16:09:05 <odyssey4me> #startmeeting OpenStack Ansible Meeting 16:09:06 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 3 16:09:05 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is odyssey4me. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:09:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:09:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:09:21 <odyssey4me> #topic Agenda & rollcall 16:09:28 <odyssey4me> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:09:29 <serverascode> o/ 16:09:33 <alextricity> here 16:09:35 <oneswig> \o 16:09:37 <palendae> Present 16:09:39 <stevelle> o/ 16:09:41 <javeriak> here 16:09:43 <Sam-I-Am> yay two meetings at once 16:10:17 <mattt> \o 16:10:37 <odyssey4me> sorry for the belated start 16:10:43 <jwagner> o/ 16:10:55 <hughsaunders> hey 16:12:09 <odyssey4me> ok, so a quick review 16:12:17 <odyssey4me> #topic Review action items from last week 16:12:19 <prometheanfire> hi 16:12:50 <odyssey4me> 12.0.1 and 11.2.5 were released 16:13:16 <odyssey4me> we missed a meeting last week - I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving :) 16:13:40 <odyssey4me> #topic Release Planning and Decisions 16:13:51 <odyssey4me> ok, so today we need to make a call of 3 releases 16:13:59 <odyssey4me> #link https://launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+milestone/mitaka-1 16:14:05 <odyssey4me> #link https://launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+milestone/12.0.2 16:14:13 <odyssey4me> #link https://launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+milestone/11.2.6 16:14:55 <odyssey4me> for Mitaka-1 I had hoped that we'd have the upgrade work done by now, but unfortunately that hasn't really happened 16:15:20 <odyssey4me> I think I can safely release it without much issue - any comments/thoughts/questions? 16:16:19 <mattt> odyssey4me: upgrade work? 16:16:44 <odyssey4me> mattt https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/liberty-upgrade-path / https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-upgrade-framework 16:16:58 <odyssey4me> so far we have no-one biting on any of the work 16:17:07 <odyssey4me> no input at all in the etherpad, except my own 16:17:21 <odyssey4me> so we'll have to carry that to the next milestone 16:17:34 <odyssey4me> but I'd really like some input there in the next week, please 16:17:38 <mattt> yeah i think the last thing people are focusd on at the minute is upgrading liberty :P 16:18:13 <odyssey4me> mattt the idea is to prepare an upgrade framework which will act as the basis for all upgrades from now on 16:18:23 <odyssey4me> with the starting point being kilo -> liberty 16:19:06 <mattt> odyssey4me: ok makes sense 16:19:09 <palendae> odyssey4me: I think there was a group inside of Rackspace making a list of concerns for any type of upgrades, not just major -> major. I'm not sure who here is on that team though 16:19:18 <palendae> I know I've passed those links to them 16:20:33 <odyssey4me> palendae sure, and any efforts elsewhere can feed into this over time... but I think we already have some clear needs to work on and OSA can provide the appropriate tooling for downstream consumers to use 16:20:44 <palendae> Yeah 16:23:49 <d34dh0r53> I'm good with 11.2.6 16:23:56 <odyssey4me> I think that 12.0.2 needs https://review.openstack.org/252100 16:24:13 <odyssey4me> and yeah, 11.2.6 I think is good 16:25:05 <javeriak> I'll give 252100 a review 16:25:34 <odyssey4me> thanks javeriak - that'd be great 16:26:09 <odyssey4me> #startvote Release 11.2.6 today? 16:26:10 <openstack> Begin voting on: Release 11.2.6 today? Valid vote options are Yes, No. 16:26:11 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 16:26:47 <odyssey4me> #vote yes 16:26:50 <alextricity> #vote yes 16:26:50 <odyssey4me> #vote Yes 16:26:58 <alextricity> #vote Yes 16:26:58 <alextricity> ? 16:27:06 <odyssey4me> :) it's case sensitive 16:27:11 <javeriak> #vote Yes 16:27:44 <odyssey4me> d34dh0r53 palendae mattt hughsaunders ? 16:27:47 <odyssey4me> cloudnull ? 16:27:50 <mattt> #vote Yes 16:27:57 <mattt> (since i'm not aware of any reason to not release??) 16:28:04 <stevelle> #vote Yes 16:28:23 <cloudnull> #vote Yes 16:28:34 <cloudnull> typie typie 16:28:34 <hughsaunders> #vote yes 16:29:27 <palendae> #vote yes 16:29:44 <odyssey4me> #endvote 16:29:46 <openstack> Voted on "Release 11.2.6 today?" Results are 16:30:01 <odyssey4me> lol 16:30:03 <alextricity> the suspense is killing me 16:30:08 <odyssey4me> oh dear, we broke it 16:30:19 <odyssey4me> I think it's clear. I'll tag after this meeting. 