03:09:43 <Li_Liu> #startmeeting openstack-cyborg 03:09:44 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 13 03:09:43 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Li_Liu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 03:09:45 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 03:09:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg' 03:09:55 <Li_Liu> #topic Roll Call 03:10:02 <Sundar> #info Sundar 03:10:04 <Li_Liu> #info Li_Liu 03:10:13 <xinranwang> #info xinranwang 03:10:22 <Yumeng_> #info Yumeng 03:10:28 <Li_Liu> Hi guys 03:10:39 <Sundar> #help 03:10:45 <Sundar> Hi Li 03:10:49 <wangzhh> #info wangzh 03:11:07 <Li_Liu> one suggestion tho, can we move the engineering call to a different time? it's a bit close to the regular IRC 03:11:36 <Li_Liu> Say, move it to a date between 2 irc meetings 03:11:54 <Sundar> I am fine with other days. I think we did a Doodle poll and chose this 03:12:37 <Li_Liu> I feel like we just talked no long ago.. and don't have much update since then 03:12:41 <Sundar> May be we can do Thursday eve US time, Fri morn China time? 03:12:54 <Li_Liu> That sound fine to me 03:13:12 <Sundar> I see. I believe the agenda for theis call and the engineering call will be somewhat different 03:13:24 <Sundar> This call is about status updates, process etc. 03:13:36 <Sundar> Whereas the engineering call goes more into depth 03:13:56 <Li_Liu> I know, but moving them apart makes more sense 03:14:21 <Li_Liu> wangzh, do you know if coco is coming? 03:14:29 <Li_Liu> She's the super star right now :P 03:14:44 <wangzhh> Not sure. 03:14:51 <xinranwang> Friday is fine for me, better before 10:30. :) 03:15:20 <Li_Liu> #topic status updates 03:15:33 <Li_Liu> Good thing is her patch get merged 03:15:50 <Li_Liu> still waiting for the OVO one 03:16:01 <Li_Liu> Sundar, I saw you still have some comments 03:16:44 <Sundar> I noted that they are not blocking comments. We'll let the patch merge and update the details after that 03:16:44 <Yumeng_> I have a quick question about db schema, should we also change the type of device to enum instead of string? 03:17:35 <Li_Liu> Sundar, could you give it a +2 then? 03:17:55 <Sundar> Li_Liu: Sure. But it is already merged? 03:18:38 <Li_Liu> Sundar, i mean this one https://review.openstack.org/#/c/624138/ 03:20:38 <Sundar> Li_Liu: Can we just address the comments that I did not mark as ignorable? 03:20:55 <Sundar> For example, the source file is called driver_handle.py instead of attach_handle.py 03:21:55 <Li_Liu> sure, I am just checking to see if the patch is ready to merge after the comments being addressed 03:22:24 <Li_Liu> that's cool 03:22:26 <Sundar> Yes, I think so. Just address the basics, and I'll give a +2 03:23:03 <Li_Liu> Looking at the stories at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2004249 03:24:07 <Sundar> I think we should hold off on 27782. 03:24:37 <Li_Liu> why? 03:24:49 <Sundar> If we start adding stuff to placement now and change that after Stein, we have to do a reshaping of the provider tree and what not, which could be a pain for us, Nova or both 03:25:11 <Sundar> It is better to put that in the feature branch, get Nova to sign off, and then merge it 03:25:22 <Li_Liu> that one does not involve placement yet tho 03:25:39 <Li_Liu> it's just doing the update from the agent side 03:25:50 <Li_Liu> Hi Yikun 03:25:54 <Sundar> 27782: Conductor should update Placement 03:25:59 <yikun> hello 03:26:08 <yikun> soryy for late 03:26:20 <Sundar> Welcome, yikun. NP. 03:26:28 <yikun> Sundar: :) 03:26:50 <Li_Liu> Sundar, ah. my bad.. looked at a wrong one. 03:26:53 <Sundar> Good to have you join the team :) 03:27:25 <Sundar> Li_Liu: NP. The other 4 in that story are doable. 