15:01:17 <eglynn> #startmeeting openstack-ceilometer 15:01:18 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 12 15:01:17 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eglynn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:19 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ceilometer' 15:01:28 <eglynn> who's all around for the ceilo meeting? 15:01:29 <llu-laptop> o/ 15:01:34 <fabiog> hi 15:01:43 <ildikov_> o/ 15:01:47 <linuxhermit> o/ 15:02:12 <idegtiarov> o/ 15:02:16 <sileht> o/ 15:02:17 <ityaptin> o/ 15:02:26 <_elena_> o/ 15:02:29 <eglynn> #topic kilo3 status 15:02:46 <gordc> o/ 15:02:48 <jd__> o/ 15:02:57 <eglynn> fabiog: I think we can roll this in with the "ConfigDB land or burn?" topic 15:03:00 <_nadya_> o/ 15:03:11 <fabiog> eglynn: yep 15:03:18 <eglynn> #link https://launchpad.net/ceilometer/+milestone/kilo-3 15:03:18 <jd__> is it a vote? 15:03:44 <eglynn> so the main issue is go/no-go on DB config 15:04:12 <gordc> fabiog: just an fyi, i marked patch wip for now. 15:04:19 <eglynn> fabiog: part of my reluctance here is that the series of BPs seems like it's gonna be incomplete for kilo 15:04:20 <fabiog> jd__: I think we need to take a decision if we want to merge with the current design and then re-factor later or go back to the whiteboard for Liberty 15:04:50 <gordc> fabiog: i'd be more confident with the latter. 15:04:51 <eglynn> fabiog: i.e. we have 3 BPs, but the most advance by far is the initial one (IIUC) 15:05:01 <eglynn> most *advanced 15:05:13 <jd__> postpone 15:05:51 <fabiog> eglynn: I think with all the discussion that went on the other patches got delayed. Personally I think we could still make it. But if the consensus is to re-propose it in Liberty we can go with that 15:06:15 <eglynn> fabiog: say we were to land ceilometer-configuration-via-data-store ... the mechanism would be effectively unused in kilo without the API and agent BPs? 15:06:58 <fabiog> eglynn: I think we could achieve the very basic func. store and retrieve the config 15:07:06 <_nadya_> eglynn: I think we have found one more use case for config-in-db. idegtiarov has describe it 15:07:14 <fabiog> eglynn: we may then thing about how to connect the agents 15:07:21 <eglynn> fabiog: can you confirm conf-datastore-agents is still not started? 15:07:26 <fabiog> eglynn: I think that is the biggest part in contentious 15:07:37 <gordc> eglynn: that's probably my reason for postponing, i don't think the idea to utilise feature is fully realised yet. 15:07:45 <fabiog> eglynn: no the agent work is started 15:07:57 <fabiog> eglynn: but we need the api to be finished 15:07:59 <eglynn> gordc: yes, my instinct is similar 15:08:15 <fabiog> eglynn: so basically you need the db part first tobe in, then api and finally agent 15:08:39 <ildikov_> I like the DB based config idea, but I also share the others' opinion regarding to include full features in main releases 15:09:00 <jd__> I don't want to ship "dead" code 15:09:09 * linuxhermit agrees 15:09:33 <eglynn> fabiog: would we loose much by postponing to liberty-1? 15:09:42 <fabiog> well, then. I think it will be wise to have a session (again) at the summit on this and nail it once for all :-) 15:09:46 <ildikov_> I think it would be nice to have config related session(s) on the design summit 15:10:01 <eglynn> fabiog: i.e. the foundational patches would be effectively unused anyway in kilo, so no real loss 15:10:01 <fabiog> eglynn: no I think we can survive with it 15:10:06 <ildikov_> I think fabiog already mentioned it on the review of the db patch 15:10:21 <cdent> ugh, got distracted, I'm here 15:11:15 <eglynn> are we edging towards rough consensus here? 15:11:24 <fabiog> eglynn: so, since there is no consensus on merging it in Kilo we will propose an updated spec in Liberty and discuss it at the summit, is that a good plan? 15:11:39 <eglynn> fabiog: yes, I think that's the wisest course 15:11:44 <eglynn> fabiog: thank you sir! 15:11:45 <ildikov_> fabiog: *1 15:11:51 <idegtiarov> config in DB seems to be very useful in HA mode and that part also could be discussed on summit 15:12:24 <ildikov_> eglynn: do we have a session proposal page for the summit? 