16:00:14 <mnaser> #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:00:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 19 16:00:14 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnaser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:00:18 <guilhermesp> o/ 16:00:21 <mnaser> #topic rollcall 16:00:22 <mnaser> o/ 16:00:24 <evrardjp> o/ 16:00:25 <admin0> \o 16:00:28 <chandankumar> \o/ 16:00:39 <jrosser> hello! 16:00:54 <fnpanic> hi 16:02:38 <mnaser> #topic highlights from last week 16:02:47 <mnaser> anyone want to start sharing some of the work they did last week ? :) 16:02:59 <prometheanfire> o/ 16:03:59 <guilhermesp> I think the bug squash days were a success. We should keep the mood 16:04:17 <mnaser> i think so too, it was awesome, we burned down through so much stuff 16:04:30 <mnaser> unfortunately i couldnt participate as much as i would have but hey that's life 16:04:41 <evrardjp> sorry I couldn't attend to that 16:04:49 <evrardjp> it's been epic here 16:05:08 <jrosser> the bug day was great 16:05:25 <mnaser> i think it was just fun as well because we got to hack on plenty of things and i twas pretty feel-good overall :p 16:05:25 <evrardjp> other highlights is that releasing will be easier in the future 16:05:42 <evrardjp> mnaser: damn you're hitting my FOMO nerve 16:05:42 <guilhermesp> are we going to keep the idea? 16:05:59 <mnaser> guilhermesp: i think maybe one every few weeks or so is better than like 16:06:07 <mnaser> a bug triage every meeting 16:06:15 <guilhermesp> sounds good 16:06:16 <mnaser> i dunno, thoughts? 16:06:36 <guilhermesp> I think once a month and keep the bug triage every meeting 16:07:27 <mnaser> yeah maybe we could do that 16:07:46 <evrardjp> guilhermesp: some bugs need fast triaging 16:07:46 <mnaser> other than that, any other last week updates to talk about? 16:08:05 <jrosser> i have been digging at heat/magnum after a few folks had trouble with all the endpoint stuff 16:08:07 <guilhermesp> yes evrardjp that's why is important to keep in the meeting too every week 16:08:29 <evrardjp> guilhermesp: sorry I don't know why I pinged you.. We were agreeing with each other :) 16:08:45 <guilhermesp> evrardjp: np! 16:09:13 <guilhermesp> jrosser: I saw you asked a question in openstack-containers 16:09:22 <jrosser> yes, it's all a bit quiet in there 16:09:24 <guilhermesp> but no reply till now 16:09:45 <guilhermesp> maybe tag strigazi 16:09:45 <mnaser> jrosser: can i help? 16:09:52 <mnaser> i have contributed a bunch to magnum 16:09:58 <mnaser> i can help make the appropriate fixes if they need to be done 16:10:11 <jrosser> i'm sure, can we catch up after the meeting, i've found a few things i don't understand in the code 16:10:17 <mnaser> sure 16:10:20 <mnaser> happy to 16:10:30 <jrosser> i think i've found a bug in heat about the endpoints too 16:10:36 <odyssey4me> o/ 16:10:57 <mnaser> ok, i'd be happy to ping the right people to get those fixed up 16:11:43 <chandankumar> jrosser: http://logs.openstack.org/94/630694/13/check/openstack-ansible-deploy-aio_metal_heat-centos-7/bb028ec/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-19_09_22_50_865174 16:12:00 <chandankumar> jrosser: is it somehthing like that on heat 16:12:36 <chandankumar> i can discuss after meeting 16:12:49 <mnaser> cool cool 16:13:22 <mnaser> #topic open discussion 16:13:42 <mnaser> i've been slowly trying to make this more office hoursy and looks like we have more .. people showing up and sticking around :) 16:14:00 <mnaser> PTG is approaching, anyone wanna volunteer setup the initial etherpad? :) 16:15:01 <guilhermesp> If I have a previous layout to be based on I can start this new etherpad mnaser 16:15:39 <mnaser> guilhermesp: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-stein-ptg => osa-train-ptg ? 16:16:48 <cloudnull> o/ 16:16:56 * cloudnull late but here 16:17:30 <mnaser> #action guilhermesp create ptg etherpad 16:17:53 <mnaser> any other subjects that we wanna bring up? maybe someone can help finish the last steps of aio nspawn in gate so we can maybe do the switch this cycle? 16:17:53 <guilhermesp> ok mnaser 16:17:55 <mnaser> we're running out of time 16:20:12 <chandankumar> mnaser: are we going to built container of tempest on nspawn? 16:22:03 <odyssey4me> chandankumar we have all the bits in place, but there are a few outstanding issues with it which need addressing 16:22:19 <odyssey4me> The general plan is to move OSA to use nspawn instead of LXC for machine containers. 