. 16:15:44 <b3rnard0> #info cloudnull one of our approved specs for ceilometer needs more reviews on the implementation commit. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173067/ 16:15:59 <cloudnull> another patch that is implementing ceph client side work for Juno needs reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181022/ < contributed by svg a community member. 16:18:45 <cloudnull> we also have an approved bp for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/build-facts-archive 16:18:56 <cloudnull> https://github.com/stackforge/os-ansible-deployment-specs/blob/master/specs/kilo/build-facts-archive.rst 16:19:05 <cloudnull> i want to say jwagner is working on that ? 16:19:32 <jwagner> i did not assign myself but i can 16:20:05 <cloudnull> not required. just curious if anyone has looked at implementation ? 16:20:43 <palendae> I have not yet 16:20:47 <palendae> Glanced over the spec 16:21:58 <cloudnull> ok. so moving on. 16:22:18 <cloudnull> #topic Reviews 16:22:41 <cloudnull> #info Adding Sphinx machinery for developer docs https://review.openstack.org/#/c/178503/ 16:22:57 <cloudnull> this is the dev docs review palendae was talking about. 16:23:12 <palendae> Yeah, that's the start of implementation for the spec/bp 16:23:14 <cloudnull> cores please do the needfuls. 16:23:44 <cloudnull> we need more reviews on that. 16:24:21 <cloudnull> Especially from the Core members of the team. 16:24:36 <d34dh0r53> will do 16:24:56 <d34dh0r53> can we add https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180746/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180747/ to the list 16:25:28 <cloudnull> this touches on an issue that we've seen as of late, I'd like to call out and make sure that we, the core members, are doing reviews daily. 16:25:51 <stevelle> good reminder, thanks 16:26:00 <d34dh0r53> yep 16:26:10 <b3rnard0> #info d34dh0r53: can we add https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180746/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180747/ to the list 16:27:24 <cloudnull> #action core-members review needs to be done on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/178503/ 16:27:24 <cloudnull> #action core-members review needs to be done on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180746/ 16:27:24 <cloudnull> #action core-members review needs to be done on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180747/ 16:27:24 <cloudnull> #action core-members review needs to be done on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/181022/ 16:27:25 <cloudnull> #action core-members review needs to be done on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173067/ 16:27:43 <Sam-I-Am> my config docs patch will be ready for review soon too 16:27:52 <Sam-I-Am> not official yet, but feel free to comment on whats there 16:27:53 <cloudnull> yay! moar words! 16:28:27 <Sam-I-Am> uhh, many many more words 16:28:32 <palendae> Damn, andymccr beat to me to rechecking the master mysql log patch 16:28:35 <b3rnard0> oh dear, so many action items! 16:28:39 <Sam-I-Am> maybe splitting out cinder stuff is a good idea :) 16:28:44 <Sam-I-Am> like we did swift 16:28:48 <cloudnull> #topic Bugs 16:29:30 <palendae> Sam-I-Am: Into the conf.d? Yeah, I don't think that's a bad idea 16:29:39 <Sam-I-Am> yeah conf.d 16:29:52 <Sam-I-Am> after doing all this stuff i think we might want to split a few things in there 16:30:03 <Sam-I-Am> this file is hueg 16:31:08 <palendae> Yep. I think the intention was to start migrating towards that kind of layout, but it's been low priority since the current state works 16:31:52 <Sam-I-Am> well, maybe i'll write a bp/spec 16:31:54 <Sam-I-Am> if it needs one 16:31:57 <Sam-I-Am> or its just something we do 16:32:03 <Sam-I-Am> cloudnull: sir? 16:32:16 <Sam-I-Am> also need to test/unbreak this cinder nfs stuffs 16:32:24 <cloudnull> i say breaking out the config into smaller parts will only make things more understandable. 16:32:36 <d34dh0r53> +1 16:32:43 <Sam-I-Am> cloudnull: now why would we want to do that? 16:32:59 <cloudnull> good point, scratch that . 16:33:03 <Sam-I-Am> haha 16:33:16 <Sam-I-Am> want me to take this idea? 16:33:24 <Sam-I-Am> i need to write more words 16:34:01 <cloudnull> sure. 16:34:02 <palendae> If you're volunteering 16:34:14 <Sam-I-Am> if it needs a spec... 16:34:16 <cloudnull> #action Sam-I-Am think about breaking out the configs 16:34:26 <cloudnull> voluntold. 16:34:29 <b3rnard0> volunsuggesting? 16:34:33 <palendae> s/ing out// 16:34:48 <palendae> Anyway 16:34:48 <palendae> BUGS 16:34:53 <Sam-I-Am> there are no bugs 16:34:58 <palendae> Cool, done here. 16:35:13 <cloudnull> so do we have issues that we are working on that we need to call out as a group ? 16:35:43 <Sam-I-Am> i think i'm going to figure out how to make nfs work 16:35:58 <Sam-I-Am> it doesnt smell right as-is 16:36:03 <palendae> None here, I'm mostly working on downstream stuff 16:36:27 <Bjoern__> if you need help in regards to NFS, let me know. I did setup the netapp nfs builds 16:37:14 <cloudnull> ok. 16:37:17 <Sam-I-Am> BjoernT: there's netapp nfs, and then generic nfs 16:37:22 <Sam-I-Am> the netapp nfs works 16:37:39 <BjoernT> ok 16:39:31 <d34dh0r53> this mysql binary logging talk has me thinking that we may want to look at storing the binary logs on a different set of spindles for performance reasons. 16:41:35 <cloudnull> d34dh0r53 we're storing them within the container in a bind mount. 16:41:50 <cloudnull> which would be an LV ideally. 16:42:26 <d34dh0r53> right but that bind mount is on the same set of drives as the actual db creating essentially double writes 16:42:27 <cloudnull> are you thinking that we look to add a separate pv/vg on a different set of logical disks to do that ? 16:44:15 <stevelle> thats what I am hearing 16:45:05 <andymccr> that sounds quite hard to implement reliably? although i do like the idea of having it not-bind mounted 16:45:09 <d34dh0r53> yeah, just a thought for now, nothing immediate that needs attention, more curious as to where bottlenecks will arise 16:45:35 <cloudnull> it'd be interesting to spec / poc that out . 16:45:55 <cloudnull> i think there would be usecases where that'd be useful on a couple of services. 16:46:06 <andymccr> perhaps it could just be configurable, e.g. which pv you use and by default it'll just use the same one but createa separate lv? 16:47:27 <d34dh0r53> yeah, that could work, having the ability to point services at specific pv's could be really nice 16:47:53 <andymccr> i think what cloudnull said is true - could be useful more generically which is a win 16:48:13 <cloudnull> ^ ++ 16:48:17 <cloudnull> #topic Open discussion 16:49:22 <cloudnull> is there anything generally that we need to discus ? 16:50:04 <d34dh0r53> aka Airing of grievances 16:50:23 <cloudnull> so we done here ? 16:50:35 <Sam-I-Am> i think so 16:50:41 <Sam-I-Am> things are good and we are all happy 16:50:57 <cloudnull> thats what im reading :) 16:51:05 <cloudnull> ok thanks everyone ! 16:51:06 <cloudnull> #endmeeting