15:00:09 <srwilkers> #startmeeting openstack-helm 15:00:10 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Oct 3 15:00:09 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is srwilkers. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:12 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:13 <srwilkers> #topic rollcall 15:00:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_helm' 15:00:16 <srwilkers> o/ 15:00:35 <mattmceuen> o/ 15:00:47 <portdirect> #DangerZone 15:00:50 <alraddarla> o/ 15:01:09 <srwilkers> never forget goose. never forget 15:01:19 * portdirect sheds tear 15:01:36 <srwilkers> here's the etherpad for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2017-10-03 15:01:39 * portdirect beach volleyball anyone? 15:01:56 <srwilkers> let's take five minutes or so and hash out some items to discuss 15:05:25 <srwilkers> Alright, let's get started 15:05:28 <srwilkers> #topic new community lead 15:05:33 <srwilkers> This will be a quick one 15:05:52 <srwilkers> but mattmceuen will be taking over as community lead for openstack-helm moving forward 15:05:58 <alraddarla> \o/ 15:06:37 <mattmceuen> Heppy to help :) 15:06:41 <v1k0d3n> sweet mattmceuen! congrats. 15:06:46 <srwilkers> he's a cool guy and will steer all us cats in the right direction 15:06:49 <v1k0d3n> can't think of a better person...great news! 15:06:53 <srwilkers> cheers mattmceuen 15:06:58 <v1k0d3n> cheers 15:07:01 <lrensing> :) 15:07:26 <portdirect> the hero we need, and for once want :D 15:07:36 <mattmceuen> @v1k0d3n @srwilkers big shoes to fill. Appreciate your help as I learn the ropes. 15:07:39 <srwilkers> i see how it is portdirect 15:07:53 <srwilkers> you think the darkness is your ally? 15:08:00 <srwilkers> #topic Zuul v3 15:08:02 <portdirect> I was born in it 15:08:04 <srwilkers> Zuul v3 was born in it! 15:08:07 <v1k0d3n> kind of jacked portdirect 15:08:14 <srwilkers> which brings us to our next topic -- all you portdirect 15:08:14 <v1k0d3n> :) 15:08:21 <portdirect> its getting there 15:08:31 <portdirect> so our gates are not happy 15:08:51 <portdirect> this is mainly due to the issues with v3 - where things are currently running super slow 15:09:03 <portdirect> Infra are working like anything though 15:09:11 <portdirect> so I hope this will be resolved soon 15:09:23 <portdirect> and we are once again back to our semi functioning normaility 15:09:24 <portdirect> :) 15:09:29 <portdirect> but... 15:09:34 <portdirect> theres good news 15:09:42 <portdirect> I'm working on a set of v3 native gates 15:09:54 <portdirect> that should get us in a *much* better place than before 15:10:12 <portdirect> the works going on in this ps: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508534/ 15:10:24 <portdirect> feel free to check it out :) 15:10:33 <portdirect> though theres gonna be a few dragons in there for now 15:10:45 <portdirect> I'm also pulling the CNI suff out of kubeadm-aio 15:11:00 <portdirect> as this is where most of the issues were with the container 15:11:17 <portdirect> ans it will let us use the calic and opencontrail charts that are in flight 15:11:26 <portdirect> I'll also pull nfs out into its own chart 15:11:42 <portdirect> so we can make it a 1st class citizen 15:12:00 <v1k0d3n> portdirect are you working nfs? we had someone looking at that per our conversation earlier. 15:12:00 <portdirect> think thats all I've got to say 15:12:29 <portdirect> can you get that done today? I's only a 20 min job but is really required as part of this 15:12:47 <lrensing> will there be any other gates for other CNIs? and will we maintain a hosted manifest for calico similar to how the AIO container is now? 15:12:58 <portdirect> yes, and no 15:13:02 <v1k0d3n> that makes sense. i think that can be done for sure. i'm using this opportunity to get another person here worked in. 15:13:03 <portdirect> thats the point of pulling it out 15:13:25 <v1k0d3n> you're right...dead simple. let me reach out to them and get their commitment. i will have word for you soon. does that work? 15:13:29 <srwilkers> v1k0d3n: that'd be awesome. it'd definitely be welcome work right now 15:13:33 <portdirect> v1k0d3n: I have one here - but will not push it if you can get it up by this afternoon :) 15:13:33 <v1k0d3n> understand the need on the gates for sure. 15:13:35 <srwilkers> for sure 15:14:22 <v1k0d3n> portdirect: makes sense. yeah, let me reach out to him and ping you back. good simple opportunity to get another person engaged. i think i put in a bp for that. 15:14:48 <v1k0d3n> may have been something else. lot going on so my head is spinning a bit. 15:14:54 <srwilkers> lrensing: not sure honestly. it'd be a nice thing to see, but im already skeptical about the number of gates we have. different CNI's might be good candidates for a third party gate or something else 15:14:57 <srwilkers> thats my opinion anyway 15:15:02 <portdirect> v1k0d3n: all that needs to be done is these 2 files put in a chart: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm/tree/master/tools/kubeadm-aio/assets/opt/nfs-provisioner 15:15:18 <v1k0d3n> yup. exactly what i showed him too. can't be much simpler than that! 15:15:45 <portdirect> ok to move on? 15:15:48 <srwilkers> im good 15:16:04 <v1k0d3n> same. thanks everyone. 