15:00:24 <portdirect> #startmeeting OpenStack-Helm 15:00:25 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 7 15:00:24 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is portdirect. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_helm' 15:00:58 <portdirect> hey - lets give it a few mins for people to arrive, though following the ptg it may be quite 15:01:07 <portdirect> the agenda is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2019-05-07 15:01:24 <howell> o/ 15:01:34 <alanmeadows> o/ 15:01:34 <itxaka> o/ 15:01:39 <gagehugo> o/ 15:01:46 <jsuchome> o/ 15:01:57 <rha> o/ 15:01:57 <mattmceuen> o/ 15:02:26 <srwilkers> o/ 15:03:10 <roman_g> o/ 15:03:20 <cheng1__> o/ 15:03:26 <jayahn> o/ 15:03:34 <itxaka> \o 15:04:35 <jayahn> jet leg is helping me.. 15:04:53 <roman_g> left or right? 15:05:15 <megheisler> o/ 15:05:22 <portdirect> why you always get an isle seat on a long flight ;) 15:05:23 <jayahn> lag.. 15:05:25 <jayahn> :) 15:05:30 <roman_g> :) 15:05:45 <portdirect> ok - lets go 15:05:57 <portdirect> #topic PTG summary 15:06:22 <portdirect> first of all I'd really like to thank everyone who could make it to the ptg - we had some really productive sessions 15:06:59 <portdirect> and also my commiseration's to those who could not - you were all missed 15:07:26 <portdirect> the notes we took during our sessions are here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osh-ptg-train 15:07:41 <portdirect> and over this week I'll get a summary together, and out on the ML 15:08:18 <portdirect> we got through quite a lot of topics - so I'd recommend having a look through the etherpad if you were unable to attend 15:08:58 <portdirect> though as most of the actions that came out require a spec, theres ample opportunity to engage with what we discussed 15:09:10 <jsuchome> it's an impressive list 15:10:05 <portdirect> jsuchome, itxaka - the work you guys did on multi-os support and improving the gates was really apprecated by the whole community - you both deserve a shout out for that 15:10:06 <jayahn> I was not sure about what's next for documentation, we each spent time to make a doc structure, but not discussed explicitly about what to do next. :) 15:10:29 <portdirect> jayahn: we need to get the toc updated - and then once merged, start populating it i think 15:10:36 <jayahn> portdirect: when you make a summary, cloud you please put some action item point on documentation? 15:10:44 <jayahn> yeap 15:10:58 <portdirect> will do jayahn 15:11:08 <jayahn> thanks! 15:12:00 <itxaka> nice going about the docs, sounds really nice (albeit a lot of work incoming!) 15:13:36 <portdirect> ok - not sure if anyone else wants to provide some fb on the ptg? if not we can move on for now 15:14:51 <portdirect> #topic RPC health checks for probes - status update 15:15:17 <jsuchome> ok, if you remember, we've talked about it some time ago, I went with the topic to self-healing group and wrote a simple spec suggesting all relevant components would have simple rpc health check method 15:15:28 <jsuchome> this is it https://review.opendev.org/#/c/653707/ 15:15:28 <portdirect> nice! 15:15:42 <jsuchome> nova developers pointed out there's already a 'ping' method in nova 15:16:12 <jsuchome> so I've updated patch set for our nova probes to use this ping method, which works nicely, only sad part is that it's for nova only 15:16:46 <jsuchome> I hope the discussion will continue with self-healing guys so we can find out some solution that is more widely acceptable 15:16:53 <jsuchome> end of status report ;-) 15:17:18 <portdirect> yeah :( its a shame this is not built into oslo.messaging - but thanks so much for pushing this 15:17:30 <portdirect> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/651140/ lgtm 15:17:53 <portdirect> #topic Tempest chart update 15:17:58 <portdirect> itxaka: think this is you 15:18:06 <itxaka> indeed :) 15:18:27 <itxaka> just a small update, all patches have been merged which resulted into the helm chart being able to be deployed and run correctly 15:18:57 <itxaka> so only the patch introducing the tempest job and gate checks is missing merging so we provide that check automatically :) 15:19:12 <itxaka> works on both ubuntu and suse out of the box 15:19:18 <itxaka> thats all I have to say about that :D 15:19:21 <jsuchome> itxaka: do you plan enabling tempest for nova and neutron? 