15:12:29 <fabiog> idegtiarov: it is also useful for lifecycle management ... 15:12:33 <eglynn> otherwise the outstanding BP is the thermal data for Edwin, amiright? 15:12:46 <ildikov_> I think it is implemented 15:12:50 <idegtiarov> fabiog: it also useful... 15:12:52 <ildikov_> eglynn: ^^^ 15:13:07 <_nadya_> fabiog: +1, thanks for patience 15:13:08 <ildikov_> eglynn: I mean I have a doc bug for it in OS Manuals... :) 15:13:18 <eglynn> ildikov_: WRT design session page ... not yet, that usually happens much closer to summit 15:13:46 <llu-laptop> ildikov_: yes, manual needs a patch for the new measurements 15:13:47 <ildikov_> eglynn: np, I wasn't sure when we usually open it that is why I asked 15:14:15 <llu-laptop> ildikov_: what's the bug number? 15:14:29 <ildikov_> llu-laptop: I'm on it, but of course if anyone else would volunteer the stage is open ;) 15:14:52 <ildikov_> llu-laptop: #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/1430138 15:14:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1430138 in openstack-manuals " Add more power and thermal data" [Medium,Confirmed] 15:15:04 <eglynn> ildikov_: well it's up to us when we start thinking about liberty summit sessions 15:15:22 <eglynn> ildikov_: so if you'd like to start collecting proposal early, please create a googledocs spreadsheet and share the link :) 15:15:44 <eglynn> ... would be handy to capture fabiog's session at least while the ideas are still fresh 15:16:08 <ildikov_> eglynn: cool, I will discuss with fabiog if we need that this early, or prepare a bit and then propose session(s) 15:16:17 <eglynn> ildikov_: thanks! 15:16:46 <eglynn> fabiog: is your update related? 15:17:08 <fabiog> eglynn: I will be leaving HP (after 15 years) next week 15:17:17 <eglynn> dank_: wow! OMG 15:17:23 <eglynn> fabiog: ^^^ 15:17:34 <eglynn> dank_: sorry, bad tab completion 15:17:45 <fabiog> eglynn: the good news though is that I will join Cisco 15:17:52 <eglynn> fabiog: well, congratulations! 15:18:01 <fabiog> eglynn: and I will be involved in ceilometer 15:18:09 <eglynn> fabiog: excellent :) 15:18:14 <fabiog> eglynn: and I will attend the summit 15:18:53 <eglynn> fabiog: we'll look forward to seeing you there :) 15:19:12 <fabiog> eglynn: me too 15:19:31 <eglynn> fabiog: I don't mean to pry, but is it Cisco Cloud Services division you'll be working for? 15:19:40 <fabiog> eglynn: yes 15:20:08 <eglynn> fabiog: a-ha, cool :) ... in which we may cross paths from a RH vendor PoV also as well as upstream 15:20:08 <fabiog> eglynn: to be precise infrastructure 15:21:02 <fabiog> eglynn: yep, cloud is a small word ;-) 15:21:09 <fabiog> world 15:21:30 <eglynn> fabiog: well congratulations again :) 15:21:37 <fabiog> eglynn: thanks 15:21:51 <fabiog> gordc: no more mesmorizing slides though :-) 15:22:36 <gordc> fabiog: :( just copy background and whiteout hp logo. 15:23:18 <gordc> no legal issues there. 15:23:33 <eglynn> just use the upstream preso template and save yourself the logo change :) 15:24:50 <eglynn> k, let's move onto the delicious pasta-making 15:25:16 <eglynn> #topic gnocchi 15:26:47 <cdent> i've never eaten gnocchi, is it any good? seems like it would be...thick, pasty 15:27:11 <eglynn> cdent: very fattening I hear ;) 15:27:18 <eglynn> cdent: congrats on joining gnocchi-core :) 15:27:23 <jd__> it's good! 15:27:28 <eglynn> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/353,members 15:27:42 <jd__> I think we implemented a bunch of interesting things recently 15:27:43 <cdent> thanks 15:27:50 * cdent agrees 15:27:53 <jd__> we have the equivalent of Ceilometer complex query on resources 15:28:01 <jd__> so you can look for anything in resources :) 15:28:08 <jd__> we have put that into the metric aggregation code too 15:28:19 <jd__> so you can do aggregation on metric from resources filtered using this kind of query 15:28:39 <eglynn> jd__: excellent! 