16:00:16 <mnaser> #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 16:00:20 <mnaser> #topic rollcall 16:00:22 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 12 16:00:16 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnaser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 16:00:48 <mnaser> o/ 16:00:55 <guilhermesp> o/ 16:01:03 <mnaser> cloudnull, DimGR, d34dh0r53, hughsaunders, b3rnard0, palendae, odyssey4me, serverascode, rromans, erikmwilson, mancdaz, _shaps_, BjoernT, claco, echiu, dstanek, jwagner, ayoung, prometheanfire, evrardjp, arbrandes, scarlisle, luckyinva, ntt, javeriak, spotz, vdo, jmccrory, alextricity25, jasondotstar, admin0, michaelgugino, ametts, bgmccollum, darrenc, JRobinson__, colinmcnamara, thorst, adreznec, eil397, 16:01:03 <mnaser> qwang,nishpatwa_, cathrichardson, drifterza, hwoarang, cshen, ullbeking, mnaser, nicolasbock, jrosser, cjloader, antonym, dcdamien, jamesdenton, chandankumar 16:01:15 * mnaser always hates doing that mass ping 16:01:16 <mnaser> :P 16:01:22 <spotz> o/ 16:01:26 <logan-> o/ 16:01:34 <spotz> It's getting smaller:( 16:01:39 <admin0> o/ 16:02:06 <jrosser> o/ 16:02:24 <mnaser> s'ok 16:02:25 * cyberpear waves 16:02:29 <mnaser> there's still people out there. 16:03:09 <mnaser> #topic agenda bashin 16:03:33 <admin0> because osa works nicely now, people use it and move forward with their life/platform and not stick around . 16:03:45 <mnaser> admin0: are you saying... we need to break it? 16:03:46 <mnaser> :) 16:03:47 <mnaser> i wanted to talk about upcoming ptg, final train cleanups, rocky maintenance for suse 16:03:51 <mnaser> anyone has any topics they want to bring up? 16:04:18 <cyberpear> is this a good place to chat about core ansible openstack modules? 16:04:32 <cyberpear> or strictly limited to the openstack-ansible playbooks/roles? 16:04:36 <mnaser> cyberpear: ah, some of us here are maintainers of those modules, we consume them heavily but we're not "the team that maintains it" 16:04:55 <mnaser> though i think i'm the only one around right now who's an actual maintainer inside the repo 16:05:07 <logan-> i do, i've been working on the calico upgrades to enable queens(and later) + calico depoyment. I'd like to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/641483/ merged and then backport it (along with etcdv3 role tags) to rocky and queens 16:05:12 <guilhermesp> dunno if there is room right now to discuss this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/642614/ 16:05:16 * cyberpear nods 16:05:46 <mnaser> ok great, we got a few things 16:05:49 <mnaser> lets get the quick ones out first 16:06:02 <mnaser> #topic calico upgrades for queens and above deployment 16:06:08 <mnaser> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/641483/ 16:07:22 <mnaser> looks like calico jobs are failing on that logan- 16:07:35 <mnaser> are the jobs broken or? 16:07:43 <logan-> the current calico 2.6 + etcd2 deployment has not worked after pike in my testing. I've upgraded the etcd role to support v3, and now I've upgraded the calico deploy in os_neutron to support calico v3 (requires etcd3). so in order to get that whole stack working on queens and later, I need to merge this in master, and then merge that change + a tag bump for the etcd role in the stable branches 16:07:45 <logan-> the calico jobs never really existed in os_neutron, I think someone took a stab and never completed them 16:08:21 <logan-> I use the integrated repo to gate calico downstream, because the os_neutron tests don't run basicserverops afaik so it doesn't build a vm, bind a floating ip, ping it, ssh to it, test metadata, etc 16:09:09 <logan-> i've compiled the v3 changes from both my gating and also kmadac2's feedback on getting it working in Rocky on his environment 16:09:23 <logan-> afaik we are the only folks using calico 16:10:28 <mnaser> honestly, i'm okay with merging with 16:10:32 <mnaser> merging this 16:10:42 <mnaser> no harm done, if it doesn't work at all and doesn't seem to affect the tooling itself 16:11:01 <mnaser> jrosser, spotz: how does this sound as other cores here? 16:11:24 <jrosser> i think there is enough stuff in the integrated repo to make a calico test 16:11:26 <spotz> mnaser: Sounds good from logan-'s comments 16:11:35 <jrosser> the reworked scenario stuff should be just the ticket 16:11:45 <logan-> jrosser: for sure. i dont mind doing that 16:12:07 <jrosser> and yes, it's great to get that all up to date because having a proper etcd will be useful for other things too 16:13:37 <logan-> yeah and a calico integrated test would actually exercise the etcd cluster deploy too 16:17:04 <mnaser> cr+2 from my side 16:17:55 <mnaser> jrosser: wanna +2 ? 16:18:26 <jrosser> it is done 16:18:32 <mnaser> wonderful 16:18:36 <mnaser> thanks logan-! 16:18:38 <logan-> thanks! 