16:30:23 <alextricity> now we will never know 16:30:23 <jwagner> im gonna say its a yes 16:30:26 <cloudnull> pushed till next week 16:30:30 <odyssey4me> next - 16:30:54 <jwagner> i demand a recount! 16:31:02 <d34dh0r53> my chad was hanging 16:31:37 <odyssey4me> #startvote Release 12.0.2 now, or wait until https://review.openstack.org/252100 merges into the Liberty branch? now, wait 16:31:38 <openstack> Begin voting on: Release 12.0.2 now, or wait until https://review.openstack.org/252100 merges into the Liberty branch? Valid vote options are now, wait. 16:31:39 <openstack> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 16:31:52 <odyssey4me> #vote wait 16:32:01 <cloudnull> #vote Yes 16:32:02 <openstack> cloudnull: Yes is not a valid option. Valid options are now, wait. 16:32:14 <cloudnull> #vote Now! 16:32:15 <openstack> cloudnull: Now! is not a valid option. Valid options are now, wait. 16:32:17 <odyssey4me> haha, cloudnull got reprimanded by a bot 16:32:25 <cloudnull> #vote now 16:32:28 <cloudnull> ??? 16:32:48 <cloudnull> thank you openstack 16:32:48 <javeriak> haha oh man... you guys are going to drive the poor bot crazy 16:32:53 <alextricity> #vote wait 16:32:58 <d34dh0r53> #vote wait 16:33:21 <mattt> #vote wait 16:33:43 <BjoernT> #vote Yes 16:33:43 <openstack> BjoernT: Yes is not a valid option. Valid options are now, wait. 16:33:51 <BjoernT> #vote now 16:33:54 <javeriak> #vote now 16:35:00 <stevelle> #vote now 16:35:14 <hughsaunders> #vote wait 16:35:38 <odyssey4me> andymccr ? 16:36:20 <andymccr> #vote now 16:37:07 <odyssey4me> so there is a fair point to be made - tags are cheap, we can tag another release after the patch merges 16:37:13 <palendae> #vote now 16:37:18 <odyssey4me> if that changes anyone's vote, that's cool 16:38:32 <odyssey4me> #endvote 16:38:33 <openstack> Voted on "Release 12.0.2 now, or wait until https://review.openstack.org/252100 merges into the Liberty branch?" Results are 16:38:34 <openstack> now (6): palendae, andymccr, javeriak, BjoernT, stevelle, cloudnull 16:38:35 <openstack> wait (5): alextricity, d34dh0r53, mattt, odyssey4me, hughsaunders 16:38:51 <odyssey4me> alright, I'll tag after the meeting :) 16:39:21 <odyssey4me> we should probably actually discuss under what situations we would hold back a tag 16:39:27 <mattt> i think so 16:39:34 <mattt> because it feels a bit arbitrary at the moment 16:39:34 <odyssey4me> tags are cheap, and perhaps it should only ever be held back for a bug marked critical 16:39:53 <odyssey4me> and critical would be for bugs that result in a seriously broken result 16:39:58 <cloudnull> I'm good with that 16:40:09 <alextricity> Considering this is opensource...that works 16:40:43 <mattt> alextricity: haha 16:40:57 <odyssey4me> :) 16:40:59 <alextricity> but from the deploys perspective, it will suck to pull from the latest release tag only to result in a broken-stack 16:41:14 <odyssey4me> haha, I see what you did there :) 16:41:18 <alextricity> :) 16:42:09 <odyssey4me> all right 16:42:16 <odyssey4me> #topic Open Discussion 16:42:24 <odyssey4me> anyone got anything specific to discuss? 16:42:44 <oneswig> What should we do to get the ball rolling with multi-OS support? 16:42:55 <oneswig> As in, where can I help? 16:43:28 <palendae> oneswig: I think the biggest thing is a spec, and someone willing to spearhead it. As in, lead on the work 16:43:53 <cloudnull> ^ that 16:43:53 <cloudnull> we'd love to see Multi-OS 16:43:59 <BjoernT> +1 16:44:15 <odyssey4me> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-multi-os-support 16:44:17 <alextricity> ^^ That is definitely a good start. 16:44:18 <cloudnull> we just need some folks to want to help out with the work and to maintain it 16:44:23 <odyssey4me> that's the working notes 16:44:42 <BjoernT> I'm a Fedora dude so I'm willing to help here 16:44:49 <alextricity> What is this? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+spec/multi-platform-host 16:44:58 <odyssey4me> we are looking for someone to volunteer as the lead to co-ordinate the work 16:45:13 <palendae> alextricity: afaik that's a placeholder right now 16:45:15 <odyssey4me> we're happy to orientate and coach, but no-one has yet stepped 16:45:17 <odyssey4me> up 16:45:31 <cloudnull> oneswig: I've done some work with RHEL/CentOS too but its a bit hacky at this point. 