15:28:51 <jd__> now I'm adding measure search to finally have something like "give me instance with > 80 % CPU" or the like, I hope that'll be in time for K 15:29:10 <eglynn> for reference, see here for the latest landings ... https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:merged+project:stackforge/gnocchi,n,z 15:29:12 <sileht> I have started to write a new alarm rule kind to use this new format 15:29:14 <jd__> and sileht is updating alarm support following these changes 15:29:38 <eglynn> so the definitive gnocchi alarm code is now the copy in the ceilo repo? 15:29:50 <sileht> eglynn, yes 15:29:57 <eglynn> coolness 15:30:05 <cdent> I _may_ be picking up influxdb where eglynn left off if I can eke out the time. emphasis on the "may". 15:30:25 <eglynn> cdent: that would be great 15:30:58 <eglynn> so the data migration task 15:31:08 <eglynn> sounds like we'll have to punt that to liberty timeframe? 15:31:40 <jd__> eglynn: I think it's a safe bet 15:31:46 <jd__> it's likely than nobody will really want to migrate 15:31:51 <jd__> as they'll start fresh 15:31:56 <jd__> cdent: I'm interested in that too 15:32:15 <eglynn> i.e. migration from "classic" datastores to the featherlight gnochi equivalent 15:32:23 <eglynn> yeah some may want to start afresh 15:32:35 <eglynn> esp. if just doing a PoC with gnocchi 15:32:51 <eglynn> but others won't want to discard old data 15:33:08 <eglynn> I guess co-existence is the other option 15:33:11 <jd__> I doubt we really have a lot of "others" 15:33:16 <jd__> but we'll see I guess 15:33:26 <eglynn> i.e. query v2 API for your old data, gnocchi API for the newer 15:33:26 <jd__> if ops scream "how do I migrate my data" we'll do something 15:33:34 <eglynn> ok 15:33:48 <ildikov_> eglynn: with Ceilo it is usually suggested to use ttl with small inetrval, so it might be the case that it is easier for users to have a fresh start 15:33:54 <linuxhermit> jd__ that will happen 15:33:55 <cdent> If people really get anxious we can make an outside the normal release cycle migrator 15:33:59 <cdent> in fact we should make most things that way ;) 15:34:10 <ildikov_> eglynn: as who would like to store data longer should use an external data warehouse anyway 15:34:32 <eglynn> speaking of ops screaming ... is that a good segue-way into https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-burning-issues ? 15:34:43 <jd__> cdent: we won't limit Gnocchi releases to the 6 months timeframe I think 15:34:56 <gordc> *claps* kudos on the segue. 15:36:13 <cdent> "If ceilometer dies other services stop (for example Glance will not serve images to spin up a new VM)" <- WAT 15:36:26 <cdent> That's a new one to me. Really? 15:36:26 <llu-laptop> cdent: that puzzles me too 15:36:39 <linuxhermit> we've seen that 15:36:56 <ildikov_> is that because of the message queue under, or? 15:36:57 <llu-laptop> linuxhermit: what's the situation? 15:36:58 <gordc> linuxhermit: is it a ceilometer->heat->glance connection? 15:37:05 <eglynn> cdent: I couldn't see that happening in reality either 15:37:07 <linuxhermit> I don't know why, but I know it happens, and I don't have all the details 15:37:14 * eglynn belatedly changes topic 15:37:17 <fabiog> linuxhermit: yes, it is related to rabbitMQ 15:37:20 <eglynn> #topic ops summit feedback 15:37:34 <linuxhermit> I do remember rabbit being part of it as well 15:37:42 <cdent> I think the biggest issue we need to resolve is that the level of communication between us and the people using what we make is really really poor. 15:37:46 <ildikov_> I guess the queue gets filled up 15:37:46 <eglynn> fabiog, linuxhermit: backpressure from rabbit as notifications are being consumed 15:37:48 <eglynn> ? 15:38:00 <eglynn> *aren't being consumed? 15:38:06 <linuxhermit> eglynn I'll ask ops for more details 15:38:25 <fabiog> linuxhermit: and eglynn well, especially polling can slow down rabbit to a grinding halt 15:38:26 <eglynn> linuxhermit: that would be excellent, as otherwise I'm finding that hard to fathom 15:38:28 <gordc> linuxhermit: that'd be awesome... do we want a bug in meantime to track? 