16:04:02 <evrardjp> #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:04:03 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 7 16:04:02 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is evrardjp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:04:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:04:23 <evrardjp> spotz: seems I am still here. 16:04:35 <spotz> evrardjp: yep:) 16:04:38 <evrardjp> #topic rollcall 16:05:51 <evrardjp> o/ 16:06:01 <evrardjp> #topic Last week highlights 16:06:30 <evrardjp> spotz: there seem to be something weird with the bot though. 16:06:42 <spotz> o/ 16:06:52 <evrardjp> it doesn't seem to ack my commands 16:06:54 <evrardjp> weirdly 16:07:05 <evrardjp> let's continue and hope things are logged 16:07:13 <spotz> Yeah noticed that in the woo meeting 16:07:50 <evrardjp> evrardjp and odyssey4me thanked jrosser for the work done in Bionic 16:08:01 <evrardjp> odyssey4me: reminded that there is more work to be done 16:08:31 <evrardjp> hwoarang reminded that leap 15 work is blocked due to mariadb, lxc, and sudo 16:08:44 <evrardjp> evrardjp reminded that RC1 is this week 16:09:09 <evrardjp> and evrardjp asked to fill the etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-stein-ptg 16:09:17 <bgmccollum> o/ 16:09:20 <evrardjp> is there any other last week highlights? 16:09:27 <evrardjp> if not let's go to bugs 16:09:33 <evrardjp> #topic bugtriage 16:09:46 <evrardjp> please see our usual etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-bugtriage 16:09:53 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785824 16:09:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785824 in openstack-ansible "Octavia fails on octavia-housekeeping group binding" [Undecided,New] 16:10:55 <evrardjp> I am asking more details about the openstack_user_config, as this seems an inventory issue 16:11:19 <johnsom> This was just a mis-configured host networking I think... Ping the user, I'm pretty sure they resolved that issue on their own 16:12:08 <evrardjp> johnsom: I wouldn't be surprised about a user configuration issue. 16:12:11 <evrardjp> let's move on 16:12:20 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785651 16:12:20 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785651 in openstack-ansible "P->Q Upgrade - Nova cert shows as down" [Undecided,New] 16:13:06 <evrardjp> I guess we need some cleanup of haproxy from P to Q as a service looks removed? 16:13:28 <evrardjp> I am not aware of what nova-cert does, and if it really was included in nova-api . Proves my internal knowledge of nova. 16:13:29 <evrardjp> :p 16:14:36 <openstackgerrit> Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/queens: Fix log compression https://review.openstack.org/589536 16:14:46 <openstackgerrit> Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack/openstack-ansible stable/pike: Fix log compression https://review.openstack.org/589537 16:14:58 <evrardjp> https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/d6d5c6be0cc0738bb7d67ca8391e5cc4f0a419f2 16:15:15 <evrardjp> I'd say confirmed and medium, as we need to remove things in haproxy, which we haven't done. 16:15:53 <bgmccollum> And the containers 16:16:06 <bgmccollum> And the service entry in Nova? 16:16:57 <evrardjp> well the thing is... I don't see anything in haproxy configuration 16:17:09 <evrardjp> so I guess it's probably only the containers and service entries 16:18:00 <bgmccollum> Maybe the inventory too? I went thought this myself, and forget all the places I had to clean up... 16:18:17 <evrardjp> we can mark it as confirmed then 16:18:25 <evrardjp> first hand experience there :p 16:19:22 <cloudnull> o/ 16:19:29 <evrardjp> nova_cert is still in the inventory 16:19:42 <evrardjp> omg 16:19:46 <evrardjp> in rocky 16:19:47 <evrardjp> that's fun. 16:20:34 <evrardjp> confirmed medium? 16:21:04 <evrardjp> it doesn't hurt it's just ugly so I'd say "fix when convenient" is appropriate 16:21:19 <bgmccollum> its not hurting anything, its just the ocata-era nova-cert starts up, then fails because of object version mismatch or somethings...and quietly goes away 16:21:30 <evrardjp> ok 16:21:42 <evrardjp> let's move on 16:21:45 <evrardjp> https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785646 16:21:45 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785646 in openstack-ansible "Cleanup of haproxy files could be more obvious" [Undecided,New] 16:21:47 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785646 16:22:42 <evrardjp> confirmed wishlist? 16:22:51 <evrardjp> it's a bug pending to happen basically 16:23:16 <evrardjp> anyone agrees? 16:23:28 <bgmccollum> another doesn't hurt? 16:23:49 <evrardjp> bgmccollum: not sure what you mean 16:24:18 <bgmccollum> it doesn't break anything if the service is gone from the openstack side, but the haproxy config still exists... 