18:04:26 <barrett> #startmeeting Openstack Diversity Working Group 18:04:27 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 10 18:04:26 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is barrett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:04:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:04:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_diversity_working_group' 18:04:58 <barrett> Hi folks - let's start with roll call 18:05:02 <barrett> #topic roll call 18:06:04 <barrett> Anyone here for the Diversity WG team meeting? 18:08:21 <rockyg> o/ 18:08:59 <barrett> Hi Rockyg 18:09:08 <rockyg> Hey ;-) 18:09:21 <barrett> I put a note in the openstack-diversity channel to redirect people here.... 18:09:33 <barrett> Not sure we have a quorum to get anything done today. 18:09:43 <rockyg> Good question. 18:09:59 <barrett> Is Cindy Pallares here? 18:12:02 <barrett> RockyG - Think we should wrap this one up for now. Next team meeting at this time will be Jan 7th. 18:12:29 <rockyg> Sounds good to me. 18:12:57 <rockyg> Talk to you Monday in the next meeting? 18:13:31 <barrett> Sounds good - enjoy your weekend! 18:13:39 <rockyg> You, too! 18:13:54 <barrett> Thanks 18:13:56 <barrett> #endmeeting