15:00:03 #startmeeting openstack-eventlet-removal 15:00:03 Meeting started Tue Nov 19 15:00:03 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hberaud[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:03 The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_eventlet_removal' 15:00:19 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-eventlet-tracking 15:00:34 o/ (here but on mobile) 15:00:41 Ping: amorin, JayF, gouthamr 15:00:43 o/ 15:01:17 we are around line 39 of the etherpad 15:01:35 hi 15:01:49 lets wait 1 or 2 minutes for people 15:02:04 o/ 15:03:04 here we go! 15:03:08 #topic Review task completion 15:04:08 the only things in our tasks was the meetbot setup, kindly configured by Goutham, thanks gouthamr 15:04:31 it seems to work so I think we can close this topic 15:04:55 I just have one question 15:05:25 is the "title" passed to the startmeeting command have an importance? 15:06:17 I mean, today I used "openstack-eventlet-removal" but what if we use "eventlet-removal" during the next meeting? 15:06:27 I guess it should match the meeting_id 15:06:33 is our logs will be moved elsewhere? 15:07:27 ok 15:07:45 then I propose to stick to "openstack-eventlet-removal" 15:07:54 I guess the log goes to https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings// 15:08:01 <hberaud[m]> ok, next topc 15:08:03 <hberaud[m]> topic 15:08:13 <hberaud[m]> #topic general updates 15:08:33 <tkajinam> (I see the directory is created in https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack-eventlet-removal/ ) 15:09:09 <gouthamr> ++ 15:09:32 <hberaud[m]> this dir will surely be fulfilled once I'll trigger the endmeeting command 15:09:42 <tkajinam> yup 15:09:47 <hberaud[m]> great 15:10:02 <hberaud[m]> thanks for your confirmations 15:10:38 <hberaud[m]> so today we can announce that the support of Python 3.13 in Eventlet is now merged and released 15:10:52 <tkajinam> \o/ 15:10:55 <hberaud[m]> the patch was merged yesterday 15:11:06 <hberaud[m]> and I released it this morning 15:11:13 <hberaud[m]> https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/991 15:11:36 <hberaud[m]> Eventlet 0.38.0 is the version that introduce the support of Python 3.13 15:11:44 <hberaud[m]> but... 15:13:17 <hberaud[m]> unfortunatelly, for now, we are still blocked in our openstack upgrade path by some neutron failures https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/requirements/+/933257 15:13:53 <hberaud[m]> Roldolfo kindly put comments and created a launchpad to track them 15:14:03 <ralonsoh> yes, working on the Neutron's patch 15:15:04 <hberaud[m]> so IIUC you need the os-ken upgrade to start working on it, exact? 15:15:12 <hberaud[m]> (no-rush) 15:15:51 <ralonsoh> that is done, this is just a matter of solving an issue in the CI (other not related to os-ken) 15:16:05 <hberaud[m]> we have a almost complete series to solve these neutron failures 15:16:16 <hberaud[m]> good, thanks 15:16:45 <hberaud[m]> the other aspects of that topic are the mistral and manilla failures 15:16:53 <hberaud[m]> but their jobs are non voting 15:17:31 <hberaud[m]> gouthamr: what should we do if these both deliverables are not properly aligned by the end of Epoxy? 15:18:00 <amorin> on mistral side, I tried to fix everything 15:18:09 <amorin> is there still something wrong? 15:18:15 <hberaud[m]> s/manilla/masakari/ 15:18:45 <tkajinam> 73 RLock(s) were not greened, to fix this error make sure you run eventlet.monkey_patch() before importing any other modules. 15:18:46 <hberaud[m]> amorin: good question... 15:18:55 <hberaud[m]> https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/faa17300315042ecbe588c034aad66ea 15:19:12 <tkajinam> I wonder what this log implies. we do call monkey_patch right after importing eventlet and idk how we can fix it really 15:19:12 <hberaud[m]> do you released the fixes? 