16:24:36 <evrardjp> that's true 16:24:48 <evrardjp> so confirmed wishlist? 16:24:53 <bgmccollum> sure 16:25:10 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785592 16:25:10 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785592 in openstack-ansible "dynamic inventory doesn't handle is_metal: false->true change" [Undecided,New] 16:25:19 <evrardjp> (I have to go soon though) 16:25:44 <evrardjp> cloudnull: could you have a look at this ^ ? 16:25:55 <cloudnull> sure 16:25:59 <cloudnull> assign that one to me 16:26:19 <jrosser> that felt very very similar to one we patched previously 16:26:26 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785517 16:26:26 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785517 in openstack-ansible "iptables checksum-fill causing kernel warning error stack" [Undecided,New] 16:27:25 <evrardjp> that sounds like invalid 16:27:30 <evrardjp> cloudnull: can you confirm? 16:27:48 <bgmccollum> This is the kernel-deubg slowdown issue, right? 16:28:03 <cloudnull> evrardjp that kernel one seems valid 16:28:18 <evrardjp> yes but not in that sense I'd say 16:28:20 <cloudnull> cent7 seems to have debug logging enabled by default 16:28:33 <bgmccollum> Exacerbated by the checksumming? 16:28:40 <evrardjp> cloudnull: I have submitted a patch for that 16:28:53 <cloudnull> the checksumming is something that we should probably have a look at. 16:28:59 <cloudnull> we may not even need that anymore 16:29:25 <evrardjp> that's probably true 16:29:59 <evrardjp> but that can be an user configuration, and with my patch explaining the change for centos, we should be good, right? 16:30:04 <evrardjp> so I should mark this as invalid? 16:30:19 <evrardjp> or I keep this for the checksum investigation? 16:30:31 * cloudnull hasn't seen your patch 16:30:36 <cloudnull> however it sounds like it covers this 16:30:50 <cloudnull> or if i have seen it I dont remember 16:31:07 <bgmccollum> other distros with kernel-debug not enabled do not exhibit this problem 16:31:36 <cloudnull> or maybe they are and we're just not seeing it ? 16:31:45 <evrardjp> cloudnull: I think that's the case 16:31:47 <cloudnull> as in we're not seeing the logs 16:31:48 <evrardjp> we are not seeing it 16:31:51 <cloudnull> ++ 16:31:55 <cloudnull> I would believe that 16:31:57 <evrardjp> and it doesn't hurt that much on iops 16:32:01 <bgmccollum> i though the slowdown was the massive amount of logging happening 16:32:08 <evrardjp> yes 16:32:09 * bgmccollum shrugs 16:32:11 <evrardjp> that's waht I'd say 16:32:17 <cloudnull> however I'd also believe its just a crusty old cent7 issue :) 16:32:21 <evrardjp> so if no logging, better behavior 16:32:26 <evrardjp> haha 16:32:44 <evrardjp> cloudnull: for fun we should set it to 7 1 4 7 everywhere 16:32:58 <evrardjp> in the meantime I mark this as fix released 16:32:58 <bgmccollum> for science 16:33:03 <cloudnull> ++ 16:33:05 <evrardjp> bgmccollum: for science! 16:33:16 <evrardjp> fix comitted* 16:33:21 <evrardjp> I have to go 16:33:26 <evrardjp> can someone take over from here? 16:34:34 <spotz> Let me find the link evrardjp 16:34:42 <evrardjp> spotz: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-bugtriage 16:34:50 <evrardjp> we are there: 16:34:53 <evrardjp> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785386 16:34:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785386 in openstack-ansible "Integration of Swift and Manila with Openstack-ansible having Ceph backend?" [High,New] 16:34:58 <evrardjp> I have to run 16:35:00 <evrardjp> ttyl everyone 16:35:04 <evrardjp> #chair spotz 16:35:04 <spotz> go I got it 16:35:05 <openstack> Current chairs: evrardjp spotz 16:35:18 <evrardjp> thanks spotz :) 16:35:25 <cloudnull> later evrardjp 16:35:42 <spotz> Ok so looking at it what are the opinions? 16:36:03 <spotz> Sounds kinda wishlist to me 16:36:20 <bgmccollum> Not too familiar with Ceph, but shouldn't it "just work" if the rados gateway is deployed? 16:37:00 <spotz> I'm taking it as they'd like a config option? 16:37:23 <spotz> Now they shouldn't have changed it to high importance but another issue:) 16:37:56 <spotz> odyssey4me cloudnull jrosser? 16:38:20 <jrosser> well quite a few of these things seem to fall into the "user story" category maybe 16:38:34 <jrosser> as in its probably all possible given the right config 16:38:43 <bgmccollum> is manilla even an OSA deployable project? 