15:19:33 <itxaka> in the future maybe 15:19:54 <itxaka> there is a bug supposedly in there but that may only affected older versions which were using the kolla images 15:20:12 <itxaka> I been able to run both nova and neutron tempest tests fully under suse with no changes 15:20:21 <itxaka> so those bugs may not exists anymore 15:20:37 <itxaka> but then we may hit a time issue as it will take quite a while to run the whole thing 15:20:57 <itxaka> which brings us to the possibility discussed before with srwilkers regarding multinode jobs 15:21:55 <itxaka> in any case, once we reach that bridge we will think about crossing it, maybe move the full tempest run into the gate instead, but for the moment having a simple fast one in there should be good enough to confirm that we are not breaking tempest 15:22:27 <portdirect> i agree 15:23:01 <itxaka> more questions regarding tempest? :) 15:23:16 * itxaka suddenly becomes the tempest expert and needs to hide 15:23:28 * portdirect will find you 15:23:33 <jsuchome> itxaka: deja-vu? :-) 15:23:40 <itxaka> lmao 15:23:50 <portdirect> not at the moment - its really fantastic work youve been doing there 15:24:10 <portdirect> I may have some about images at some point - but we'll cross that bridge when we get there 15:24:30 * portdirect tempest seems to be full of rivers and streams that need bridging 15:24:40 <itxaka> gagehugo, any comments about the tempest job seeing that you reviewed it lately? 15:24:41 <portdirect> ok - lets move on 15:24:55 <portdirect> oh sry - will wait 15:25:09 <gagehugo> itxaka, was gonna see if the rerun passes 15:25:29 <itxaka> ah ok, so lets discuss that in the patch instead, thanks! 15:25:35 <itxaka> sorry portdirect, all finished here 15:25:42 <portdirect> np 15:25:48 <portdirect> #topic Leap 15 jobs ready, but reviews are missing 15:26:01 <portdirect> itxaka / jsuchome you guys again! :D 15:26:04 <jsuchome> ok, this is just a pointer to the review request in next section 15:26:18 <portdirect> I'm going through them now - so far all lgtm 15:26:24 <jsuchome> it's continuation of the work started by evrardjp 15:26:45 <jsuchome> ok, cool, than it might not be necessary to talk about it, unless there are some questions 15:27:31 <portdirect> one i susppose 15:27:59 <portdirect> do you intend to add releases beneath rocky at any point? 15:28:14 <portdirect> as one of the things we need to start work on soon is upgrade gates 15:28:35 <portdirect> but it would be totally fine to start opensuse with r->s there 15:28:38 <itxaka> ooohhh nice 15:28:41 <jsuchome> by beneath you mean older, right? I was not planning that, tbh 15:28:52 <itxaka> I dont think we plan on doing older releases, no 15:28:57 <portdirect> totally fair, just good to get clarity 15:29:00 <jsuchome> but for newer ones, sure, once we get to testing newer releases 15:29:05 <portdirect> ++ 15:29:12 <itxaka> rocky is the minimum unless they are needed for the upgrade gates? 15:29:36 <portdirect> nah - we can start opensuse with rocky to stein 15:29:40 <itxaka> :+1 15:29:54 <portdirect> ok - im out of questions 15:30:46 <portdirect> #topic reviews 15:30:55 <portdirect> so - we need to get some attention to these: 15:31:02 <portdirect> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/653676/ Extend OpenSUSE Leap15 testing 15:31:02 <portdirect> https://review.opendev.org/#/c/653428/ Add tempest job and gate to zuul as voting 15:31:11 <portdirect> lets see if we can get them closed out today 15:31:54 <portdirect> I'm out of topics at this point, so unless anyone else has anything we can get 30 mins back 15:32:30 <itxaka> I only have a small question, regarding infra and job maintenance and such 15:33:02 <itxaka> I believe there has been talk of not enough people helping there, so I would really like to help in that part a bit even if possible, but Im really lost on where on how I could lend a hand 15:33:15 <itxaka> so any pointers on that direction would be really appreciated 15:34:22 <portdirect> ok - so i think theres a lot to do here for sure 15:34:35 <portdirect> and both srwilkers and I owe you a ps from a few weeks ago 15:34:54 <portdirect> I think once we start looking at upgrade gates, that would be a perfect time to get engaged there 15:35:03 <portdirect> that work for you? 15:35:27 <jsuchome> do we have any upgrade specific documentation? 15:36:16 <itxaka> that would work, sure 15:36:30 <portdirect> jsuchome: not yet - it will go hand in hand with the gating i think 15:37:13 <jsuchome> ah, I see there's something in that PTG summary 15:38:28 <mbuil> hey, before you close, I am working with georgk in the DPDK patch and I created one extra patch to increase the logging we get in the gates: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/657368/. However, every time I run recheck I get a different problem in the gates and I think it is unrelated to my patch (failing gates worked in some rechecks). Have you experienced instabilities lately in the gates or it is only happening to me? 15:39:25 <itxaka> I have experience instabilities lately a lot, yeah 15:39:39 <portdirect> theres been some wobbles in -infra 15:39:58 <portdirect> I can look into it - but you are right, the failures look totaly unreleated 15:40:49 <mbuil> ok, thanks! I was just unsure if it was me doing something wrong 15:42:06 <portdirect> np mbuil 15:42:11 <portdirect> ok - lets wrap up 15:42:19 <portdirect> thanks everyone! 15:42:23 <portdirect> #endmeeting