08:00:41 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:00:42 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 5 08:00:41 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:45 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:00:56 <Daisy> who is around? 08:00:56 <chandankumar> Daisy, Hello 08:01:03 <anish__> Hi! 08:01:06 * DeeJay1 is here 08:01:11 <epico> Hello, Daisy. 08:01:21 <chandankumar> epico, anish__ hello 08:01:26 <Daisy> Good to see you there ! 08:01:36 <Daisy> I don't see Carlos from Zanata team. 08:01:45 <Fdot> Hello Daisy :) 08:01:51 <Daisy> So we start from chandankumar's topic. 08:01:54 <Fdot> hello all :) 08:02:09 <Daisy> #topic #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:02:11 <Daisy> sorry 08:02:17 <Daisy> wrong type 08:02:28 <Daisy> #topic Fuel-cloud translation and review 08:02:35 <chandankumar> let me introduce fuel-cloud 08:02:51 <chandankumar> fuel stands for frequently used entries of localization 08:02:55 <epico> hello, chandankumar 08:03:30 <chandankumar> fuel-cloud is a module which is basically targeted of cloud platform 08:03:39 <chandankumar> It is a collection of commonly used enteries of cloud terms which are used by many cloud service providers 08:03:40 <chandankumar> like: openstack, cloudstack and eucalyptus 08:04:02 <chandankumar> for example: storage, volume, network, instance and a lot common words are used by various cloud service providers. 08:04:21 <chandankumar> fuel-cloud is a module which had collected all the terms at one place. 08:04:21 <chandankumar> So, many translators can translate it in respective langauge, which may having different meaning in a particular language translated by different translators. 08:04:34 <chandankumar> After translation, we sit with cloud users and developers to review these modules in a particular languages and than release for a particular language. 08:04:50 <chandankumar> if you have any questions feel free to stop me 08:04:59 <chandankumar> how translators can use it 08:05:06 <Daisy> who will translate these entries? 08:05:13 <chandankumar> These words are common and used at many places. we use this module in translation memory, when one translator translate a cloud file, common translated words of these modules from translation memory will be visible with their meaning with their language. so people can easily translate their module. 08:05:41 <chandankumar> Daisy, software translator will translate it 08:05:47 <Fdot> where is stored this translation memory ? 08:06:20 <chandankumar> Daisy, it is good to have they have used cloud before 08:06:34 <chandankumar> because they know the technology very well 08:06:53 <chandankumar> Fdot, right now it is hosted on zanata and translate wiki 08:07:11 <Daisy> so when we move to Zanata, we could use these translation memory? 08:07:13 <Fdot> chandankumar, ok :) 08:07:23 <chandankumar> but we just need to integrate in the zanata tm used by openstack 08:07:26 <chandankumar> Daisy, yes 08:07:40 <chandankumar> It is different from terminology 08:07:40 <Daisy> Oh, no. We have our own Zanata instance, which means, the memory is not shared, I think. 08:08:25 <chandankumar> Daisy, we will pull and merge there or create a project named fuel-cloud which will use it on openstack zanata instance 08:08:30 <Daisy> ok. thanks. 08:08:42 <chandankumar> terminology is a collection of unique terms used by cloud service provider to define their respective components and their uses. 08:08:42 <chandankumar> fuel module - it is a collection of common entires of cloud collected from different cloud service provides. 08:08:51 <chandankumar> Here is the benefits : 08:09:02 <chandankumar> if many translators translates the same file in same language the translation will be different. 08:09:03 <chandankumar> it creates inconsistency on the cloud platform. 08:09:03 <chandankumar> there fuel-cloud helps to remove incosistency by keeping the meaning of common enteies same across the lanuage. 08:09:03 <chandankumar> it helps in reviewing the translation. 08:09:29 <chandankumar> here is the pot file : https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/fuel.git/tree/language/en/terminology/cloud/fuel-cloud-en.pot 08:09:45 <chandankumar> it is translated on zanata : https://translate.zanata.org/zanata/project/view/fuel-project 08:10:02 <chandankumar> we have started receiving translations from translate wiki 08:10:08 <chandankumar> https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&action=proofread&group=out-fuel-cloud&language=qqq&filter=translated|!reviewer%3A4668|!last-translator%3A4668 08:10:27 <chandankumar> and we have got submission from other languages also http://fuelproject.org/stats/index 08:10:37 <Daisy> chandankumar: the module is useful. How to keep the consistency ? I mean, there might be different version of module translations in different software. 08:10:39 <chandankumar> now i am open for questions 08:10:58 <chandankumar> new version will contains some new strings 08:11:13 <Daisy> and maybe new translations too. 08:11:36 <DeeJay1> chandankumar: https://fedorahosted.org/fuel/wiki/contribution contains dead links (for example to the evaluated terminology repo) 08:12:16 <Daisy> will Fuel keep on release new versions ? and somebody will be the focal in a certain project to keep the consistency? 