16:00:00 <mhayden> #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:00:01 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 8 16:00:00 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mhayden. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:00:09 <mhayden> #topic Roll Call 16:00:13 <palendae> o/ 16:00:13 * mhayden toots 16:00:14 <asettle> o/ 16:00:25 <andymccr> o/ 16:01:12 * mhayden starts banging pots and pans together 16:01:30 <mhayden> JOIN THE MEETING OR I'LL REBASE 20 MORE PATCHES 16:01:33 <mhayden> :P 16:01:44 <mgariepy> o/ 16:02:05 <andymccr> mhayden: i've cleaned my hands of that :P i believe i have reviewed all of them now 16:02:31 <logan-> o/ 16:02:46 <jmccrory> o/ 16:02:56 * mhayden will give it til 16:05 16:02:57 <cathrichardson> o/ 16:03:21 <mhayden> perhaps asettle can bestow a GIF upon us to warm things up 16:03:26 <asettle> Oh 16:03:27 <asettle> hold up 16:03:53 <evrardjp> o/ 16:04:16 <asettle> https://media.giphy.com/media/m80Q4HTDNPFHq/giphy.gif 16:04:20 <asettle> DANG IT GIPHY 16:04:26 <mhayden> nicely done 16:04:36 <mhayden> okay, let's get rolling 16:04:44 <mhayden> #topic Review action items 16:04:57 <mhayden> first up is -- andymccr to promote the upgrade jobs 16:05:01 <andymccr> done! 16:05:05 <asettle> http://www.pbh2.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/funny-gif-nobody-got-time-for-that.gif 16:05:05 <mhayden> woot 16:05:08 <asettle> HA PERFECT 16:05:11 <asettle> Here all week 16:05:17 <mhayden> asettle: the time for gifs has passed -- my business socks are on 16:05:23 <asettle> I'm sorry :( 16:05:29 <mhayden> asettle: i'm kidding :P 16:05:37 <evrardjp> I am not 16:05:41 <mhayden> okay, next is everyone to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/400579/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/404125/ 16:05:43 <asettle> :P 16:05:44 <evrardjp> :p 16:05:49 <andymccr> done, since one merged 16:05:53 <andymccr> the battle of mergery has completed 16:05:58 <mhayden> it appears that the battle has completed 16:06:13 <mhayden> two patches enter, one patch leaves with workflow ;) 16:06:31 <mhayden> next is reviewing the inventory patches -> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/openstack-ansible+topic:%5Einventory.*+status:open 16:06:44 <mhayden> looks like there's one in the queue with a -1 from stevelle 16:07:16 <mhayden> palendae replied, so we might need more comments from stevelle and neillc 16:07:25 <andymccr> and git-harry 16:07:30 <palendae> Yep 16:07:31 <mhayden> yup 16:07:42 <palendae> A lot of them merged last week 16:07:51 <mhayden> last one is spotz to add a reno for removing trusty 16:07:51 <andymccr> another great success then 16:08:02 <mhayden> spotz: i thought i saw that one go in 16:08:18 <spotz> mhayden: It merged, we were talking about a newton patch as well 16:08:49 <mhayden> cool beans 16:09:10 <mhayden> rolling to the next agenda item... https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:09:21 <mhayden> #topic Release Planning & Decisions - andymccr 16:09:26 <andymccr> ok! 16:09:35 <andymccr> so next week is milestone 2 for Ocata, and another release for newton/mitaka 16:09:51 <andymccr> Liberty is being EOL'd (there is an email from Tony B regarding that) 16:09:57 <andymccr> so that'll happen soon 16:10:04 <andymccr> but as always, if there are urgent prs let me know 16:10:05 <mhayden> lots of changes 16:10:15 <andymccr> I'm going to try get the milestone 2 in mid week as opposed to the end of week rush :) 16:10:24 <mhayden> FWIW, 14.0.3 works great from upgrading from 13.3.9 ;) 16:10:39 <andymccr> but so far, aside from Ceilometer we have had SHA bumps go in successfully for all other projects in the integrated build 16:10:58 <andymccr> mhayden: excellent. on trusty i assume? 16:11:03 <mhayden> right 16:11:10 <mhayden> the trusty -> xenial upgrade was... painful 16:11:18 <mhayden> and i have a control plane node that needs to be reinstalled :| 16:11:19 <andymccr> yeah we found a bug (thanks to upgrade tests) in xenial for nova 16:11:20 <andymccr> which is now fixed 16:11:34 <andymccr> will be in the release next week 16:11:48 <mhayden> anything else on releases? anyone have any patches that need merging prior to next release? 