15:01:41 <mattmceuen> #startmeeting openstack-helm 15:01:41 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 9 15:01:41 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:45 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_helm' 15:01:50 <mattmceuen> #topic rollcall 15:01:54 <srwilkers> o/ 15:01:54 <lamt`> o/ 15:01:57 <mattmceuen> GM! 15:02:01 <d|k> o/ 15:02:04 <srwilkers> good morning 15:02:13 <mattmceuen> Agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2018-01-09 15:02:33 <mattmceuen> Feel free to add any addn'l topics you'd like to discuss today 15:03:38 <mattmceuen> Pretty light agenda today, you can all scare up your pent-up roundtable :) 15:03:49 <mattmceuen> #topic Define WIP 15:04:15 <mattmceuen> I got a couple suggestions from the community to help get folks on the same page faster 15:04:35 <mattmceuen> First: not everyone uses WIP the way we do, so it'll help to define it 15:04:53 <mattmceuen> WIP = Work In Progress, and is a tag that you can prepend on a patchset 15:05:10 <alanmeadows> o/ 15:05:21 <mattmceuen> It indicates a PS that is probably not yet fully functional, and probably not ready for a full rigorous review 15:05:39 <mattmceuen> But is out in the open so it can be shared in an "early access" or "for interested parties" manner 15:06:04 <mattmceuen> So as reviewers, noone should feel compelled to review a WIP patchset -- just if you're interested in a sneak peak 15:06:12 <mattmceuen> Did I miss anything? 15:06:30 <mattmceuen> top o' the morning alanmeadows 15:06:34 <portdirect> thats how I see it 15:07:03 <mattmceuen> It helps balance out the urge to wait for something to be Pristine before revealing it to the world 15:07:16 <srwilkers> i think if anyone wants a review on a WIP, they should add reviewers and maybe ping them directly 15:07:24 <mattmceuen> My WIP PS if full of TODO comments that I plan to clean up before taking WIP out of the PS, for example 15:07:25 <srwilkers> but i typically wont provide any feedback on something with a WIP tag 15:07:59 <mattmceuen> Good point. A friendly FYI. 15:08:35 <mattmceuen> Any other WIP bits? 15:09:14 <mattmceuen> So then the transition of a PS from WIP to non-WIP is typically indicated by simply taking out the WIP from the PS name 15:09:35 <mattmceuen> At which point serious review is welcome 15:09:42 <mattmceuen> Which brings us to second topic: 15:09:56 <mattmceuen> #topic Ways to leverage the OpenStack-Dev ML 15:09:56 <portdirect> thats how I've always done it - as having to "workflow -1" on every ps gets dull quickly. 15:10:06 <mattmceuen> agree portdirect 15:10:31 <mattmceuen> We don't leverage the mailing list much to date 15:10:55 <mattmceuen> One valuable way to use it would be to invite reviews on a "major" PS as it transitions from WIP to ready-for-review 15:11:33 <mattmceuen> That would serve as a notification to both OSH team members (which is a little redundant if you're watching e.g. the osh channel) but also the broader community 15:12:09 <mattmceuen> So if you had a major Nova chart PS for example, and it would benefit from review from the Nova team, you could invite review that way 15:12:19 <srwilkers> i wouldnt use the mailing list for review requests 15:12:47 <mattmceuen> How come? 15:13:58 <srwilkers> i think IRC or adding specific reviewers would be better -- calling for reviews on the mailing list goes against the mailing list etiquette: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette#Reviews_request 15:14:19 <srwilkers> i think if we want to discuss a feature and get feedback on it from a high level, it'd be alright but id stop short of requesting reviews 15:14:35 <portdirect> ++ 15:14:51 <portdirect> but we should for sure be much more active there 15:14:56 <srwilkers> i agree 15:15:01 <portdirect> as many of our problems are community wide 15:15:12 <mattmceuen> Agree. I'm thinking of this less like our standing "what PS need eyeballs" meeting item, and more like "announcement: we have a new chart for X and are interested in feedback from team X" 15:15:14 <portdirect> eg: healthchecks 15:15:59 <srwilkers> totally. 15:16:05 <mattmceuen> (also: we'd appreciate contributions / enhancements from team X :) ) 15:16:07 <portdirect> I'd be tempted to bring people in earlier to be honest 15:16:19 <portdirect> eg: we want to do nova live migration, how should we do that? 15:16:38 <srwilkers> portdirect: yeah, that's the high level stuff i envision being discussed via the ML 15:16:54 <mattmceuen> awesome 15:18:14 <mattmceuen> Other thoughts on either getting more out of the ML, or ways to get eyes on PS and invite review? 15:19:04 <mattmceuen> On that note, I am seguewaying like a monster today 15:19:12 <mattmceuen> #topic PS that need review 15:19:47 <mattmceuen> who needs some review today 15:20:49 <mattmceuen> well this is an excellent problem for us to have, and maybe a first :) 15:20:58 <srwilkers> ive been working on some docs for the current LMA charts -- im hoping to have those ready for review here in a bit 15:21:04 <srwilkers> would really like some broad feedback there 15:21:07 <mattmceuen> good work team: I know there have been a lot of PS yesterday and everyone's been working hard to provide feedback 15:21:17 <portdirect> I'm in a similar boat, expect to be inundated in about 6 hours. 