15:38:38 <eglynn> gordc: yes please 15:38:50 <linuxhermit> gordc I was hesitant to create a bug until I had the details 15:39:05 <linuxhermit> I'm in the camp that many thing getted blames on ceilo that might not be just that 15:39:06 <sileht> Before Juno this is possible that the notifier can block but not more now 15:39:21 <ildikov_> cdent: the docco is still behind, we would need more hands there too 15:39:34 <linuxhermit> realize many of the ops are still on Icehouse and a few on Juno etc 15:39:49 <eglynn> also interesting ... "Customers more scared of new time series databases than mongo" 15:39:53 <ildikov_> cdent: I mean to identify what would be needed besides the already opened bugs and then fix the list of missing items 15:39:55 <cdent> ildikov_: that's a good point too, but I'm mean general conversation/interaction 15:40:18 <cdent> ideally these things on this etherpad would not be surprises 15:40:24 <fabiog> eglynn: I think we should have an ops meeting at the summit to collect their complains and feature requests 15:40:43 <ildikov_> cdent: sure, the marketing what linuxhermit mentioned earlier is also important 15:40:45 <linuxhermit> I was in the room, but I didn't feel comfortable acting like a rep 15:40:46 <eglynn> new TSDBs in that context == specifically carbonara I wonder? or == to influxdb/opentsdb/whatever 15:41:08 <cdent> eglynn: not worth speculating we should just ask 15:41:10 <linuxhermit> TSDB was gnocchi etc and influx 15:41:14 <eglynn> fabiog: yes, if we could find a way to frame feedback in a constructive way 15:41:19 <linuxhermit> it's not something that operators have had to manage that before 15:41:27 <eglynn> cdent: fair point 15:41:28 <ildikov_> cdent: but finally, when someone uses a product the end user docco should be enough to show the right way to use it 15:41:39 <linuxhermit> eglynn The Nova PTL ran a great one of those at the summit 15:41:45 <cdent> ildikov_++ 15:41:47 <ildikov_> fabiog: +1 15:41:54 <linuxhermit> and people left feeling much better and happier 15:42:03 <linuxhermit> ildikov_ ++ 15:42:30 <cdent> We shouldn't fear the negative unconstructive feedback. It's like therapy: once it comes of the chest at least some small number of the people will become useful allies in the future. 15:42:38 <cdent> s/of/off/ 15:42:49 <linuxhermit> cdent no also you can respond and dig at the root cause 15:42:58 <linuxhermit> we know not doing mongo right is a problem 15:43:00 <eglynn> cdent, linuxhermit: yes and yes 15:43:05 <linuxhermit> but we don't have great guidance on that 15:43:19 <linuxhermit> and operators aren't used to running mongo 15:43:38 <linuxhermit> most of these people had vmware, oracle etc until they stood up open stack 15:43:43 <eglynn> sileht had a good blog post I seem to remember with deployment guidance for mongo 15:44:12 <linuxhermit> we should find that and have a twitter/blog and repost it or link to it something 15:44:15 <gordc> +1 to sileht post. 15:44:16 <sileht> Just an example of how we do sharding with mongo 15:44:24 <sileht> and configure ceilometer 15:44:34 <linuxhermit> sileht those things are super handy 15:44:40 * gordc has heard to many i have a single mongo node with no sharding scenarios 15:44:51 <linuxhermit> gordc exactly 15:44:53 <eglynn> sileht: got a link handy for reference? 15:45:15 <gordc> blog.sileht.net/using-a-shardingreplicaset-mongodb-with-ceilometer 15:45:18 <sileht> The real issue is which key to use for splitting the db, and that depends of what you have decide to store with ceilometer 15:45:24 <sileht> gordc, thx 15:46:37 <cdent> \o/ that felt vaguely like progress 15:46:39 <linuxhermit> sileht those things are super good knowledge to share 15:46:52 <linuxhermit> so my thoughts after going to the operators summit 15:47:12 <linuxhermit> were that we need to communicate often with that group 15:47:24 <linuxhermit> and that we need to publish and share as much as possible 15:47:31 <ildikov_> linuxhermit: +1 15:47:36 <linuxhermit> SO MANY operators are looking for ANYTHING to replace ceilo 15:47:46 <linuxhermit> and often it's not ceilo to blame 15:48:01 <linuxhermit> but some other relyed upon resource 15:48:27 <eglynn> let's start trying to gather the "tribal knowledge" in one easily discoverable place 15:48:33 <linuxhermit> StackTach was pushed BIG time af the event 15:48:46 <eglynn> ... e.g. linking blog posts like sileht's off the wiki 15:49:03 <linuxhermit> eglynn do we have a ceilometer blog/twitter etc? 15:49:13 <eglynn> linuxhermit: well stackstach pre-dates ceilo and has always been pushed hard IME 15:49:50 <linuxhermit> eglynn perhaps, but our team had been to several ops summits, and this was the first HUGE push of it they had seen 15:50:15 <eglynn> linuxhermit: re twitter, that would a nope ... is there a twitter account for stacktach? 