14:03:32 <shaohe_feng> #startmeeting openstack-cyborg-driver 14:03:33 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 11 14:03:32 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is shaohe_feng. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:34 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:36 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_cyborg_driver' 14:03:54 <shaohe_feng> #topic Roll Call 14:04:11 <shaohe_feng> #info shaohe_feng 14:05:54 <xinran__> #info xinran__ 14:06:00 <edleafe> #info edleafe 14:06:49 <shaohe_feng> morning edleafe 14:08:26 <edleafe> Good UGT morning to you! 14:08:59 <edleafe> http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html 14:10:24 <shaohe_feng> now most of specs are merged. We will focus on the coding in the next week. 14:11:28 <shaohe_feng> #topic status of tasks 14:11:46 <shaohe_feng> VPUG 14:13:30 <shaohe_feng> wangzhh has submit the patch missing UT. 14:15:00 <shaohe_feng> SPDK 14:16:05 <shaohe_feng> something wrong with Helloway's net. 14:16:14 <shaohe_feng> provider report 14:17:35 <shaohe_feng> we has not get agreement on the solution, I will discuss with Sundar. 14:24:51 <shaohe_feng> edleafe, should we refine the cyborg API for Cyborg/Nova interaction? 14:26:07 <edleafe> shaohe_feng: You mean for when Nova would call Cyborg to handle programming, etc? 14:26:36 <shaohe_feng> not only programming. 14:27:15 <shaohe_feng> nova should request a accelerator from cyborg. 14:29:16 <edleafe> So placement will return compute hosts with the right resource class of accelerator. Nova picks one, and would then ask Cyborg to attach it to the VM, doing any programming if needed. Is that the flow you are asking about? 14:30:04 <shaohe_feng> seems not so many developers on line this meeting. 14:31:20 <shaohe_feng> will talk it more next time. 14:31:21 <edleafe> I didn't know about the Monday meeting until my IRC client told me my nick was used in this channel last week. 14:32:43 <shaohe_feng> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/CyborgDriverTeamMeeting#Biweekly_Cyborg_Driver_Team_Meeting 14:32:53 <shaohe_feng> ^ edleafe, the meeting info. 14:35:10 <edleafe> shaohe_feng: ah, so this is a separate cyborg-drivers meeting? 14:35:29 <shaohe_feng> edleafe, yes. 14:36:10 <edleafe> shaohe_feng: thanks for the link 14:38:12 <shaohe_feng> edleafe, seems no many attendee this meeting, Let us end it early 14:38:25 <shaohe_feng> okey meeting adjourned 14:38:32 <shaohe_feng> #endmeeting