15:20:16 <hberaud[m]> indeed 15:20:18 <amorin> I will take a look at that, I have no idea 15:20:26 <tkajinam> I see heat unit tests timed out and I suspect the log is slowing down the test execution 15:20:59 <hberaud[m]> amorin: do you mind if I put a task related on it on our tracker, just to be sure to keep an eye on that? 15:21:07 <amorin> yes please 15:21:14 <hberaud[m]> thanks 15:22:14 <hberaud[m]> amorin: I put your name on this task 15:22:44 <hberaud[m]> tkajinam: do you want to inspect further the heat side? 15:23:38 <gouthamr> hberaud[m]: regarding masakari ( and any other component cross jobs that failed ), we can post on the ML.. and get this wider attention 15:23:41 <tkajinam> I can try but I likely need some help as I don't see any apparent errors and have no idea what's going on at this moment 15:24:09 <hberaud[m]> gouthamr: is masakari still actively maintained? 15:24:17 <gouthamr> hberaud[m]: yes 15:24:24 <hberaud[m]> ok 15:25:27 <hberaud[m]> I assigned the ML discussion to myself 15:26:48 <hberaud[m]> do you want to add anything else concerning this topic? 15:27:16 <hberaud[m]> I think we can put the heat investigation aside for now and see if they repeat again in the coming days 15:28:08 <hberaud[m]> ok, move on 15:28:17 <hberaud[m]> #topic update from HTTP/SGI working group 15:28:47 <gouthamr> +1 thank you; since the jobs failing are non voting, we can proceed with merging the requirements bump, and track fixes as bugs… if the projects are unable to fix this soon in this release, I’ll discuss this within the TC 15:29:00 <gouthamr> (hit send late) 15:29:16 <hberaud[m]> so we have no updates from working group for now 15:29:48 <ralonsoh> sorry for the question, what is this group? who belongs to it? 15:30:34 <hberaud[m]> for now I think we mostly try to sparkle it 15:30:57 <hberaud[m]> there is not yet official representents 15:31:24 <hberaud[m]> I'd encourage at least one team member by group if possible 15:31:58 <hberaud[m]> preferably people interested by the various aspects of these groups 15:32:57 <hberaud[m]> I think our priority is to take a decision about uWSGI as an official alternative or not 15:34:11 <hberaud[m]> some deliverables are already choosen to follows the uWSGI path as migration path 15:34:17 <hberaud[m]> by example glance 15:34:39 <hberaud[m]> we had a tiny discussion this morning on this channel related to glance and uWSGI 15:34:53 <sean-k-mooney> so uwsigin is the default wsgi servr we use for all testing 15:35:11 <sean-k-mooney> is glance looking at using it as more the a server 15:35:45 <hberaud[m]> IMO this is also the most easy path for migrating away from eventlet.wsgi 15:36:02 <sean-k-mooney> well we are mixing too things 15:36:16 <sean-k-mooney> eventlet.wsgi is used for 2 diffent usecase 15:36:24 <sean-k-mooney> providing a webserver to host the wsgi ap 15:36:27 <sean-k-mooney> *app 15:36:41 <sean-k-mooney> and i belive it can be used as a wsgi framework to some degree 15:36:58 <hberaud[m]> but the goal of the SGI working group was to ensure that we all agree on the path we want to follow 15:37:00 <sean-k-mooney> so for the former moving to uswgi make sense 15:37:29 <sean-k-mooney> right but we cant mandante a single wsgi server implemention 15:37:41 <hberaud[m]> AFAIK glance use routes + eventlet.wsgi or uWSGI 15:38:09 <hberaud[m]> not a single but more a by default 15:38:28 <sean-k-mooney> most service now supprot using the api under a wsgi server and in devstack we use uWSGI as the defautl and have doen for many years 15:38:44 <sean-k-mooney> keyston was the first to fully drop the eventlet console script 15:39:21 <sean-k-mooney> nova's plan currently is just to remove that console-script (nova-api) without a replacment and jsut tell pepopel to use the wsgi applciaiton using any wsgi server 15:39:36 <sean-k-mooney> we will continue to test with uWSGI as the defualt 15:39:37 <hberaud[m]> ok 15:40:15 <hberaud[m]> so yeah the goal of these working groups is to host this kind of discussion 15:40:36 <hberaud[m]> how do you want to proceed? 