15:00:19 <gagehugo> #startmeeting openstack-helm 15:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 31 15:00:19 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gagehugo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_helm' 15:00:42 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2020-03-31 agenda 15:01:51 <gagehugo> o/ 15:05:00 <gagehugo> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-helm-meeting-2020-03-31 agenda btw 15:06:07 <gagehugo> #topic Meeting is now in #openstack-meeting-alt 15:06:25 <gagehugo> The openstack-meeting-4 room is being closed down, we've been moved here now 15:06:34 <gagehugo> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#OpenStack-Helm_Team_Meeting 15:07:45 <stevthedev> o/ 15:08:04 <gagehugo> So future meetings will be here, feel free to leave the old room 15:08:28 <megheisler> o/ 15:08:45 <gagehugo> #topic Topics from virtual midcycle that warrented some more discussion 15:09:04 <gagehugo> So last week we had our virtual midcycle 15:09:32 <gagehugo> Managed to cover quite a few topics, got some good discussion 15:10:47 <gagehugo> The audience tapered down towards the end however, and there were a few topics that we would have liked a bit more people on for 15:10:59 <gagehugo> Was hoping we could cover them at least quickly this week if possible 15:11:29 <gagehugo> Any thoughts about them? 15:12:06 <megheisler> I know a few people are probably missing for the airship midcycle, not sure if we want to wait or just discuss 15:12:33 <gagehugo> I think the osh-addons topic probably should wait until next week 15:12:46 <gagehugo> since we would like to discuss with airship on that one 15:12:47 <lamt> o/ sorry am late - didn't know the meeting room changed 15:13:54 <stevthedev> gagehugo do you have a link to the midcycle etherpad handy? 15:14:10 <gagehugo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/osh-virtual-ptg-2020-03 15:14:14 <gagehugo> ^ 15:14:23 <stevthedev> thx 15:16:17 <stevthedev> We did cover a lot 15:16:33 <gagehugo> we did 15:17:57 <stevthedev> Regarding the last point on today's etherpad, is 'Basic k8s requirements' do you mean docs for the basic set up? 15:18:07 <portdirect> yes 15:18:27 <portdirect> also trying to make osh more approachable 15:18:39 <portdirect> by say supporting minikube directy 15:18:41 <gagehugo> That's a good goal 15:20:05 <stevthedev> There are a few people onboarding at att right now who will probably be dipping their toes into osh soon 15:20:21 <gagehugo> We were also looking at more discussion around ARGO workflows possibly in the future, as well as the current movement with headless services in ingress 15:21:40 <gagehugo> If anyone has any opinions on those 15:22:21 <stevthedev> Do you know where I can read more about why we are moving ingress to a headless service? What are the advantages and motivations 15:22:56 <portdirect> re headless - the goal is to make requests simpler to trace 15:23:20 <portdirect> ie avoid all the iptables crazyness that occurs with k8s-proxy when run in ibtables mode 15:23:24 <portdirect> *iptables 15:23:38 <portdirect> we should ask, if we run in ipvs mode, is this required? 15:23:54 <portdirect> and also - frankly is it requred at all? 15:24:06 <portdirect> this has been a topic of conversation for ~1 year 15:24:11 <gagehugo> yes lol 15:24:11 <portdirect> and is a couple of days work 15:24:57 <gagehugo> I believe there are ps out for this, but it changes the default behavior 15:25:04 <gagehugo> so it's held off for now 15:25:14 <gagehugo> to see (if needed) 15:26:51 <gagehugo> which I assume we should find that out as a next step 15:27:17 <srwilkers> o/ 15:27:29 <gagehugo> srwilkers o/ 15:27:46 <stevthedev> \o 15:28:31 <lamt> o/ 15:28:54 <gagehugo> srwilkers: Did you bring up the argo workflow topic last week? 15:29:03 <srwilkers> yeah, I think that was me 15:30:40 <gagehugo> What was the ask for that? I've slept since last Tue haha 15:31:18 <srwilkers> I can't even recall - I think it was just to follow up and see if anymore work or thought had be given to it. I think there's still a PoC for an argo chart and some other work aroound in gerrit 15:31:32 <portdirect> i think the time has somewhat passed there 15:32:03 <gagehugo> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/636346/ 15:32:14 <portdirect> in that the original goal of permitting greater flexibility has been proven out through the job based approach we have today 15:32:15 <gagehugo> almost a year old now 15:32:46 <portdirect> and the primary users of osh that i know of are not pushing for it for openstack atm 15:33:32 <srwilkers> makes sense 15:36:30 <gagehugo> Does anyone else have anything to discuss about last weeks midcycle? 15:38:44 <stevthedev> re: too many checks 15:39:32 <stevthedev> Do we want to decide on a few to move to experimental? 15:39:46 <gagehugo> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/713917/7/zuul.d/project.yaml 15:39:53 <gagehugo> whoops 15:39:57 <gagehugo> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/713917/ 15:40:25 <stevthedev> Has similar been made for osh-infra? 15:41:18 <gagehugo> Not yet 15:41:30 <stevthedev> iirc we discussed moving federated monitoring and kafka to experimental 15:42:42 <stevthedev> I'll create a PS to do that, we can start from there? 15:42:55 <gagehugo> sure 15:43:23 <megheisler> I can help out as wel 15:44:28 <gagehugo> We can move the netpol and apparmor checks to experimental as well to match lamt's ps 15:45:36 <megheisler> I'll look into those if you wanna tackle Kafka then stevthedev 15:46:00 <gagehugo> megheisler stevthedev: cool 15:46:11 <stevthedev> sounds good 15:47:05 <gagehugo> #topic open discussion 15:47:14 <gagehugo> Anyone have anything else to discuss for this week? 15:47:55 <stevthedev> I'll plea for reviews 15:47:59 <stevthedev> fluentd prometheus plugin: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/714168/ 15:48:28 <stevthedev> Elasticsearch Secret Vars: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/712780/ 15:48:44 <stevthedev> Prometheus & Grafana - Feature Gate Compatibility: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/701839/ 15:49:00 <stevthedev> Stuff's been sitting out for a while 15:49:07 <stevthedev> (the last two anyway) 15:49:40 <gagehugo> sure 15:50:02 <stevthedev> Thanks. Other than that, hope everyone is holding up okay wfh 15:50:29 <stevthedev> been weird lately 15:50:45 <gagehugo> It's been an odd couple of weeks now 15:50:54 <megheisler> yep, hope people are doing alright, stay safe my friends 15:53:03 <gagehugo> thanks everyone, stay safe, have a good week 15:53:07 <gagehugo> #endmeeting