15:01:12 #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting 15:01:12 Meeting started Tue Feb 18 15:01:12 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is noonedeadpunk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:12 The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' 15:01:19 #topic rollcall 15:01:21 o/ 15:01:40 o/ 15:02:32 kleini, i had to move twice, and i followed the same .. works .. i also had ceph on the mix 15:03:45 #topic office hours 15:04:05 last week I pushed series of things to migrate to usage of fqcns in our roles 15:04:21 so far - only playbooks were skipped during that migration 15:04:49 hi! 15:04:54 I leveraged ansible-lint --fix=yaml and ansible-lint --fix=fqcn 15:05:09 and used a different topics for these: 15:05:11 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22osa/lint_autofix%22 15:05:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22osa/fqcn%22 15:06:13 I am expecting them creating a lot of merge conflicts though 15:06:31 so we'd need to rebase things I guess... 15:06:55 and also - try to prevent using non-fqcn further on, until we able to switch linters to error out 15:07:07 but patches needs to land first... 15:07:47 once majority is landed - I will try to propose removing these 2 exceptions: 15:07:49 #link https://opendev.org/openstack/openstack-ansible/src/commit/0cca73263b621214aab571d4029dba1a6b126b90/.ansible-lint#L3-L4 15:08:26 and ofc - we need reviews there :) 15:11:00 so. molecule for plugins repo. I don't think there's been any progress there, we're still pretty much blocked with apprmor and sudo inside docker 15:11:16 I didn't have time to look into that this week, unfortunatelly 15:11:35 Then, we're moving closer and closer to coordinated release date 15:11:47 I have couple of things in mind, that we need to finalize until then. 15:12:21 1. HTTP role and finalize migration to it for left "clients" (keystone, horizon, what else?) 15:12:59 2. RabbitMQ better handling quorum queues and streams healthchecks/replication fixes. Add rebootstrap flag 15:13:25 3. Finalize sunset of tests repo - adopt molecule for plugins repo 15:14:16 4. CentOS Stream 10 - this is most questionable one, as 2 issues: a) no infra image to test out due to old hardware b) no glusterfs 15:15:31 I'm really not sure if I will be able to fit ProxySQL, despite I really want to... 15:19:42 sounds like a plan! i'll help out with reviews 15:20:52 at least solving glusterfs issue could get centos 10 actually... but if we have to replace gluster now with smth different - I dont see it's happening this cycle at all :( 15:49:17 Merged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Remove logger for nose.plugin.manager https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon/+/941940 15:53:27 #endmeeting