16:12:11 <logan-> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408677/ will need to go in the next newton tag 16:12:35 <andymccr> ok 16:12:49 <andymccr> #action review and backport https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408677/ (and review the backport!) 16:13:11 <andymccr> if some cores could star that to review it later so we can get it in for next week that'd be appreciated 16:14:07 <adreznec> I wouldn't mind landing this one as well https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407607/ 16:14:22 <adreznec> It already has one +2, so if another core could take a look I'd appreciate it! 16:14:48 <andymccr> #action review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407607/ before release 16:14:53 <andymccr> will take a look at both those 16:15:30 <mhayden> okay, anything else? 16:16:21 <palendae> https://launchpad.net/bugs/1643680 and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/407655/ will need some eyes as potential issues for upgrading 16:16:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1643680 in openstack-ansible "Shift to using dashes instead of underscores for container names" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Nolan Brubaker (nolan-brubaker) 16:16:49 <palendae> The review I'm still working on, but the bug overall will require renaming all the groups in the environment...I think we could use some more thoughts on that 16:18:09 <andymccr> palendae: im not sure that one will make the release next week 16:18:15 <palendae> andymccr: Nor am I 16:18:22 <palendae> In fact I'm sure it won't 16:18:27 <odyssey4me> palendae I've posed a question about why the group rename is required in the bug. 16:18:30 <palendae> I'm fine with deferring, but it's also a huge change 16:18:35 <andymccr> hahah ok good just ensuring its not deemed critical for next release 16:19:03 <palendae> odyssey4me: Ah, ok 16:20:14 <mhayden> good on this topic for now? 16:20:39 <andymccr> gonna go with yes in that case :) 16:20:42 <mhayden> WOOT 16:20:49 <mhayden> #topic Blueprint work 16:21:01 <mhayden> on the security role front, there are 6 controls left to propose 16:21:13 <mhayden> 57 are pending review -> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/openstack-ansible-security+branch:master+topic:bp/security-rhel7-stig 16:21:45 <mhayden> once that's done, i'll go backt through and look for missing tags and other random broken things 16:21:47 <mhayden> and i'll need testers 16:22:04 <mhayden> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/openstack-ansible-security+branch:master+topic:bp/security-rhel7-stig 16:22:23 <mhayden> any review help there would be awesome... merge conflicts might pop up but i'll try to get those resolved quickly 16:23:11 <logan-> thanks mhayden. will start looking thru them 16:23:20 <mhayden> logan-: thanks mucho! 16:23:30 <mhayden> and thanks to everyone who has been working through those 16:23:40 <mhayden> i'll likely start getting onto octavia once this settles down 16:23:58 <mhayden> asettle: anything to talk about here with regard to the ops guide? 16:24:29 <andymccr> mhayden: she's not about atm - but i know they're going ahead after tomorrow - so any feedback on the ops guide "outline" needs to be in by end of play tomorrow! 16:24:44 <andymccr> thanks to those who have, i know evrardjp and jmccrory put some feedback in. 16:25:23 <mhayden> sounds good 16:25:26 <mhayden> anything else on blueprints? 