15:50:28 <eglynn> linuxhermit: push for stacktack standalone, or within monasca? 15:50:37 <ildikov_> linuxhermit: I guess that was triggered by the negative feedbacks on the MLs 15:51:03 <linuxhermit> ildikov_ that and basically every carrier had a terrible story in the burning issues talk 15:51:23 <linuxhermit> part of Cisco and HP had positive rebuttals etc 15:51:32 <eglynn> linuxhermit: sounds like we should have had more of a presence there to counter 15:51:43 <linuxhermit> agreed 15:51:44 <ildikov_> linuxhermit: sure, I can imagine :( 15:51:48 <cdent> It's obvious from the way stacktach presents itself on its web page that it is going for a full court marketing press on version 3 15:51:54 <_nadya_> linuxhermit: I like the idea about blog/twitter. It would be really cool 15:52:08 <linuxhermit> I want to help, and I'm just sharing what I saw 15:52:21 <cdent> which is cool for them 15:52:31 * gordc wonders if i should mention i finished off some of stacktachs original integration bps... will wait after performance testing. 15:52:35 <cdent> they move quite outside the usual openstack circles though 15:53:01 <ildikov_> I was thinking about having a session on the summit about how to organize our marketing and have more eyes on feedbacks etc, but maybe that would be too late... 15:53:03 <linuxhermit> cdent they are a redhat project 15:53:07 <linuxhermit> s/redhat/rackspace 15:53:34 <linuxhermit> so they got quite a bit of operator attention at their session 15:54:03 <linuxhermit> but it's not about us vs them 15:54:11 <linuxhermit> it's about us + community = awesome 15:54:14 <eglynn> linuxhermit: yep, the RAX angle has always carried a lot of inbuilt operator kudos 15:54:24 <eglynn> linuxhermit: agreed 15:54:30 <linuxhermit> and it seems like the community needs some guidance help and education 15:54:33 <ildikov_> linuxhermit: yeap, agreed 15:54:37 <eglynn> linuxhermit: though it not always easy to harness that community 15:55:00 <linuxhermit> agreed 15:55:14 <linuxhermit> but I'm not sure what I've seen to foster that 15:55:21 <eglynn> linuxhermit: OK, that's a very useful steer as to how we should organize ourselves for the Vancouver summit 15:55:32 <cdent> yeah linuxhermit++ 15:55:44 <linuxhermit> also my boss would totally send several of us to a ceilo midcycle 15:55:46 <eglynn> linuxhermit: e.g. ops-oriented sessions, more active outreach etc. 15:55:59 <linuxhermit> and they are making a bigger investment in ceilo atm 15:56:11 <ildikov_> eglynn: +1, that was my thought also 15:56:21 <linuxhermit> eglynn completely agree 15:56:22 <gordc> linuxhermit: good to hear :) 15:56:22 <eglynn> linuxhermit: yes, the cancellation of the midcycle was deflationary in retrospect 15:56:30 <ildikov_> linuxhermit: it's very good to hear! 15:57:35 <cdent> before we run out of time I wanted to mention that I've started the process of moving ceilometerclient functional tests out of tempest and into the repo 15:57:47 <eglynn> cdent: good, good 15:57:52 <linuxhermit> cdent nice 15:57:59 <cdent> it's the-thing-to-do these days, and is pretty straightforward 15:58:09 <eglynn> coolness 15:58:30 <eglynn> shotclock is against us 15:58:36 <eglynn> shall we call it a wrap? 15:58:50 <ildikov_> just one more tiny thing 15:58:58 <eglynn> ildikov_: shoot 15:59:09 <ildikov_> it would be nice to get rid of the "please rebase" comments on gerrit 15:59:33 <eglynn> review etiquette 101 :) 15:59:35 <_nadya_> ildikov_: ++ :) 16:00:13 <ildikov_> sorry, we had a lot nowadays, so I just wanted make a heads up :) 16:00:23 <gordc> :) 16:00:52 <gordc> and we're done i guess? 16:01:04 <ildikov_> yeap :) 16:01:26 <eglynn> #endmeeting ceilometer