15:16:13 <srwilkers> lrensing: good? 15:16:25 <lrensing> sure 15:16:28 <srwilkers> #topic Monitoring update 15:16:49 <srwilkers> wanted to give everyone a heads up the prometheus stuff is moving along. patchset is here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481121/ 15:17:00 <srwilkers> still a WIP, but currently has an exporter for ceph, rabbitmq, mariadb 15:17:05 <srwilkers> also integrates cadvisor 15:17:16 <srwilkers> the configuration bits need some refactoring, but its functional 15:17:33 <mattmceuen> nice 15:17:46 <lrensing> nice work 15:17:52 <portdirect> w00t 15:17:57 <alraddarla> \o/ 15:18:02 <srwilkers> working on grafana right now to front it, and should have that done in a days time or so 15:18:11 <portdirect> nice 15:18:32 <portdirect> what are you palnning on using for grafana auth? 15:18:34 <srwilkers> also have a WIP for a nagios chart that includes the prometheus plugin, and have actually tested creating recurring polls and alerts on prometheus metrics if nagios is your thing 15:18:45 <srwilkers> portdirect: need to hash that bit out as it moves along 15:18:57 <portdirect> yeah - we will prob need an ldap chart 15:19:05 <srwilkers> portdirect: that was my thought yesterday 15:19:08 <portdirect> ldap for everyone 15:19:14 <srwilkers> sounds like a good job for lamt 15:19:25 * portdirect awaits alanmeadows wrath 15:19:55 <srwilkers> but thats all i had -- just wanted to call everyones attention to it 15:20:15 <srwilkers> i've got some demos I can PM to anyone who wants to see it in action 15:20:19 <srwilkers> including one for the nagios stuff 15:20:49 <srwilkers> #topic Telemetry stack 15:21:27 <portdirect> so - I hope that I've managed to get the awesome work lrensing and srwilkers updated and ready to merge 15:21:49 <portdirect> it would be great to get reviews on this - and see if we can put it to bed 15:21:55 <srwilkers> please 15:21:57 <mattmceuen> beautiful 15:22:34 <portdirect> i pulled panko as it was not seamless with the ceilometer api in newton 15:23:02 <portdirect> and added mongodb as an additional backend for ceilometer so it could be queried via the std api 15:23:22 <portdirect> as well as got all the core openstack services to publish events on the messagebus 15:23:37 <portdirect> but other than that the changes were fairly minimal :) 15:23:43 <portdirect> nice one guys 15:24:27 <alraddarla> good team work 15:24:44 <srwilkers> #topic reviews needed 15:25:07 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508247/ 15:25:18 <alraddarla> I have been slacking on reviews...will try to focus a good chunk of time on that today 15:25:30 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508245 15:25:48 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508247 15:25:57 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508250 15:26:09 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508257 15:26:20 <portdirect> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508264 15:26:29 <portdirect> just a few :) 15:27:11 <srwilkers> awesome. let's get eyes on them and get them moving forward 15:27:16 <mateusz-blaszkow> I'll paste my patch sets too 15:27:24 <mateusz-blaszkow> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/487051/ - Update ElasticSearch and Kibana to 5.4.2 15:27:28 <mateusz-blaszkow> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/490036/ - More elaborate fluentd filtering 15:27:31 <mateusz-blaszkow> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/492013/ - Elasticsearch: configuring log rotation 15:27:37 <mateusz-blaszkow> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/472256/ - heat-engine as Deployment instead of StatefulSet 15:27:39 <mateusz-blaszkow> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/487877/ - Add specification for Prometheus exporter 15:27:55 <mateusz-blaszkow> to be honest, these items await review for so long.. ;) 15:30:02 <mattmceuen> Yeah, let's get those unstuck 15:30:29 <srwilkers> mateusz-blaszkow: yeah, they have been for awhile. we chatted a bit about fluentd and the prometheus-exporter at the PTG. SKT is working on a new approach using fluentbit+fluentd, so that might replace the fluentd filtering work 15:30:38 <srwilkers> but we'll supply feedback for the other chunks of work there 15:31:12 <mateusz-blaszkow> Ok, I hope so. Thanks 15:31:47 <srwilkers> #topic open discussion 15:31:54 <srwilkers> Any other items to chat about before we wrap it up? 15:34:33 <srwilkers> alright, gunna wrap it up then 15:34:35 <srwilkers> see you in the channel 15:34:37 <srwilkers> #endmeeting