#openstack-meeting-4: OpenStack Ansible Meeting
Meeting started by cloudnull at 16:02:43 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Agenda & rollcall (cloudnull, 16:03:03)
- Review action items from last week (cloudnull, 16:06:42)
- ACTION: add more
hours to the day so sigmavirus24 can put together a POC (cloudnull,
- Blueprints (cloudnull, 16:13:29)
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/keystone-sp-adfs-idp
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/keystone-federation
- Open discussion (cloudnull, 16:21:37)
- VOTE: Voted on
"Can/should we re-enable the successerator w/ 1 retry for Master /
Kilo?" Results are (cloudnull,
- http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2015-June/007390.html
- http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/#version-epochs
- ACTION: reenable the
successerator for a single retry within the gate. To be removed as
soon as Ansible v2 drops upstream - someone (cloudnull,
- ACTION: get a thread
going on the mailing list surrounding issues with upgrading Kilo
> Liberty - someone (cloudnull,
Meeting ended at 16:44:23 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- add more hours to the day so sigmavirus24 can put together a POC
- reenable the successerator for a single retry within the gate. To be removed as soon as Ansible v2 drops upstream - someone
- get a thread going on the mailing list surrounding issues with upgrading Kilo > Liberty - someone
Action items, by person
- sigmavirus24
- add more hours to the day so sigmavirus24 can put together a POC
- reenable the successerator for a single retry within the gate. To be removed as soon as Ansible v2 drops upstream - someone
- get a thread going on the mailing list surrounding issues with upgrading Kilo > Liberty - someone
People present (lines said)
- cloudnull (61)
- sigmavirus24 (30)
- odyssey4me (16)
- andymccr (11)
- palendae (10)
- openstack (6)
- stevelle (4)
- hughsaunders (3)
- BjoernT (2)
- prometheanfire (2)
- jwagner (2)
- miguelgrinberg (1)
- Sam-I-Am (1)
- serverascode (1)
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