02:06:11 <xinranwang> #startmeeting openstack-cyborg 02:06:12 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 15 02:06:11 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is xinranwang. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:06:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 02:06:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg' 02:07:47 <brinzhang> xinranwang: where is the topic? 02:07:58 <xinranwang> wow, how to change the name 02:08:04 <wenpingsong> #info wenpingsong 02:08:08 <brinzhang> chenke may out of this meeting, I think we can start 02:08:13 <xinranwang> #topic roll call 02:08:14 <wenpingsong> use /nick 02:08:21 <brinzhang> you can use '/NICK xxx' 02:08:24 <xinranwang> #info xinranwang 02:08:32 <brinzhang> #info brinzhang 02:08:34 <xinranwang> oh, got it 02:08:41 <xinranwang> #topic vgpu status 02:09:22 <wenpingsong> i have reproposed both nova and cyborg specs 02:09:47 <xinranwang> I have review nova spec, it looks good to me. have you pinged nova guys to review it? 02:10:07 <xinranwang> wenpingsong: yeah, I see. thanks 02:10:17 <wenpingsong> i haven't ping them 02:10:30 <wenpingsong> just add them to reviewer 02:11:44 <wenpingsong> this afternoon i will ping them. 02:12:27 <xinranwang> they were busy on releasing the new version before, now the release day just passed, we can start to ping them. 02:12:37 <xinranwang> wenpingsong: yeah 02:12:52 <xinranwang> I will review cyborg spec by today. 02:13:42 <wenpingsong> thanks 02:14:50 <xinranwang> i think the backported pythonic patch is also ready to go 02:15:37 <xinranwang> # smartnic support 02:15:46 <xinranwang> # topic smartnic support 02:15:50 <xinranwang> #topic smartnic support 02:16:30 <xinranwang> gibi has some comments on smartnic spec, i will updated it by today. please review it when you got time 02:17:01 <wenpingsong> ok, i will look into. 02:17:20 <xinranwang> wenpingsong: thanks 02:17:24 <brinzhang> I have to try, but everytime lost to review it :( 02:18:32 <brinzhang> I add this on my list, may at Saturday 02:21:55 <xinranwang> Sorry the network is unstable 02:22:16 <xinranwang> brinzhang: lol, take your time. Thanks 02:22:36 <xinranwang> #topic PTG 02:23:12 <xinranwang> Next week is ptg week, you guys will come and join right? 02:23:51 <wenpingsong> yeah 02:24:42 <brinzhang> yes 02:25:03 <xinranwang> We have many topic to discuss. I will fill the ether pad with another section “liaison “ 02:25:21 <xinranwang> Please fill your name in if any interst 02:25:27 <wenpingsong> yeah, many works to do. 02:25:30 <brinzhang> you mean add liaison for sepc? 02:26:42 <xinranwang> like "people" section in https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cyborg 02:26:52 <xinranwang> we need reorg this 02:28:53 <xinranwang> if you any any other idea/topic, not limited to techinical issue, we can have discussion there 02:32:13 <brinzhang> xinranwang: ack 02:32:44 <xinranwang> #AoB 02:32:52 <xinranwang> #topic AoB 02:33:11 <xinranwang> do you have any other thing want to bring up here? 02:33:15 <wenpingsong> ack 02:33:52 <wenpingsong> some backport patch need review: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cyborg/+/786110 02:36:25 <swp20> soory the network is not stable 02:36:56 <swp20> some backport patchs need review: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cyborg/+/786110 and this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cyborg/+/786109 and the relate ut patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/cyborg/+/785336 02:37:57 <xinranwang> swp20: ok, will look into these patches 02:38:03 <swp20> thanks 02:38:18 <brinzhang> wenpingsong: thanks paste these patch 02:38:20 <swp20> nothing from myside 02:38:23 <xinranwang> do you know eric xie? 02:38:26 <brinzhang> me too 02:38:37 <xinranwang> I see he/she have submit some patches 02:38:45 <brinzhang> xinwranwang: What happened? 02:39:08 <swp20> donnot know which company 02:39:15 <xinranwang> nothing, just want know if he/she is from inspur too ? 02:40:12 <brinzhang> xinranwang: I will ask someone, if can get something info, will ping you all ^ 02:40:33 <brinzhang> May I similar with him 02:42:04 <xinranwang> brinzhang swp20: thanks, we always welcome new contributors, we can invite he to join the weekly meeing, also ptg. 02:42:35 <xinranwang> ok, nothing from my side. let's wrap up the meeting and continue coding and reviewing. lol 02:43:03 <brinzhang> ack, I will ask him, he is in Inspur too 02:44:30 <xinranwang> brinzhang: cool, thanks 02:44:36 <xinranwang> #endmeeting