16:22:41 <guilhermesp> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-train-ptg WIP 16:22:56 <chandankumar> odyssey4me: is it possible to run docker temepst container with nspawn? as tripleo uses kolla container so 16:23:30 <cloudnull> chandankumar: docker no. but app container yes. 16:23:41 <odyssey4me> chandankumar it is already, yes - we already do that with lxc - however, we use it as a machine container so we add systemd into it 16:23:59 <cloudnull> systemd-nspawn is the basis for rkt, which can run application containers. 16:24:01 <odyssey4me> as cloudnull said, we could move to use an app container model 16:24:11 <odyssey4me> but that's a fair way off at this stage 16:24:19 <cloudnull> ^ 16:24:19 <chandankumar> tempest is just an app, not a service, so I think it will work 16:24:29 <chandankumar> ok 16:24:50 <odyssey4me> we have a *lot* of assumptions around the services running on a full host, so the app container model does not work with OSA at this time 16:24:51 <cloudnull> that said, chandankumar if you have cycles to poke at it I'd be happy to help where I can 16:25:13 <evrardjp> I am not sure we should outright kill that idea, it's just a binary blob after all :p 16:25:14 <chandankumar> cloudnull: we are thinking to work on container support may be next cycle 16:25:15 <cloudnull> sadly my time to focus on a lot of those things has largely evaporated 16:25:35 <evrardjp> but we are basically alone though 16:25:36 <chandankumar> on os_tempest side 16:25:48 <odyssey4me> yes, doing app containers is absolutely something we've talked about, but no-one has had the cycles to put into it 16:26:11 <odyssey4me> chandankumar so if you folks have cycles to figure out a model, that'd be fantastic 16:26:17 <cloudnull> +1 16:26:57 <chandankumar> sure! 16:27:05 <jamesdenton> folks, i have to bounce out for a bit. bbiaf 16:27:12 <cloudnull> chao 16:33:34 <odyssey4me> FYI I've made some more progress on the python build simplification - just ironing out a few things before releasing them for review. Unfortunately my changes break the integrated build, so a few tweaks are still needed. 16:35:15 <odyssey4me> It's an issue with stackviz building left, which I just need a little more time on to get done. 16:37:13 <odyssey4me> Heh, I see the issue and should have a patch up to solve it a bit later. 16:40:39 <chandankumar> jrosser: still around? 16:40:51 <jrosser> yes i am 16:40:58 <chandankumar> jrosser: http://logs.openstack.org/94/630694/13/check/openstack-ansible-deploy-aio_metal_heat-centos-7/bb028ec/job-output.txt.gz#_2019-02-19_09_22_50_865174 16:41:14 <mnaser> odyssey4me: cool, when we're almost done, it would be good to get some info on that so we can replicate things across 16:41:25 <chandankumar> jrosser: can you take a look at this failure, it is related to heat endpoint 16:41:38 <jrosser> chandankumar: it is the same as other folks were seeing 16:41:46 <jrosser> after the meeting we can discuss some more 16:43:04 <chandankumar> jrosser: https://github.com/openstack/heat-tempest-plugin/blob/9ca1fc2c55bceba078a6066d6d81447b1c8644d3/heat_tempest_plugin/tests/api/test_heat_api.py#L57 16:43:18 <chandankumar> jrosser: sure 16:45:39 <mnaser> I think finding some more time to do reviews would be good too 16:49:06 <mnaser> i need to do more as well 16:49:51 <jrosser> it would be great to get more of us on the case - we've all got different experience to bring 16:54:11 <odyssey4me> mnaser yep, I'll get the standard AIO done - then work up an etherpad for the rest for everyone to climb in while I shift focus to getting the AIO used for all tests 16:54:25 <mnaser> odyssey4me: awesome 16:54:47 <chandankumar> odyssey4me: is it possible to clone only those repo which are needed for a particular scenario? 16:54:54 <chandankumar> in AIO 16:56:01 <odyssey4me> chandankumar for now, no - but I have some ideas around how we could achieve that which we can discuss at the PTG, assuming I'm able to get there - unfortunately my travel is not yet approved 16:56:22 * chandankumar is not going due to us visa issue :-) 16:56:49 <odyssey4me> chandankumar :( At the next one then. 16:57:03 <chandankumar> odyssey4me: yes for sure :-) 17:13:52 <odyssey4me> mnaser did I miss the end of the meeting? 17:14:01 <mnaser> #endmeeting