15:06:47 <zhipeng> #startmeeting openstack-cyborg 15:06:48 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 29 15:06:47 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is zhipeng. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:06:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg' 15:07:45 <zhuli> hi 15:09:50 <zhipeng> hey 15:09:54 <zhipeng> anybody else 15:12:08 <crushil> here 15:13:04 <jkilpatr> 0/ 15:13:46 <zhipeng> :) 15:13:56 <zhipeng> #topic trello board 15:14:05 <jkilpatr> I finally moved my calender event to est instead of edt 15:14:13 <zhipeng> so I've setup the trello board as we discussed 15:14:27 <zhipeng> i saw rushil setup one for the generic driver 15:14:37 <zhipeng> how are we doing here ? 15:14:45 <zhipeng> haha 15:17:04 <zhuli> I will track the DB and trait feature on trello too 15:18:24 <zhipeng> do we have any Intel folks here ? 15:18:49 <zhipeng> crushil : I was told there might be Intel and ZTE people could help on the generic driver 15:19:06 <zhipeng> They will target QAT FPGA cards 15:19:10 <crushil> zhipeng, That's great 15:19:25 <zhipeng> so I will just let them follow your card 15:19:28 <crushil> I will push what I have as a WIP 15:19:37 <zhipeng> that's ok for the collaboration ? 15:19:53 <crushil> Absolutely 15:21:01 <zhipeng> great 15:21:05 <crushil> Please tell them to get in touch with me and we can pair program on it 15:21:14 <zhipeng> no problem 15:21:25 <zhipeng> jkilpatr zhuli to pair with you ? 15:21:39 <jkilpatr> sounds good to me, I've gotten caught up :( 15:21:55 <jkilpatr> they want to ship my logging soltuion as default for osp13 but spec freeze is this week. 15:21:59 <crushil> I thought you mean Intel and ZTE people to pair program with me 15:22:09 <jkilpatr> crushil, he said zhuli and I 15:22:10 <zhipeng> crushil yes 15:22:44 <zhipeng> zhuli started on the trait extentions on api, conductor, agent and stuff 15:24:32 <jkilpatr> oh cool is there a wip up? 15:24:33 <zhuli> yes, sounds so many things to do :) 15:24:36 <jkilpatr> I should go and look at it. 15:26:56 <crushil> Ok 15:27:19 <crushil> I will get in sync with you jkilpatr sometime this week about the generic driver 15:27:46 <jkilpatr> sounds good, another zoom meeting? 15:27:50 <jkilpatr> no car accidents allowed this time? 15:27:51 <crushil> zhuli, I also need to understand how the API interaction happens and how we should architect the CLI to interact with the APIs 15:28:28 <crushil> jkilpatr, Funny thing is I got into a fender bender this morning 15:28:40 <jkilpatr> well drat. 15:28:52 <jkilpatr> that means we're all cursed to get into car accidents during Cyborg meetings, I'll be extra careful. 15:29:50 <zhipeng> got dropped off .... 15:30:22 <zhipeng> and no car accidents :P 15:30:50 <zhipeng> shall we do another ZOOM sprint, say Thursday night maybe eastern time ? 15:31:25 <crushil> We can do another zoom meeting 15:31:33 <crushil> But it needs to be more about figuring things out 15:31:36 <zhuli> crushil, yes, need understand deeply too, currently I just prepare to complete the DB and trait api first 15:32:28 <zhipeng> thursday night sounds ok ? that would be friday morning in China 15:34:09 <zhipeng> crushil definitely, as long as no car crush at my side 15:34:24 <zhipeng> i could book more than enough free zoom meetings for us 15:34:31 <crushil> Well I had my first fender bender myself 15:34:47 <crushil> Cyborg meetings are jinxed 15:34:48 <crushil> :) 15:35:59 <jkilpatr> I can do thurs night 15:41:10 <zhipeng> ah i just understood what you mean crushil, not serious I hope ? 15:41:37 <crushil> Nah, nothing serious 15:45:03 <zhipeng> okey gotta break the curse Justin 15:45:07 <zhipeng> lol 15:45:45 <zhipeng> let's close the meeting early today and meet again one day later 15:47:02 <zhuli> see you guys later 15:54:14 <zhipeng> #endmeeting