15:21:32 <mattmceuen> the calm before the storm 15:21:34 <mattmceuen> deal 15:21:52 <srwilkers> oh 15:21:54 <srwilkers> i lied 15:21:58 <srwilkers> maybe take a gander at this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531223/ 15:22:10 <MarkBaker> o/ 15:22:26 <srwilkers> this takes the current fluent-logging chart and adds logging for dockerd and the kubelet via systemd 15:22:31 <mattmceuen> A lot of PS notifications come by in the IRC channel, especially with our aforementioned WIP practices. Whenever someone would like some eyes on something sooner than later, feel free to drop an extra note in the chat room too. 15:22:36 <mattmceuen> o/ MarkBaker! 15:22:39 <portdirect> srwilkers: how does the output of this differ for the containers_tail for docker? 15:23:05 <portdirect> can we use the json logger or journald with impunity now? :) 15:23:43 <srwilkers> that's the next step -- im going to throw a WIP up here soon to check how using the journald driver looks in comparison 15:24:02 <srwilkers> im hesitant to say with impunity just yet, but thinking signs point to yes 15:24:48 <mattmceuen> with measured punity. 15:24:57 <alanmeadows> srwilkers: would this be the path for any host-level capturing? 15:24:59 <srwilkers> three significant figures of impunity 15:25:04 <alanmeadows> e.g. expand on this approach as needed 15:25:24 <srwilkers> alanmeadows: yeah 15:25:29 <alanmeadows> cool 15:26:28 <mattmceuen> Any other patches in need of review at the moment? 15:26:59 <mattmceuen> Cool. 15:27:03 <portdirect> can we give a shoutout for patches we just merged? 15:27:15 <mattmceuen> go for it portdirect 15:27:17 <srwilkers> yes portdirect :) 15:27:38 <portdirect> so Craig Anderson is a scary, scary dude. 15:27:45 <mattmceuen> #fact 15:27:57 <portdirect> this is a real leap forward for us i think: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524422/ 15:28:47 <srwilkers> dat gotpl tho 15:28:48 <portdirect> and really is a sterling bit of gotpl 15:28:56 <mattmceuen> agree on both counts 15:29:10 <mattmceuen> a work of terrifying beauty 15:29:18 <portdirect> I've used it a few times as a ref, it always makes my brain bleed, but is worth it. 15:29:33 <alanmeadows> Van Gotpl? 15:29:35 * portdirect like a moth to a flame. 15:29:57 <srwilkers> alanmeadows: i see what you did there 15:30:02 <mattmceuen> lol alanmeadows 15:30:11 <alanmeadows> I try to add value where I can 15:30:39 <mattmceuen> Should socializing recent merges of note be a standing agenda item? 15:31:11 <portdirect> hopefully, more than reviews needed ;) 15:31:18 <srwilkers> ++ 15:31:24 <alanmeadows> I trust most cores follow those, perhaps etherpad worthy? 15:32:59 <mattmceuen> Yep. I like both approaches - good to call out broadly and also track the architecturally relevant ones so that folks could use them to catch up - is that what you're thinking alanmeadows? 15:33:48 <alanmeadows> sure, besides what other time do we get to a brief happy dance for wins? 15:34:11 <mattmceuen> :-D 15:34:21 <mattmceuen> deal 15:34:43 <alanmeadows> oh also an item of note 15:34:54 <alanmeadows> I started a small thread after sydney for health APIs 15:36:00 <alanmeadows> I think this is relevant for OSH input -- prior to mailing list publishing we wanted a spec 15:36:09 <alanmeadows> comments will be welcome from this group 15:36:15 <alanmeadows> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531456/ 15:36:55 <alanmeadows> especially with an eye (for us) on how this can enable better helm/k8s health checking/management of openstack services 15:37:24 <mattmceuen> good one - thx for sharing that here 15:38:41 <mattmceuen> #topic Future knowledge sharing topics? 15:39:10 <mattmceuen> Are there any terrifying or exciting areas of OSH that anyone would like an overview of in a future team meeting? 15:39:41 <d|k> don't wanna sign him up for anythiing, but i'd _love_ to hear an eli5 kind of walk through how to apply that 524422 patch 15:40:19 <portdirect> that would be great 15:40:34 <d|k> selfish on my part 'cause we're going to need it for ceph, but it seems like other subtasks will want to use the technique as well. 15:40:38 <portdirect> as for ceph disk targeting it would be awesome 15:40:43 <d|k> what he said. 15:41:26 <mattmceuen> Good idea! 15:41:31 <mattmceuen> Will do 15:41:42 <alanmeadows> It would be the more correct way to do it 15:41:52 <alanmeadows> and an excellent test of what its trying to offer 15:43:23 <mattmceuen> Alrighty: 15:43:28 <mattmceuen> #topic Roundtable 15:43:47 <mattmceuen> Other topics of note? 15:45:04 <mattmceuen> Well for one: congrats to jayahn, I don't think he was able to join today, but he got a promotion at SKT! Couldn't be happier for him. 15:45:22 <mattmceuen> If he were here he'd be too modest to brag, so I will brag for him 15:46:17 <mattmceuen> Also: we were originally going to have the CICD focus meeting this week, but that's been pushed to next week FYI. 15:46:46 <mattmceuen> The agenda for that is here, if you'd like to add to it: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2018-01-16 15:47:37 <mattmceuen> Any other items for discussion? 15:48:18 <mattmceuen> Sold - good meeting folks. See you in the team channel. 15:48:28 <mattmceuen> #endmeeting