16:18:57 <mnaser> #topic mistral in stable/rocky 16:19:00 <mnaser> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/642614/ 16:19:22 <mnaser> so .. this is an interesting thing because we're technically adding a feature. however, it's very isolated 16:19:51 <mnaser> so it shouldn't affect anything else within OSA 16:20:26 <mnaser> also, afaik, openstackansible doesn't report as stable within governance which means we're not stopped from backporting features 16:20:37 <mnaser> (i.e. we were gonna backport nspawn support at some point too to rocky) 16:22:30 <guilhermesp> would be the case to port mistral role to rocky too? 16:22:36 <guilhermesp> it won't make difference anyways 16:25:13 * mnaser looks around 16:27:58 <jrosser> i left a comment that mistral didnt have a rocky branch 16:28:02 <jrosser> can we handle that? 16:28:22 <jrosser> os_mistral i mean 16:29:22 <logan-> i don't mind it, i don't think we gate mistral or intend to, so it won't affect gates, and it won't affect anyone who doesn't deploy it. i think we would just call it experimental status in rocky 16:29:33 <mnaser> we could make a branch off master 16:30:24 <guilhermesp> the only goal to create a rocky branch would be to make the openstack_services and ansible-role-requirements consistent? 16:30:35 <mnaser> guilhermesp: i believe so 16:31:05 <jrosser> yeah, unless the release tooling can deal with it being a different branch - we do something like that for gnocchi? 16:31:17 <guilhermesp> yeah, coz the code will remain the same, so in my point of view is just a consistence matter 16:31:24 * jrosser looks for evrardjp 16:32:15 <jrosser> if we get that sorted out then i'm ok with experimental support in rocky 16:33:17 <mnaser> we don't have to release for stable/rocky. afaik, our roles are all 'independent' status now 16:33:22 <mnaser> therefore, they are not tied to the openstack release cycle 16:33:23 <mnaser> let me verify 16:33:24 <evrardjp> jrosser: ? 16:33:38 <evrardjp> sorry I am still travelling 16:33:48 <jrosser> evrardjp: release tooling for adding mistral to rocky, in the absence of the role having a rocky branch 16:33:54 <jrosser> is that do-able? 16:34:07 <evrardjp> why would you want to do that? 16:34:07 <jrosser> not having a rocky branch becasue it is a new role 16:34:08 <evrardjp> :p 16:34:14 <jrosser> mnaser: ^ :) 16:34:30 <evrardjp> all is possible :) 16:34:38 <evrardjp> I just need to setup the trackbranch 16:34:45 <evrardjp> which I just started to get done 16:34:57 <evrardjp> I have a few patches up that would allow that with no issues 16:35:06 <evrardjp> (I suppose you want to track master in stable/rocky for that role) 16:35:20 <evrardjp> alternatively we can create the branches manually on that role if necessary 16:35:33 <mnaser> i think just to make life less confusing, we can branch stable/rocky manually 16:35:37 <evrardjp> I just don't know what you are asking yet, I haven't followed the conversation 16:36:07 <guilhermesp> evrardjp: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/642614/ 16:36:07 <mnaser> let's just branch stable/rocky for mistral and guilhermesp will make appropriate changes to stable/rocky 16:36:13 <evrardjp> technically we never added new roles after feature freeze but it is up to ppl 16:37:14 <evrardjp> I am about to enter my next flight, is there something I need to urgently do? 16:37:33 <mnaser> i don't think so 16:37:39 <mnaser> thanks evrardjp -- safe flights 16:37:39 <evrardjp> I agree with jrosser's review though :) 16:37:42 <evrardjp> mnaser: thanks 16:37:43 <guilhermesp> safe flights evrardjp 16:38:59 <mnaser> ok we'll follow up on this 16:39:14 <mnaser> #topic upcoming ptg 16:39:17 <mnaser> who's going to be there? 16:39:39 <mnaser> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osa-train-ptg 16:39:58 <guilhermesp> yeah I was just a kick-off ^ 16:39:59 <jrosser> yes - just need to actually book it 16:40:12 <mnaser> yay cool 16:40:19 <mnaser> wanna add yourself to the list jrosser ? 16:41:13 <mnaser> if anyone has topics to put on there, please put it in 16:42:06 <mnaser> ok just sent to ML too 16:43:58 <jrosser> we should also talk about the heat stuff too if there is time 16:46:17 <mnaser> jrosser: sounds like a good topic to put down as well. 16:46:25 <jrosser> oh i meant now :) 16:46:30 <mnaser> oh. 16:46:31 <mnaser> yeah 16:46:31 <mnaser> sure :D 16:46:43 <mnaser> #topic heat keystone URLs 16:46:55 <mnaser> so, have yo had much progress since the conversation a few days ago? 16:47:08 <jrosser> so thanks to gshippey we have this https://review.openstack.org/642812 16:47:44 <jrosser> which is basically a starting point that makes things work, i'm sure that the conf var name and stuff will need changing but it's good enough to fix things 16:48:42 <jrosser> and there is a bunch of other fall-out from this too 16:49:12 <mnaser> i would encourage gshippey to ask