15:40:45 <amorin> maybe dumb question, why not using only apache, without uwsgi? 15:41:12 <amorin> apache + mod_wsgi 15:41:14 <sean-k-mooney> amorin: partly because that was buggy in the past with the python 3 transtion 15:41:39 <sean-k-mooney> we could not proplery test on diffent pyton version as siply as we coud with uwsgi 15:41:44 <hberaud[m]> I heard many people complaining about apache, but I personally have no opinion about it 15:42:20 <amorin> hum, ok, we are using it on production here, no known issue (for nova, neutron, cinder, mistral) 15:42:22 <sean-k-mooney> the intent is that any wsgi server could be used so if you wanted to test with mod_wsgi you could 15:42:47 <amorin> ok, note that I have nothing against uwsgi anyway :) 15:42:55 * gouthamr notes no issue with Manila either… we have a job testing it always 15:42:58 <sean-k-mooney> amorin: we ahve it in our downstream ready product currently too but it does nhave a lot of memory overhead in comparison but it works 15:43:17 <tkajinam> yeah 15:43:31 <sean-k-mooney> gouthamr: as noted the problem was testing with the non default pythyon version 15:43:45 <tkajinam> uwsgi is much lightweight. If you run all services in container then using apache may add more and more overheads 15:43:58 <sean-k-mooney> if your installing apache form the package manager usign python form the venv can be tricky 15:44:11 <tkajinam> and for baremetal deployment hosting all api services on httpd is a mess, because it messes up the deployment resource dependencies 15:44:14 <sean-k-mooney> and if that python is not the defaut python then that is harder still 15:44:25 <amorin> that's true, we have a custom mod_wsgi.so inside the venv for this 15:44:39 <sean-k-mooney> anyway i dont want to derail on that histroy too much 15:45:08 <hberaud[m]> sean-k-mooney: we should also notice that the SGI also aim to provide a way to guide folks through the application layer, so I think it join your initial remarks about mixed aspect of eventlet.wsgi https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Eventlet-removal#The_HTTP_SGI_Working_Group 15:45:19 <hberaud[m]> no problem 15:46:16 <hberaud[m]> time flies and we have other topic, I'll send a ML thread concerning this specific working group to encourage having this discussion in parallel 15:47:01 <sean-k-mooney> so i joined partrly to say that since i have moved team internaly i likely wont be able to move the eventlet removal forward much in nova this cycle 15:47:26 <hberaud[m]> thanks for the heads up 15:47:27 <sean-k-mooney> but since i will be workign on watcher a bit this cycle maybe ill find time to start it there.... 15:48:15 <hberaud[m]> I saw the nova ML PTG summary which spoke about gibi and the main interlocutor concerning the eventlet aspect on Nova 15:48:20 <sean-k-mooney> one of the things ill add to my todo list is to see if watcher currently supprot runnign without eventlet.wsgi and make sure that is tested properly in ci 15:48:50 <hberaud[m]> sean-k-mooney: in all case thank you for all your efforts, much appreciated 15:48:51 <sean-k-mooney> yes gibi will try and move that forward when they have tiem and will help to some degree 15:49:20 <sean-k-mooney> i and gibi just will have less time to work on this hten we had orginally planend 15:49:31 <hberaud[m]> ack 15:49:46 <hberaud[m]> move on to the next topic 15:49:50 <hberaud[m]> #topic update from task working group 15:50:03 <hberaud[m]> so the oslo.service specs are now merged 15:50:42 <hberaud[m]> Daniel (damani) told us that he will start the implementation with Mike in the coming days 15:51:03 <hberaud[m]> so we should soon observe regulare update concerning this aspect 15:51:15 <tkajinam> ok 15:51:27 <hberaud[m]> #topic update from interoperability working group 15:52:36 <hberaud[m]> for now we have real update concerning this group, we are meeting each teams on by one, so once our tour will be done I think we will have a better understanding/oveview of this specific