15:00:52 <hberaud[m]> #startmeeting openstack-eventlet-removal
15:00:52 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Feb  4 15:00:52 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hberaud[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:52 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:52 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_eventlet_removal'
15:01:08 <hberaud[m]> Ping list: amorin, JayF, gouthamr, ralonsoh
15:01:15 <hberaud[m]> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/epoxy-eventlet-tracking
15:01:20 <amorin> o/
15:01:28 <hberaud[m]> We are at line 157
15:01:44 <hberaud[m]> amorin: o/ how are you?
15:02:08 <amorin> good, thanks, one question here about mistral-lib
15:02:15 <amorin> should I start?
15:02:43 <hberaud[m]> I'd suggest to wait for the open-discussion part, no?
15:02:50 <amorin> yup :)
15:03:04 <hberaud[m]> let's go through the meeting agenda first
15:03:14 <hberaud[m]> let's go
15:03:23 <hberaud[m]> #topic Review task completion
15:03:45 <hberaud[m]> so there is no tasks from previous meeting
15:04:12 <hberaud[m]> #topic friendly reminder, about final lib and feature freeze
15:04:26 <hberaud[m]> so next week is the oslo feature freeze
15:04:57 <hberaud[m]> would be good to have all the deprecation merged https://review.opendev.org/q/prefixtopic:%22eventlet-removal%22+deprecate+status:open+author:hberaud@redhat.com
15:05:25 <amorin> I can do reviews
15:05:36 <hberaud[m]> and the week after is the global final-lib weeks
15:05:49 <hberaud[m]> so, if you have pending reviews or deprecations, please prioritize it.
15:05:55 <hberaud[m]> amorin: thanks
15:06:11 <hberaud[m]> #topic progress update
15:06:23 <hberaud[m]> 1. the oslo.service backend mechanisms are now merged we are waiting for the eventlet backend to be merged and for the threading backend to be implemented
15:06:42 <hberaud[m]> ah no sorry the evenlet backend is now also merged
15:07:15 <hberaud[m]> and I seen that Daniel proposed this morning a doc update related to the backend mechanisms
15:07:30 <hberaud[m]> 2. eventlet 0.39.0 is out
15:07:56 <hberaud[m]> days ago we released this new version of eventlet, and our openstack requirements are now bumped
15:08:20 <hberaud[m]> 3. good progress on neutron OVN meta data agent is moving to the new socket server, congrats ralonsoh
15:08:40 <ralonsoh> thanks
15:08:49 <hberaud[m]> 4. mistral continue its migration, amorin maybe you want to ask your question now?
15:10:19 <amorin> yes, so I am slowly but surely removing eventlet from code
15:10:27 <amorin> I did this recently: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/mistral-lib/+/940486
15:10:39 <amorin> I will need a new mistral-lib release
15:10:49 <amorin> I never did that, so I was wondering what is the process?
15:11:31 <hberaud[m]> simply to propose a new patch to the release team, https://releases.openstack.org/reference/using.html#requesting-a-release
15:12:05 <hberaud[m]> There is a dedicated command for that into the release repo code base https://releases.openstack.org/reference/using.html#using-new-release-command
15:12:32 <amorin> ok I will read that and do the necessary steps. That will allow me to move forward on mistral itself
15:13:09 <amorin> thats all for me so far
15:13:25 <hberaud[m]> excellent, I can help you if you want, by proposing the patch
15:13:36 <hberaud[m]> as you prefer
15:14:23 <amorin> I'll try by myself first if you dont mind, I want to learn that process
15:14:40 <hberaud[m]> sure
15:14:58 <hberaud[m]> no problem
15:16:19 <hberaud[m]> 5. and the latest point is a statistical point, we now have more than 80 patches related to the eventlet removal https://review.opendev.org/q/prefixtopic:%22eventlet-removal%22 that's an really good progress
15:16:56 <hberaud[m]> #topic What is the status of the migration from oslo.rootwrap to oslo.privsep?
15:17:30 <hberaud[m]> https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/migrate-to-privsep.html
15:17:43 <hberaud[m]> ralonsoh: do you have a status to share with us?
15:18:02 <hberaud[m]> I ask this because oslo.rootwrap is impacted by eventlet, so would it be better to spend migrating oslo.rootwrap or simply to spend time to migrate remaining deliverables to oslo.privsep and then to simply retire oslo.rootwrap definitively?
15:19:14 <hberaud[m]> I tried to find a status but I seen that there is still occurence of oslo.rootwrap here and there, but lot of them do not seems blocking one, so I wonder if we could consider it as done or not
15:21:27 <hberaud[m]> anyway let's continue this part of the discussion after the meeting
15:21:49 <hberaud[m]> #topic should we deprecate oslo.vmware?
15:21:57 <ralonsoh> hberaud[m], sorry, in another meeting
15:21:58 <ralonsoh> no updates
15:22:14 <hberaud[m]> should we deprecate oslo.vmware rather than spending time trying to migrating it away from eventlet? I started a discussion https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/NCBLEXRUTFINARPI3ACWNPORA3UG6YQW/
15:22:20 <hberaud[m]> ralonsoh: no problem
15:23:54 <hberaud[m]> some people want to keep the support is at is now, I'm not against that, I just observed that there is no significant activity in oslo.vmware since 3-4 years
15:25:22 <hberaud[m]> so this topic will surely arise again during the next series because nova consider the support of vmware as experimental
15:25:29 <JayF> We should reach out to the same folks trying to keep the vmware driver alive; try to make this library their problem imo
15:25:44 <JayF> Nova team has been pretty up front about "you have to do the work"
15:25:45 <hberaud[m]> yes
15:26:38 <hberaud[m]> I suggested on the oslo channel, that, maybe, the solution is to move oslo.vmware to opendev.org/x
15:26:55 <hberaud[m]> and to transition the maintenance
15:27:03 <hberaud[m]> that could be one option
15:28:28 <hberaud[m]> lets rediscuss that point in a couple of months
15:28:37 <hberaud[m]> #topic Who chair R-6? Else I'll simply cancel it?
15:29:23 <hberaud[m]> I'm on PTO and so AFK during the week of our next meeting, does anybody want to chair the meeting during my absence?
15:29:37 <hberaud[m]> Else I'll simply cancel it
15:29:38 <ralonsoh> we can skip the next one, I think
15:29:49 <hberaud[m]> WFM
15:30:18 <hberaud[m]> we will be close from the feature freeze so I won't expect lot of news during this period
15:31:01 <hberaud[m]> #topic open discussion
15:31:12 <hberaud[m]> Anything else that you want to discuss today?
15:33:01 <hberaud[m]> Then I think that we are done
15:33:10 <hberaud[m]> #endmeeting