16:45:44 <odyssey4me> oneswig how do you feel about taking up the lead? 16:45:45 <oneswig> I've previously worked on multi-distro ports of packaging, but won't have time to lead and do justice. 16:45:47 <palendae> cloudnull: Is your Debian stuff up-to-date? 16:45:52 <cloudnull> no 16:45:53 <oneswig> I suggest we break it into pieces and spec those 16:46:15 <odyssey4me> alright, oneswig perhaps you can suggest that in the etherpad? 16:46:17 <cloudnull> oneswig: ++ 16:46:18 <cloudnull> palendae: i should rebase some of that 16:46:27 <cloudnull> for science :) 16:46:34 <odyssey4me> add your thoughts with regards to how the pieces would be broken up - we can all chime in 16:46:36 <palendae> cloudnull: Mostly curious as some of that relates to getting ready for 16.04, too 16:46:37 <oneswig> I'm already in the etherpad - I'll add notes 16:46:44 <palendae> Like systemd 16:46:52 <oneswig> Is there a means of testing what we do? 16:46:58 <oneswig> CI for this stuff? 16:47:01 <odyssey4me> BjoernT you can also add some notes into the etherpad 16:47:09 <cloudnull> palendae: yea. the systemD stuff would be useful to get done 16:47:21 <odyssey4me> prometheanfire as this is of interest for gentoo, I expect you'll have some thoughts too? 16:47:31 <palendae> oneswig: The current gates only do ubuntu right now, but openstack has infrastructure for red hat based distros 16:47:36 <cloudnull> we have a spce for that in Mitaka which I was supposed to work on but IDK if ill have time . 16:48:06 <odyssey4me> palendae yeah, CentOS/Fedora is easy right now in -infra 16:48:33 <palendae> cloudnull: My hunch is Mitaka's gonna miss getting 16.04 based on dates 16:48:49 <cloudnull> i'd agree 16:49:01 <palendae> Also since April is right before May, which I think is when Mitaka's out 16:49:23 <odyssey4me> yep, 16.04 I expect will need to be next cycle 16:50:07 <oneswig> I am busy next week, but will pick up the week after 16:50:51 <cloudnull> oneswig: for general CI in OpenStack infra we're covered. If we get multi-OS convergence we can run tempest against the stack to validate functionality. 16:51:03 <cloudnull> oneswig: sweet ! 16:51:05 <palendae> cloudnull: Does infra allow us to add arbitrary distros? 16:51:24 <palendae> Or is it only Debian/Ubuntu and Red Hatty ones? 16:51:35 <cloudnull> last i remember, yes, if the distro being added was built using their image builder. 16:51:46 <palendae> Ah, right 16:51:49 <cloudnull> i think prometheanfire worked on some of that 16:51:58 <cloudnull> he may know more in that regards. 16:52:09 <odyssey4me> yep, it takes some doing - but is not impossible 16:52:15 <palendae> So there's tooling 16:52:21 <palendae> Which is fine 16:54:06 <odyssey4me> alright, unless anyone wants to raise anything else - we can continue chatting in #openstack-ansible 16:54:11 <odyssey4me> thank you all for your time today! 16:54:36 <alextricity> maybe someone smarter than me can take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1522250 16:54:37 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1522250 in openstack-ansible "Ceilometer compute namespace drivers not loading" [Undecided,New] 16:54:42 <alextricity> no rush though 16:55:10 <odyssey4me> stevelle ^ ? 16:56:43 <cloudnull> he may know more in that regards. / 16:56:48 <cloudnull> sorry ... . 16:56:51 <cloudnull> alextricity: is that liberty 16:56:53 <stevelle> I'm thick in some other things right now with my ceilo workspace, testing that has to wait for me to clean it up a bit 16:57:10 <stevelle> I did see it show up, and do intend to test it though 16:57:23 <alextricity> im' working from master, but it probably affects liberty too 16:57:37 <alextricity> I'm going to try it without venv to see if that fixes 16:57:39 <alextricity> it 16:57:41 <cloudnull> ah. so python-libvirt likely needs to be installed in the venv 16:57:47 <alextricity> probably 16:58:19 <cloudnull> source the venv and install the libs to see if its fixed 16:58:23 <alextricity> I'm little bit of a python noob when it comes to packaging things 16:58:49 <alextricity> will do 16:58:51 <stevelle> sounds legit 16:58:57 <cloudnull> once you activate the venv, you can pip install python-libvirt and other things if needed 16:59:18 <alextricity> sounds easy enough :) 16:59:23 <cloudnull> if that fixes it, we can add the package to the ceilometer role and itll get picked up automatically. 16:59:29 <odyssey4me> alrighty, we need to clear the room for the next meeting 16:59:35 <odyssey4me> thanks all :) 16:59:40 <alextricity> thank you! 16:59:44 <odyssey4me> #endmeeting