16:25:38 <andymccr> so on the ugprade testing 16:25:40 <andymccr> there are 2 reviews left 16:25:48 <mhayden> andymccr: got a link? 16:25:55 <andymccr> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/upgrade-testing 16:26:05 <andymccr> they are working now, so any reviews would be appreciated 16:26:50 <andymccr> oh and on trusty removal 16:27:17 <andymccr> i know odyssey4me added a PR for the main repo, I've added a "POC" for swift: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/trusty-removal 16:28:24 <mhayden> nice 16:28:28 <mhayden> okay... 16:28:31 <mhayden> #topic Open floor 16:28:38 <mhayden> anything else anyone wants to bring up? 16:29:12 <odyssey4me> IT'd be nice to have some review on these backports: https://review.openstack.org/408540 & https://review.openstack.org/406803 16:30:03 <andymccr> there is one topic of discussion around the OVS.dvr work and the groups assignments for that 16:30:20 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1645979 16:30:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1645979 in openstack-ansible "neutron_l3_agent and neutron_l3_metadata groups include physical host" [Undecided,New] 16:30:42 <andymccr> ahh yeah - automagically isn't here, so we might have to table that until we can get Travis involved 16:31:05 <evrardjp> k 16:31:33 <evrardjp> we cannot postpone for too long, so let's give a deadline for this discussion 16:31:59 <andymccr> short version - we'd like to remove the grouping by default, and anybody using OVS.dvr should add it manually (like we do for cinder in a container and a few others) - which we add docs for 16:32:14 <evrardjp> alextricity25: would like to have input on this if I'm not mistaken :p 16:32:40 <alextricity25> +1 16:33:01 <alextricity25> Thanks evrardjp 16:33:08 <evrardjp> hehe yw 16:33:31 <michaelgugino> just wanted to say hello. I've been mia for the last few weeks, busy with internal stuff. But I'm still here 16:33:41 <andymccr> i know a lot of the discussion has happened in the bug, so perhaps we can continue this there, and I'll ping automagically to review once more 16:33:52 <odyssey4me> :) I've been somewhat tied up mysefl 16:33:53 <odyssey4me> *myself 16:33:54 <andymccr> michaelgugino: nice to see you back 16:34:04 <evrardjp> michaelgugino: good to hear, there is nova-lxd that was missing some love :p 16:34:15 <evrardjp> joke aside, glad to see you here michaelgugino :D 16:34:27 <michaelgugino> :) What's happening with nova-lxd? 16:34:42 <michaelgugino> We're going to start a poc internally at some point in the near future, or so I'm told 16:35:06 <evrardjp> andymccr: if we agree with the approach, we can go for a patch and fix it, and discuss in the review with Travis 16:35:51 <andymccr> evrardjp: im ok with that, im just concerned there are others using that - and we need to make sure we're not creating an upgrade nightmare 16:36:54 <logan-> evrardjp: i agree it would be good to get a review in asap so we can try to get something in the ocata milestone and into a newton tag soon after that 16:37:04 <andymccr> it'd have to wait for ocata m3 16:37:21 <andymccr> the turn around is too short, but thats ok since we're just doing milestones at the moment (in my opinion) 16:38:07 <andymccr> ok so is there a volunteer to propose the patch for that? 16:38:15 <andymccr> i mean its a simple one really - depending on the approach 16:39:25 <logan-> i'll work on it. 16:39:51 <andymccr> thanks logan-! 16:39:52 <logan-> the group change is easy, will have to work up some docs in the neutron role as well 16:39:58 <evrardjp> oh thanks for devoting yourself on this one logan- :D 16:40:02 <evrardjp> I'll review it then 16:41:09 <andymccr> logan-: we're adding some comments to the bug 16:41:15 <andymccr> i think i have a new idea that may work for that 16:41:15 <odyssey4me> can always just use an add_host task to add the host to the group conditionally 16:41:52 <odyssey4me> ie if you're using dvr, then add the compute host into the grou 16:41:53 <odyssey4me> *group 16:43:05 <andymccr> ok i think we're done on that 16:43:13 <logan-> that might work well. i'll look at that odyssey4me 16:43:14 <evrardjp> agreed andymccr 16:43:38 <evrardjp> add_host seem the best, you can do it based on facts and all funsies 16:43:47 <andymccr> seems cleanest and simplest if possible 16:43:58 <evrardjp> the hardest in that patch is the release note 16:45:45 <andymccr> ok i think we're done here - mhayden do the honours? 16:45:53 <mhayden> WOOT 16:45:56 <mhayden> thanks everyone 16:45:57 <mhayden> #endmeeting