aspect 15:52:48 <hberaud[m]> s/we have no real/ 15:53:13 <hberaud[m]> #topic oslo.log and the pipemutex 15:53:35 <hberaud[m]> well the pipemutex topic come back to us 15:54:33 <hberaud[m]> my eventlet colleague (Itamar) proposed a way to workaround it in the case we want to use the asyncio hub https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/432#issuecomment-2483439460 15:54:34 <amorin> is there anything wrong with that? 15:54:59 <hberaud[m]> we made back and forth with the removal of that mutex 15:55:13 <sean-k-mooney> i saw i think that is the wrong approch 15:55:30 <sean-k-mooney> i would prefer to fully remove the pipemutex 15:55:42 <hberaud[m]> me too 15:56:03 <hberaud[m]> Itamar proposed an parallel approach too 15:56:08 <hberaud[m]> let me retrieve it 15:56:19 <sean-k-mooney> i think that shoudl eb relitivly easy to do if we port the synconise decorator and lockign form oslo.utils? 15:56:36 <hberaud[m]> https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/874#issuecomment-2483425977 15:56:58 <hberaud[m]> good question 15:57:20 <hberaud[m]> you mean, easy to remove the pipemutex? 15:57:23 <sean-k-mooney> we cant just import it because of the deps between them 15:57:36 <sean-k-mooney> yes so the pipe mutex also require the debug flag 15:57:47 <hberaud[m]> maybe 15:57:57 <sean-k-mooney> so to me just disabling it when using asyncio is not a good approch 15:58:06 <sean-k-mooney> i dont really want that in nova even when not using asyncio 15:58:20 <hberaud[m]> yeah same thing for me 15:58:41 <hberaud[m]> I'd not prefer to have this kind of tricks anywhere in oslo 15:59:12 <sean-k-mooney> so the lockign we use for the syncronize decorate uses a filesystem level look that is also a fare lock 15:59:30 <hberaud[m]> let me create a task to revive this discussion 15:59:30 <sean-k-mooney> that has all of the charteristics we need that the pipemutex was trying to provide 16:00:09 <sean-k-mooney> i cant promise to fix this but im kind of wonderign if i can poc replacing it quickly 16:00:15 <tkajinam> you are talking about the lock implementation in oslo.concurrency, not oslo.utils, right ? 16:00:16 <sean-k-mooney> so i might try and spend an hour on it today 16:00:25 <sean-k-mooney> tkajinam: yes probaly 16:00:37 <tkajinam> one thing we have to be aware of the file based lock in oslo.concucurrency is that it requires lock_path 16:00:50 <sean-k-mooney> its using a fateners reader writer lock combined with a file on disk 16:00:52 <tkajinam> I mean the lock_path option should be set, otherwise the lock fails with an exception 16:01:14 <tkajinam> so switching it causes deployment impact, as was seen in rabbitmq queue manager implementation in the past 16:01:32 <sean-k-mooney> yep but we coudl have that use a reasonable default and most uses oslo.log already use it i think 16:02:00 <sean-k-mooney> that is a complication worth nothing 16:02:01 <hberaud[m]> sean-k-mooney: I also put your name in parallel of mine on this pipemutex task topic 16:02:18 <tkajinam> maybe. now RDO overrides lock_path for only limited number of services(nova, glance and cinder for os-brick and neutron for its purpose) 16:02:26 <gouthamr> ~~ time check on this meeting ~~ 16:02:41 <hberaud[m]> :) 16:02:42 <tkajinam> oops 16:02:57 <hberaud[m]> lets finish with the agenda 16:02:57 <gouthamr> we can continue discussing :) 16:03:04 <hberaud[m]> #topic cleaning up workaround logic for old eventlet 16:03:12 <tkajinam> that's just fyi 16:03:24 <tkajinam> we just need to get these merged 16:03:46 <tkajinam> so we can move on 16:03:47 <hberaud[m]> thanks for the heads up 16:04:33 <hberaud[m]> will ping the team for the patches not yet merged 16:04:43 <hberaud[m]> #topic Open Discussion 16:05:12 <hberaud[m]> Anything else that you want to discuss before I close this meeting? 16:06:05 <hberaud[m]> calling 1 16:06:07 <hberaud[m]> 2 16:06:10 <hberaud[m]> 3 16:06:24 <hberaud[m]> thanks everyone! 16:06:30 <hberaud[m]> #endmeeting