15:00:20 #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 15:00:20 Meeting started Tue Sep 17 15:00:20 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is noonedeadpunk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:20 The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 15:00:24 #topic rollcall 15:00:26 o/ 15:06:20 #topic office hours 15:06:37 so, we're quite long overdue with the first minor release of Caracal 15:07:11 while we do really have plenty of fixes already merge - I think the biggest one is still Apache MPM which are inconsistent with Skyline on metal 15:07:39 I'm already about to have a patch (based on repo container), which should cover all others 15:08:00 hiya 15:08:05 and this I assume also blocks us with testing of upgrade from the proper branch 15:08:23 (now tests run from 2023.2) 15:09:11 then I've also proposed testing Ceph for Rocky as well in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible/+/929636 15:09:17 though it fails :( 15:11:16 and I _think_ I already saw that some time ago 15:11:58 and we even discussed that like couple of years ago with yu NeilHanlon 15:12:10 `The error was: 'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 'discovered_interpreter_python'` 15:14:09 would need to revive in my memory wtf is wrong... I can recall ansible having some mapping for python by distros, but I kinda thought they got rid of it or smth. 15:14:39 regarding upcoming dalmatian release - we need to switch to 2024.2 branch for tracking 15:15:31 though, there's a batch right before branching as well: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible/+/927841 15:15:44 ah yeah.. i vaguely recall that interpreter thing.. python and ansible in EL has been ... fun 15:15:48 which fails for metal installs 15:19:49 we had some progress with ladning deb822 migrations 15:20:22 I wonder what else do we miss covering with it, except openstack_hosts, rabbitmq and galera 15:20:27 And ceph_client 15:23:45 are there downsides to missing some conversions? 15:26:44 well, apt issues a warning of storing gpg keys in shared storage which is deprecated 15:27:12 as then each repo can use any gpg key basically, which is fixed by this new format 15:29:50 ah, i see 15:30:01 i tried to do some research on what it all was about but got lost 15:31:15 so nothing particulary bad, I guess, but as change is quite breaking, would bee good to do tis one time 15:31:48 I also need to deprecate couple of repos, ie: senlin, murano, sahara as underlying projects were also deprecated 15:35:32 anything I can do to help? I've got some time I can spend on reviews and other things 15:39:37 um.. any updates on repo mirroring?:) 15:40:08 as that is smth which would be totally nice to have/improve on 15:40:25 i did start working on diving through grafana 15:40:31 err, opensearch 15:42:08 https://opensearch.logs.openstack.org/_dashboards/app/data-explorer/discover?security_tenant=global#?_a=(discover:(columns:!(_source),isDirty:!t,sort:!()),metadata:(indexPattern:'94869730-aea8-11ec-9e6a-83741af3fdcd',view:discover))&_g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-1M,to:now))&_q=(filters:!(('$state':(store:appState 15:42:08 ),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:'94869730-aea8-11ec-9e6a-83741af3fdcd',key:build_status,negate:!f,params:(query:FAILURE),type:phrase),query:(match_phrase:(build_status:FAILURE))),('$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:'build_name%20~%20rocky',disabled:!f,index:'94869730-aea8-11ec-9e6a-83741af3fdcd',key:query,negate:!f,type:custom,value:'%7B%22wi 15:42:08 ldcard%22:%7B%22build_name%22:%22*rocky*%22%7D%7D'),query:(wildcard:(build_name:'*rocky*')))),query:(language:kuery,query:'project:%20(%22openstack%2Fopenstack-ansible*%22%20OR%20%22openstack%2Fkolla*%22)%20AND%20message:%20(%22*cannot%20install*%22%20OR%20%22*Depsolve%20Error*%22)')) 15:42:16 .. bleh 15:43:49 https://drop1.neilhanlon.me/irc/uploads/f810495797312453/image.png there 15:44:25 i need to spend some more time finding other failures as 9 seems low 15:44:41 but, yeah.. progress 15:46:35 well, 8 of them were during one day? 15:46:53 true.. 15:47:05 i bet i can correlate that with rocky releaseing stuff... 15:47:09 and probably worth checking for couple of month or smth... 15:47:22 yeah, true 15:47:36 but then also worth checking amount of jobs in total maybe? 15:47:45 i think opensearch only has ~1week of logs 15:47:57 err, i guess two 15:47:59 as local mirrors for sure would reduce latency/throughput to the external mirrors 15:48:03 farthest back being the 4th 15:48:19 which is already a win as well, if there're enough jobs running to justify that 15:48:21 but dunno 15:48:45 yeah i will make some pretty graph showing total jobs vs failed /timeout/etc 15:51:09 as low error rate can be used to promote using rocky in PTI instead of CentOS :D 16:01:23 #endmeeting