16:01:15 #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:01:15 o/ 16:01:15 Meeting started Tue Oct 2 16:01:15 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is odyssey4me. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:19 The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:01:19 sure!! i am hungry :) 16:01:19 You're late by 1 whole minute odyssey4me! 16:01:28 o/ 16:01:30 spotz: :p 16:01:34 \o/ 16:01:36 :) 16:01:45 #topic rollcall 16:02:07 o/ 16:02:22 I'll give it 5 mins to give time for people to switch gears. :) 16:02:28 o/ 16:02:42 * cloudnull gears switched 16:04:18 o/ 16:05:30 nicolasbock: signed your keys/ids 16:06:06 alright... 16:06:14 #topic what happened since last meeting 16:06:29 mchandras: Proposed distro job for ceph deployments and needs votes to get it in. Also restored lxc and ceph deployments for SUSE. Also needs votes :) 16:06:41 Merged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_keystone master: Update deprecated option https://review.openstack.org/607084 16:06:49 mnaser: please fill this etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-stein-ptg 16:07:00 evrardjp: Making Ocata "extended maintenance" (This would add ocata-em tag, not closing the branch). See also: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20180301-stable-branch-eol.html . No real value for us, what do we point to for upstream repos (IMO, the ocata-em upstream tags when available, else the stable branch it is attached to). 16:07:26 does anyone have any particular highlights to raise? 16:08:04 none from me 16:08:10 * cloudnull has no ocata clouds 16:08:41 I think those items may be a bit dated, because we discussed them in last week's meetings. 16:08:44 But meh. 16:09:35 alright, let's move on then 16:09:38 #topic bug triage 16:09:51 it's a reasonably short list 16:09:53 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 16:10:08 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1782388 16:10:08 Launchpad bug 1782388 in openstack-ansible "Installing Multipath But Not Enabling In Nova Causes Volume Attachment Failures" [Undecided,New] 16:10:19 bgmccollum: you around? 16:10:57 interesting note at the bottom of that bug 16:11:08 looks like that might be something actionable if anyone wants to pick it up? 16:11:20 confirmed/medium ? 16:11:40 sounds good to me 16:11:56 ++ 16:12:04 I'd say high 16:12:13 basically cinder + nova is broken atm 16:12:29 * cloudnull if im reading that bug correctly 16:12:34 fair point - we should perhaps instrument setting things up the right way using some sort of driver model 16:12:51 but perhaps also detect whether multipath is implemented, and set the right things 16:13:13 anyone got some time to work that out? 16:13:46 In my lab I use NFS so I haven't seen this issue but i suspect this is an LVM specific issue 16:13:59 probably not something we'd see in ceph 16:14:04 yeah, very likely 16:14:18 ok, moving on 16:14:23 so maybe those options need to be used when the volume backend is LVM 16:14:26 https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1794337 16:14:27 Launchpad bug 1794337 in openstack-ansible "Apache and Horizon configs not automatically turning off SSL when overridden" [Undecided,New] 16:14:29 bgmccollum it'd be great to confirm 16:15:36 Oh that one was mine;) 16:16:04 So the hack works, just not sure it's the actual fix we want to implement 16:16:12 cloudnull: yeah, I commented the suggested approach in the bug. 16:16:28 ++ 16:16:42 spotz: thanks for noting it - I've seen several confused users trying not to use SSL and it doesn't work, so this is pretty important 16:16:55 I'd say confirmed, high. 16:18:06 Any objections? 16:18:17 And anyone available to pick that up? 16:18:44 no objections from me 16:18:50 I'll pick it up if someone wants to point me in the right direction:) 16:19:06 Cause hacking by spotz may not be the best idea:) 16:19:23 spotz: sounds good. we can go through reviews if you post something on gerrit 16:19:48 spotz: I expect there may just need to be a conditional check around some of the content. 16:20:22 It'll give me something to look at at the horse show this weekend 16:20:30 thanks spotz 16:20:46 next up https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1794525 16:20:46 Launchpad bug 1794525 in openstack-ansible "Upgrade fails when having cinder_qos_specs defined" [Undecided,New] 16:21:12 Nicolas Bock proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Added suse vars https://review.openstack.org/607304 16:21:32 oh that reminds of something 16:21:46 :/ it'd be nice to replace this with a module instead 16:21:47 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/561218/ 16:22:23 does the openstack cli support the qos functions? 16:22:50 the bug seems confirmed then 16:23:07 possibly yeah 16:23:17 I'd say high priority then, given this is broken functionality. 16:23:48 ok 16:24:25 I can pick this up after the meeting. 16:24:47 next up https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1794613 16:24:47 Launchpad bug 1794613 in openstack-ansible "Rocky setup hosts fails to recreate destroyed container" [Undecided,New] 16:25:06 Question about the internal/external LB IP that you define. If I'm not planning on having this publically accessible and its only internal, can the internal/external just be the same IP? 16:25:31 it seems he's missing lxc_hosts group on re-creation 16:26:03 skiedude: we're in a bug triage meeting - we'll be done in 30 mins if you're happy to hang tight 16:26:09 noonedeadpunk: that is true 16:26:10 ah ok, cheers 16:26:12 could that be related to the new lxc2 vs lxc3 config migrations ? 16:26:34 noonedeadpunk: oh actually, there's no limit in the recreation 16:27:01 I'll answer skiedude in DM, I know this one:) 16:27:58 cloudnull: yeah, it may be related - not sure 16:28:08 anyone got a chance to try recreating the issue 16:28:56 hm, interesting thing is his environment... 16:29:46 ok, I'll leave this as a new bug given it's unconfirmed 16:29:54 probably we should ask for more details to have a chance for reproducing? 16:30:23 well, it seems to me that the steps are there - if someone else can't reproduce, then ask 16:30:52 do we suggest that he uses master branch? 16:31:26 as with queens/rocky I never faced with such problem. But generally I agree with your point 16:31:36 I think this was rocky IIRC. 16:31:49 ioni has been testing Q->R upgrades 16:32:26 ok, moving on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1794688 16:32:26 Launchpad bug 1794688 in openstack-ansible "Rocky upgrade nova_oslomsg_notify_host_group' is undefined" [Undecided,New] 16:32:58 this is definitely true, and some work needs to be done to get ceilometer working again 16:33:15 Merged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/pike: Bump SHA to fix flipping screens in spicehtml5 https://review.openstack.org/606949 16:33:58 I may try to work on it 16:34:06 noonedeadpunk: that'd be great, thank you 16:34:14 confirmed/medium? 16:34:56 I suppose yes 16:35:35 ok, that's it for today 16:35:39 #topic open discussion 16:35:48 Anyone got anything to raise for discussion? 16:36:15 We need to start a Berlin etherpad if we haven't yet, so we know who's coming, sessions and so on 16:36:44 spotz: cool, could you fire one up and add it to the agend for the next meeting? 16:36:57 odyssey4me: Yep 16:37:23 spotz: gimme link when done 16:38:12 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OSA-berlin-planning prometheanfire 16:38:37 thanks spotz 16:38:42 May I also participate in discussion with it 16:38:42 German Eichberger proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_octavia master: Break out config files for each octavia service https://review.openstack.org/603228 16:38:48 ? 16:38:53 noonedeadpunk: of course 16:39:31 alright, if there's nothing else I'll close the meeting 16:40:04 #closemeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:40:16 #endmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting