08:00:28 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:00:29 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 15 08:00:28 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:00:43 <Daisy> Hello, everyone. 08:00:50 <Daisy> Welcome to I18n meeting. 08:00:56 <Daisy> It's our first meeting in 2015. 08:01:04 <Daisy> Hope we could make a great 2015 together. 08:01:13 <Daisy> Our first topic is: 08:01:23 <Daisy> #topic Status update of document translations 08:02:15 <Daisy> In our meeting on Dec 4th, we decided to work in api-ref & hot-reference 08:02:36 <Daisy> I would like to collect if there are any issues with the translations of these two documents. 08:02:43 <Daisy> ujuc? 08:03:05 <ujuc> ?? 08:03:17 <Daisy> ujuc: do you have any issues with the translations of api-ref & hot-reference? 08:03:20 <ujuc> no... :) 08:03:25 <Daisy> ok. nice. 08:03:28 <ujuc> :) 08:03:30 <Daisy> which one are you working on? 08:03:38 <Daisy> api-ref or hot-reference? 08:04:08 <ujuc> api-ref :) 08:04:17 <Daisy> ok. Thanks. 08:04:27 <Daisy> I'm working on this one too. 08:04:37 <Daisy> Thank you for the update. 08:04:59 <ujuc> :) 08:05:20 <Daisy> Because there are only two coordinators here, we finish this topic very quick. 08:05:26 <Daisy> Let's move to next. 08:05:35 <Daisy> #topic integration of zanata with stackalytics 08:05:51 <Daisy> anish__: what do you want to discuss here? 08:06:27 <anish__> Daisy, i have few questions regarding UI of stackalytics and API's of zanata 08:07:02 <anish__> first how would you prefer UI of stackalytics? 08:07:22 <Daisy> I prefer a similar style of the current UI. 08:07:40 <anish__> as per last discussion we will add translation in metric field 08:07:44 <Daisy> Do we have ways to customize UI ? 08:07:52 <Daisy> Yes, agree. 08:08:37 <Daisy> I think if we add translation in metric field, we will have a new page, right? 08:08:51 <anish__> yes 08:09:23 <anish__> then after selection of translation metric, user will get contribution by companies,modules 08:09:40 <Daisy> Yes, it looks like that. 08:09:54 <anish__> and then,Company : Translations 08:09:55 <anish__> langugage approved,under review,translated 08:09:57 <Daisy> We will have: Contribution by companies, modules, engineers 08:10:36 <Daisy> I don't know how to add "approved,under review,translated" 08:11:13 <anish__> we can list it under company, "approved,under review,translated" 08:11:16 <Daisy> In my mind, the only way to add "approved,under review,translated" is to add 3 metrics: approved translation, reviewed translation, 08:11:33 <Daisy> Could we do that? 08:11:47 <Daisy> Could we have a customized UI? not like other metrics? 08:12:09 <anish__> customized UI means? 08:12:25 <Daisy> list it under company, "approved,under review,translated" 08:12:51 <Daisy> I see all the metrics have similar web pages to display: contributions by ... 08:13:34 <anish__> yeah similarly we can show these language metrics 08:13:48 <Daisy> It looks like there are several blocks in each page of a metrics. Like, in the metrics of "review", I could see three blocks: contribution by companies, contribution by modules, contribution by engineers. 08:14:40 <anish__> yeah that what i was talking about 08:14:42 <Daisy> Each block has a pie chart, and a list. 08:15:05 <Daisy> I don't know where you could add "approved,under review,translated". 08:15:25 <anish__> so what we want to have for translation matric? 08:15:55 <Daisy> Maybe we only use "translated" 08:16:06 <Daisy> How do you think of it? 08:16:27 <anish__> you mean Meric name will be translated? 08:17:03 <Daisy> The name is translation, which means: translated. 08:17:39 <Daisy> After we add this metrics, we could add "approved" and "reviewed" in the future. 08:18:33 <Daisy> I also don't think we need "modules". We need: contributions of companies, translation teams, and translations. 08:18:42 <anish__> what i get is under translation metric we will get approved and reviewed under company,user,module section 08:19:04 <Daisy> what do you mean? 08:19:15 <Daisy> I didn't get your point. 08:19:38 <anish__> contribution by module means, e.g nova is 50% translated 08:19:50 <Daisy> I know. 08:20:22 <anish__> okay i got your point 08:20:39 <Daisy> I don't think "contribution by module means" is that necessary. But if it's easy to implement, we could keep it. 08:20:48 <anish__> so we need contribution from companies and users 08:21:05 <Daisy> and language team, also we don't know how to implement this. 08:21:20 <Daisy> and language team, although we don't know how to implement this. 08:21:23 <anish__> yeah 08:22:27 <Daisy> I know clearly which module has the big percentage: horizon. 08:22:57 <anish__> thanks, currently zanata provides API's which requires credentials 08:23:44 <anish__> so I think just like launchpad API's for statistical API's, it should not require it 08:23:49 <anish__> what do you think 08:24:00 <Daisy> Our translators don't work on other modules intentionally, like nova and glace, , because they are not high priority. That's why the "by modules" doesn't make much sense for me. 08:24:15 <anish__> okay got it 08:24:37 <Daisy> you want a kind of API that don't need credentials? 08:25:05 <anish__> all statistical API's which are required for stack 08:26:07 <anish__> the thing about zanata credentials is first you need to register in zanata as user and it would provide you API key to access zanata API's 08:26:12 <Daisy> you want query APIs of Zanata without credentials? 08:26:21 <anish__> yeah 08:26:36 <Daisy> why don't you like credentials? 08:27:10 <Daisy> If that's our requirements, we need to have strong reasons to persuade Zanata team. 08:27:32 <anish__> because you need to store these credentials in a file 08:28:09 <Daisy> how many credentials do you need ? 08:28:34 <Daisy> isn't there a call to get credentials by user id and password? 08:28:49 <anish__> Nope 08:29:55 <anish__> another thing is zanata provides API that gives statistical information for particular user in a project 08:30:20 <Daisy> how about we require Zanata to provide a API to get credentials. Then we could store credentials in program, not in a file. 08:31:02 <anish__> for that we need to know users/translators associated with particular project 08:31:23 <Daisy> do we have APIs to know that? 08:31:35 <anish__> Nope we need that API as well 08:31:41 <Daisy> OK. 08:31:55 <Daisy> Anything else you want to change the APIs? 08:32:06 <anish__> yeah and last thing is 08:32:49 <anish__> http://www.fpaste.org/169913/42131072/ 08:33:05 <anish__> this will be the response we would get from Zanata server 08:33:17 <anish__> according to our last meeting 08:34:27 <anish__> it would be better if we get response in JSON format like, "username": "name"{ "lang":{ }} 08:34:45 <anish__> just not the data 08:35:15 <Daisy> Help me to recall the last meeting. 08:35:20 <Daisy> "username": "name"{ "lang":{ }} 08:35:27 <Daisy> what does "name" mean, here? 08:35:52 <Daisy> The response message you showed has "username" and "lang", am I right? 08:36:16 <Daisy> The only missed information I could tell is "name", am I right? 08:36:27 <anish__> according to Carlos we will get response in http://www.fpaste.org/169913/42131072/ 08:36:35 <anish__> but its just a data 08:36:51 <anish__> it does not contain any information about the data 08:37:44 <anish__> generally JSON responses come with "signifies about the data":"then data" 08:38:14 <Daisy> I think, it means: myusername has contributed 65 words which are "needReview", 67 words which are translated. 08:38:41 <Daisy> OK. I don't know about signifies . 08:39:11 <Daisy> I could write an email to Carlos with all of your requirements. 08:39:41 <Daisy> For your first two requirements, I understand and I would support. 08:39:50 <Daisy> The last one, I could not understand that much. 08:39:59 <anish__> okay thanks I will talk to him 08:40:20 <anish__> first I wanted to talk to you so that I would not miss anything 08:40:44 <Daisy> If there is no signifies , but there are some oral (or documented) explanation about meanings, are you satisfied? 08:41:00 <anish__> yeah thanks 08:41:19 <Daisy> Do you want me to send Carlos an email? 08:41:31 <Daisy> about these requirements? 08:41:54 <anish__> No I will send him an email 08:42:01 <anish__> or directly talk to him 08:42:44 <Daisy> OK. Good. 08:42:50 <Daisy> Thank you very much for taking care of these. 08:43:16 <anish__> thanks you as well 08:43:17 <Daisy> I don't understand web development very much. I have to depend on you. 08:43:45 <Daisy> Thank you, anish__ . 08:43:52 <anish__> thanks, I am trying to get it done asap 08:44:30 <Daisy> OK. 08:44:40 <Daisy> #topic open discussions 08:44:50 <Daisy> Anything else to talk about? 08:45:12 <Daisy> If no, I will close the meeting now. 08:45:25 <Daisy> Thank you all for attending. 08:45:29 <ujuc> thanks 08:45:30 <ujuc> :) 08:45:38 <anish__> thanks! 08:45:45 <Daisy> Thank you, ujuc, anish__ and epico . 08:45:51 <epico> thanks 08:45:53 <Daisy> Talk to you next time. 08:45:58 <Daisy> #endmeeting