the heat team to make sure how to scope these changes to be backportable 16:49:12 <jrosser> we don't have a means of distributing CA certs into hosts/containers, so https://review.openstack.org/#/c/641445/ 16:49:33 <jrosser> yes, it is nicely minimal and we didnt change any behaviour, so hopefully that is do-able 16:49:46 <mnaser> sometimes there is just policy things 16:49:55 <mnaser> like maybe needing to split to change in a different way to make it happen 16:50:15 <jrosser> yes, will follow up - there are enough bug reports about this that I hope it can be backported 16:51:05 <jrosser> so there is progress, but we do have a bunch of folks who are broken 16:51:33 <jrosser> i'd like to try to get this all sorted as a priority becasue it breaks POC setups with self signed certs predominently 16:56:46 <tosky> aehm, can I quickly ask a question before closing? 16:58:40 <mnaser> jrosser: im with you 16:58:45 <mnaser> tosky: sure. 17:00:15 <tosky> I failed to realize that os_sahara jobs have been failing for a while; I tested it locally, I didn't find the reason, but I seemed like fixing the haproxy config would have fixed the issue 17:00:28 <tosky> hence https://review.openstack.org/642787 , but the testing didn't work well: https://review.openstack.org/642041 17:01:10 <tosky> so do you have any idea whether anything happen in the the haproxy setting? We had few changes in sahara but I'm not sure how it could have worked before 17:01:48 <tosky> I also have some troubles to analyze the issue on the gates as I miss various config and log files (including the haproxy ones, unless they are there and I'm really unable to find them) 17:02:42 <mnaser> hmm 17:02:48 <tosky> and that's it; I will continue to investigate, but if anyone of you has any suggestion or hints on top of their heads, that would be much appreciated! 17:02:50 <jrosser> HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8386) . <- that doesnt look right 17:03:35 <tosky> the connection reaches the haproxy, but then it fails after that 17:03:44 <mnaser> whered you find that jrosser 17:03:50 <mnaser> tosky: we listen on vip ip, not 17:03:56 <jrosser> http://logs.openstack.org/41/642041/2/check/openstack-ansible-functional-ubuntu-bionic/a29d2dc/logs/openstack/infra1/stestr_results.html 17:04:11 <mnaser> ok so im gonna bet 17:04:17 <mnaser> its trying to create it with in the keystone endpoint 17:04:22 <mnaser> instead of using the vip in role tests 17:05:08 <mnaser> https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara/src/branch/master/tests/os_sahara-overrides.yml vs https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_mistral/src/branch/master/tests/os_mistral-overrides.yml tosky 17:05:16 <mnaser> specifically https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_mistral/src/branch/master/tests/os_mistral-overrides.yml#L21-L23 17:05:22 <mnaser> i think that will get you where you want to get :) 17:05:22 <tosky> I deployed locally and even an `openstack dataprocessing plugin list` was failing 17:05:30 <tosky> until I fixed the haproxy settings 17:05:39 <tosky> could it be a combination of two different issues? 17:05:55 <mnaser> possibly, but we know that's one at least 17:06:53 <tosky> https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_sahara/src/branch/master/defaults/main.yml#L128 17:07:15 <tosky> shouldn't those values be good enough too? 17:07:27 <mnaser> when running role tests, these arent the same as running integrated tests 17:07:33 <mnaser> yes, its super confusing and we're killing that :) 17:07:37 <tosky> oh 17:08:13 <tosky> what is the difference and when one is used vs the other? Even an RTFM link would be enough :) 17:08:26 <mnaser> the role tests is us just manually running them (i.e. running ./run_tests.sh inside the repo) 17:08:32 <mnaser> the integrated is like a afully openstack deployment 17:08:39 <mnaser> we're going to move our testing that everything uses integrated 17:08:47 <mnaser> integrated uses the role to deploy, role tests use the playbooks inside test/ 17:09:16 <tosky> so is tests/os_sahara-overrides.yml used only when testing manually, but not by the the gate jobs? 17:09:21 <tosky> or the other way round? 17:09:47 <mnaser> they are used only in the role jobs (i.e. when running ./run_tests.sh -- aka gates too) 17:11:27 <tosky> oh, so would it be easier for me to fix tests/os_sahara-overrides.yml, or make sure that tests/os_sahara-overrides.yml is not needed anymore because everything is used integrated tests? 17:11:34 <tosky> (if I got it correctly) 17:13:12 <mnaser> tosky: you'll have to fix os_sahara-overrides .. and fix integrated :( 17:14:22 <tosky> so... which zuul job is running which kind of tests? 17:14:47 <tosky> do -functional use role tests/run_tests.sh? 17:16:01 <mnaser> zuul job uses ./run_tests.sh 17:16:10 <mnaser> #endmeeting