03:28:33 <Li_Liu> Sundar, can we borrow some code from your pilot branch for this? 03:28:46 <Li_Liu> I mean for the update placement piece 03:29:52 <Li_Liu> or quickly patch it up to work with placement for some simple demo 03:29:53 <Sundar> Li_Liu: for Placement? I don;t have it. :) I am directly writing a fake device by calling placement API from a script, rather than have the conductor take discovered devices and update Placement 03:30:10 <Li_Liu> I see 03:30:30 <Sundar> Yes, once we have the Cyborg master branch code, I will fold that into the feature branch somehow for a full end-to-end flow 03:30:32 <Li_Liu> ok, let's just focus on the rest 4 stories 03:30:37 <Li_Liu> for now 03:31:32 <Li_Liu> Yumeng was asking "I have a quick question about db schema, should we also change the type of device to enum instead of string?" 03:31:39 <Li_Liu> Sundar, could you comment on that? 03:32:33 <Sundar> Yumeng_, Li_Liu: Sure, makes sense to me. 03:32:35 <Li_Liu> Hi Shaohe 03:32:38 <Sundar> However, ... 03:32:51 <shaohe_feng_> hi Li_Liu 03:33:26 <Sundar> There could be cards in the neat future that may involve multiple RCs. The device type wil translate into one of those RCs, e.g. CUSTOM_ACCELERATOR_FPGA. Others will be custom RCs 03:33:33 <Sundar> *near 03:34:35 <Sundar> yikun: I replied to your comments in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/630427/ 03:34:49 <Yumeng_> Sundar, Li_Liu: Thx. Got it. Then I will do the change later. 03:34:50 <Li_Liu> in that case, string makes more sense 03:35:23 <yikun> Sundar: yep, I see, I was just a little wired why we should keep a arq obj in cyborg 03:35:24 <Li_Liu> Hi CoCo 03:36:03 <Coco_gao> Hi all 03:36:04 <yikun> IMO, if it's something like pcireq, it should be an obj in nova. 03:36:10 <Coco_gao> #info Coco_gao 03:36:38 <Sundar> yikun: The ARQ is a combination of a Neutron port and vif. It is used for binding and attaching. 03:36:57 <Sundar> It is defined between Nova and Cybprg 03:37:06 <yikun> and the other thing, about ARQ or AcceleratorRequst, It's okay to me in db or obj level, but I think we should spell completely in API at least. 03:37:43 <Li_Liu> For external APIs, sure 03:38:45 <Sundar> Ok 03:39:00 <Coco_gao> Spell completely is more common in OpenStack Projects, I agree 03:39:29 <Kevin_Zheng> like in most projects, we only use abbreviations for well-kown concepts like IPs, DNS 03:40:00 <Kevin_Zheng> we don't use this kind of abbreviations for some thing like this 03:40:21 <Li_Liu> thanks for the comments 03:40:42 <Kevin_Zheng> like we don't call GET /AC in placement, we callGET /allocation_candidates 03:41:03 <Coco_gao> Thanks for all this advice 03:41:40 <Sundar> So, we are talking only of URLs, not method names? 03:41:41 <Li_Liu> Coco, you can address them in a future patch when you have time 03:41:51 <Kevin_Zheng> and ARQ is a well-known abbreviation for Automatic Repeat-reQuest 03:42:05 <Kevin_Zheng> it could be really easy to get confused 03:42:12 <Li_Liu> lol 03:42:33 <yikun> :D 03:42:58 <Li_Liu> alright, move on 03:43:04 <Sundar> That stuff about Automatic Repeat-.... has been brought up before. but it is in embedded systems, etc., not in Openstack . Most people agreed it is not confusing 03:43:31 <Sundar> So, URLs will spell accelerator_request in full. Based on previous comments, db/object layer need not do that 03:43:48 <xinranwang> btw, can you guys have a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/630579/ 03:44:10 <Sundar> APi layer code -- like get_obj_arq? 03:44:44 <xinranwang> let's get the object layer code merged as well. 03:45:02 <Li_Liu> xinranwang, you might wanna rebase it 03:46:02 <Li_Liu> #topic new member intro 03:46:08 <xinranwang> Li_Liu: yes sure 03:46:44 <Li_Liu> Yikun is my colleague in Huawei. He will be joining cyborg. 03:47:08 <Li_Liu> I just wanna make it more official, yikun 03:47:15 <Coco_gao> Welcome, Yikun 03:47:45 <Li_Liu> Do you wanna introduce yourself a little bit? 03:47:57 <yikun> thanks, and I will pay more attention on nova-cyborg intergration. :) 03:48:03 <xinranwang> welcome 03:48:29 <Li_Liu> great, that's exactly what we need :P 03:48:40 <Yumeng_> Yikun: welcome :) 03:48:57 <Li_Liu> #topic AoB 03:49:10 <yikun> Coco_gao xinranwang Yumeng_ thanks, :) 03:49:33 <Li_Liu> if there is no other stuff to discuss, let's call the meeting 03:49:44 <Li_Liu> have a good day/night guys 03:49:52 <Coco_gao> have a good day 03:49:58 <Coco_gao> bye 03:50:04 <Yumeng_> bye 03:50:11 <Li_Liu> bye 03:50:26 <Li_Liu> #endmeeting