15:00:22 <noonedeadpunk> #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Jul 6 15:00:22 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is noonedeadpunk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 15:00:27 <noonedeadpunk> #topic rollcall 15:00:32 <noonedeadpunk> o/ 15:00:40 <mgariepy> half o/ 15:08:09 * jrosser in another meeting :/ 15:18:07 <noonedeadpunk> #topic office hours 15:22:24 <noonedeadpunk> ok, sorry, got distracted as well:) 15:22:53 <noonedeadpunk> so first thing - we've released Wallaby! And there's a patch to continue Xena cycle https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible/+/798920 15:23:09 <noonedeadpunk> As currentlly our master is in freezed state 15:23:46 <mgariepy> yay ! congrats ! 15:23:47 <noonedeadpunk> next thing related to that - I'm about to push deprecation patches for panko role, since panko is deprecated on it's own 15:24:47 <noonedeadpunk> And eventually I think we need to drop support for CentOS 8 (leave only Stream), Debian buster and Ubuntu 18.04 15:25:21 <noonedeadpunk> any thoughts? 15:25:55 <mgariepy> ubuntu 20.04 ? 15:26:00 <jrosser> we should do that pretty much now on master i think? 15:26:12 <noonedeadpunk> well, master passes for all of them atm 15:26:24 <mgariepy> are rocky/alma avalaible on the CI ? 15:26:39 <jrosser> most compelling i guess would be to stretch out support for bionic if possible 15:26:47 <noonedeadpunk> Considering RHEL amount of contributions? I don't think it will ever be... 15:27:18 <noonedeadpunk> you mean leave bionic for X as well? 15:27:38 <jrosser> if we wanted to keep any of them, that probably has the most users 15:27:48 <noonedeadpunk> that's true 15:27:51 <jrosser> else we decide to reduce the CI load as quickly as possible 15:29:57 <noonedeadpunk> well, considering 18.04 has support till April 2022, we can leave it technically 15:30:25 <noonedeadpunk> the only doubt I have - new ansible-core "requirement" is python 3.8 15:30:58 <noonedeadpunk> It might still work on 18.04 with py36 though 15:31:46 <noonedeadpunk> And I don't think we should hold ansible beacuae of bionic? 15:32:00 <jrosser> pyenv? 15:32:28 <noonedeadpunk> well, that's another way of solving it. 15:32:57 <noonedeadpunk> btw, I'm not sure about centos 8 stream and py38. Even with pyenv I think it would be missing libselinux 15:37:13 <noonedeadpunk> I was actually under impression, that nova about to add some qemu requirement that bionic won't satisfy 15:37:26 <noonedeadpunk> but might be I'm wrong... 15:37:53 <noonedeadpunk> Ok, another thing - I want to create roles for Freezer 15:38:13 <noonedeadpunk> anybody around looked at it ever?:) 15:38:37 <noonedeadpunk> in terms that maybe it's known not to work and I shouldn't even start wasting time for adding it 15:40:41 <noonedeadpunk> according to service architecture it should be 2 repos actually - for api and agent deployment, like monasca 15:41:03 <noonedeadpunk> unless we want them to merge and use tasks_from? 15:45:49 <noonedeadpunk> Also I was going to create vault repo for https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-ansible-specs/specs/xena/protecting-plaintext-configs.html 15:55:46 <noonedeadpunk> ut ok, let's try to keep bionic, and see where we end up... 15:59:19 <noonedeadpunk> #endmeeting