16:38:47 <spotz> If it can be done already it's a docs issue. But not sure 16:38:59 <odyssey4me> it makes absolutely no sense to 'integrate swift' with ceph 16:39:08 <cloudnull> I think andymccr was working on that role? 16:39:08 <odyssey4me> and manila is not something we have a role for 16:39:23 <bgmccollum> well there you go...wish list? 16:39:34 <spotz> Or won't fix 16:39:41 <odyssey4me> well, as the question is posed there - it can be answered 16:39:57 <odyssey4me> There is no manila role in OSA. We would welcome a contribution. 16:40:51 <spotz> Ok changing to wishlist, and I'll mention the no manila role. Even if it doesn't make sense could they config ceph and swift? 16:40:54 <odyssey4me> And Swift is not something that you integrate on top of Ceph. Please look at Ceph RGW if you want a swift API with a ceph back-end. 16:41:13 <bgmccollum> I think that is the spirit of what he is asking... 16:41:35 <bgmccollum> But without a Manila role, there is nothing to more to provide. 16:42:09 <jrosser> bitrotted stuff here https://github.com/bkreitch/openstack-ansible-os_manila 16:42:30 <spotz> reply - There is not currently a Manila role within OpenStack-Ansible. We would readily accept a contribution of this role. Swift is not something that is integrated on top of Ceph. Please look at Ceph RGW if you want a swift API with a ceph back-end. 16:43:06 <bgmccollum> sounds good to me 16:43:15 <spotz> jrosser: But we can't support someone else's and I don't think we want to point folks to non-supported repos? 16:43:16 <odyssey4me> interesting, that role might be nice to import and iterate 16:43:33 <cloudnull> https://github.com/andymcc/openstack-ansible-os_manila 16:43:37 <jrosser> spotz: of course, looks like someones had a bash though 16:43:40 <cloudnull> oh sorry. 16:44:01 <spotz> Now Andy's is another story:), but anyone know the status? 16:44:17 <odyssey4me> andymccr's is clearly nothing more than scaffolding 16:44:31 <odyssey4me> and andymccr is unlikely to continue work on it given his work changes 16:44:53 <spotz> Ok I went with wish-list and what I posted in channel let me get the next one 16:45:06 <spotz> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785365 16:45:06 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785365 in openstack-ansible "LXC container network slow because of kernel debug mesg" [Undecided,New] 16:45:54 <spotz> 15 minute warning FYI 16:46:02 <spotz> cloudnull: you have any thoughts? 16:46:33 <cloudnull> that was the same issue evrardjp touched on a bit ago 16:46:35 <cloudnull> maybe duplicate 16:47:23 <spotz> I'll make a note in the etherpad for JP to take a look. Let me get the next one 16:47:50 <spotz> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1785068 16:47:51 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1785068 in openstack-ansible "os_glance : Ensure glance service" [Undecided,New] 16:48:47 <spotz> Looks like he's included info anout his setup and config settings 16:48:55 <jrosser> external and internal vip same -> bzzzzt 16:49:40 <jrosser> that never ends well 16:50:27 <spotz> ok told him that marked invalid and asked him to retry 16:50:37 <spotz> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1784949 16:50:37 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1784949 in openstack-ansible "Queen issue adding compute nodes " [Undecided,New] 16:50:40 <spotz> Next:) 16:55:15 <spotz> Has anyone done an upgrade to queens and run into this? 16:55:58 <odyssey4me> not me, but this issue is not unique to queens or an upgrade 16:56:16 <spotz> True bug or something we should document? 16:56:19 <bgmccollum> Sounds like he didn't run the setup-hosts.yml playbook? 16:56:32 <bgmccollum> Or not... 16:56:33 <bgmccollum> :. 16:56:44 <odyssey4me> the issue is that the tasks which do the linking seem to have not ran - there's not enough here to diagnose anything 16:57:19 <jrosser> if we can point to where the venv should get pulled in and ask for confirmation thats been run, and debug output if it doesnt do anything? 16:57:24 <odyssey4me> we pushed this up recently: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/Id962efe16c425424715409f071c4a304f8416001 16:58:28 <jrosser> "I found i don't have /openstack/venvs/nova-17.0.8 directory" <- the whole thing is missing though? 16:58:35 <odyssey4me> so all that stuff is done after the venv is downloaed and extracted 16:58:40 <spotz> Well May 31st, I would think he had that patch? 16:58:49 <odyssey4me> which means that somehow this person got to that task without the venv being there 16:59:00 <spotz> Ok let me ask him for his steps and maybe he missed a step? 16:59:35 <spotz> This is going to be the last one we get to today 16:59:51 <odyssey4me> so basically there should be a failed task somewhere around the venv deployment, or the task was skipped for whatever reason - either way, the reporter need to provide more info 17:00:54 <spotz> ok asked for steps and for them to look for failed tasks. And we're out of time 17:00:59 <spotz> #endmeeting