08:12:16 <chandankumar> Daisy, many translators will start translating in one language. 08:12:45 <chandankumar> so we have revisions in git 08:13:21 <chandankumar> and from that revisions we can sit and evaluate the translations of entries then release a reviewed version for that language 08:13:24 <Daisy> chandankumar: what do you want us to do? 08:13:56 <chandankumar> Daisy, right now we want it to transalte in the respective languages which be as a openstack support 08:14:15 <Daisy> you mean, you need translators? 08:14:47 <chandankumar> Daisy, suppose i translate in hindi and we can translate it in hindi and made it avaiable for review 08:15:04 <chandankumar> that is the first thing we need 08:15:31 <Daisy> using translatewiki to translate? 08:15:54 <chandankumar> use translate wiki or zanata or you can locally and send us the file 08:15:57 <Daisy> I see Chinese translation is done. 08:16:07 <chandankumar> Daisy, you can review it then 08:16:19 <Daisy> chandankumar: you could send these information to our I18n mailing list, and call for people's help. 08:16:26 <chandankumar> Daisy, sure 08:16:32 <Daisy> I would like to help to review Chinese translations. 08:16:32 <chandankumar> Daisy, i will send it today 08:16:39 <Daisy> Thanks, chandankumar . 08:16:43 <chandankumar> DeeJay1, i will fix it soon 08:17:08 <chandankumar> any more questions? 08:17:16 <chandankumar> if not we can move to next topic 08:17:42 <chandankumar> Daisy, ^^ 08:17:43 <Daisy> Thanks, chandankumar 08:17:50 <Daisy> Let's move to next topic. 08:17:51 <chandankumar> Daisy, you are welcome :) 08:17:54 <Daisy> #topic Zanata related discussion 08:18:23 <Daisy> Fdot, to your question to I18n mailing list about Zanata 08:19:00 <Daisy> I don't get specific target data from infrastructure team, to set up Zanata in OpenStack. 08:19:05 <Fdot> Daisy, i can't wait to use Zanata ;) 08:19:25 <Daisy> Why you hate Transifex so much? :) 08:19:49 <Daisy> Our infra team may be caught by other kilo deadlines. 08:19:58 <Fdot> Daisy, no transifex is nice :) I just happy to use a new tool ! 08:20:06 <Daisy> So I don't know when the Zanata env would get ready. 08:20:31 <Fdot> Daisy, do they know if it will be ready for the kilo release ? 08:20:32 <chandankumar> Daisy, we need to ping carlos regarding updates on this 08:20:55 <Daisy> I guess, probable not. 08:21:17 <chandankumar> and also ask if they have blockers if possible we can help in getting it up 08:21:20 <Daisy> chandankumar: I don't see Carlos online. 08:21:30 <chandankumar> Daisy, yes 08:21:43 <Fdot> Daisy, ok :) thanks a lot for the update 08:22:29 <Daisy> I'm very eager to see Zanata online too because stackalytics new feature: translators contribution would have deep dependencies with Zanata API. 08:22:36 <Daisy> anish__ is helping us on that. 08:22:55 <Fdot> Daisy, that's why i can't wait ;) 08:23:11 <Daisy> me too, Fdot. But we have to. 08:23:24 <anish__> Daisy, one more thing about deploying projects into zanata https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1186606 08:24:06 <anish__> we need to determine protocol when we deploy our projects for translations 08:24:12 <Daisy> anish__: do you know when Zanata team would fire the new release with your required features? 08:24:31 <anish__> Daisy, yet to decide 08:24:46 <Daisy> what protocol? 08:25:02 <anish__> for deploying projects with their names 08:25:05 <Daisy> protocol with whom? 08:25:31 <anish__> with zanata, in zanata you can have project and then submodules 08:25:46 <anish__> e.g openstack is project and nova is submodule 08:26:14 <Daisy> let me think. 08:26:16 <anish__> then your project name would be openstack-nova 08:26:19 <anish__> kind of 08:26:57 <Daisy> anish__: I don't know if it could solve this issue. If we set up our own Zanata instance, we might have Nova as project, not submodules. 08:27:31 <Daisy> we may have a zanata.openstack.org, something like that. 08:27:44 <anish__> but we need to name it as openstack-nova 08:27:50 <Daisy> why? 08:28:05 <anish__> In http://stackalytics.com/ we have Project type and Module type 08:28:18 <anish__> each project has module associated with it 08:28:45 <Daisy> and then? 08:28:51 <anish__> what if two projects have same module name 08:29:12 <Daisy> could we translate Zanata response to stackalytics acceptable format? 08:29:56 <anish__> yes we can translate that format 08:30:12 <Daisy> For example, we translate /stat/project/nova/version/1/contributor/john/2015-1-1 to /stat/project/openstack/nova/version/1/contributor/john/2015-1-1 ? 08:30:38 <anish__> yes we can do that 08:30:46 <Daisy> can this issue be resolved ? 08:31:25 <anish__> yes we can solve this issue in way that we already know which modules are associated with which projects 08:31:32 <Daisy> That's right. 08:31:43 <Daisy> In a small scope, the translation could work. 08:32:12 <anish__> yeah 08:32:48 <Daisy> I don't think there would be same module names in openstack, and stackforge. But I'm not sure about cloudfoundary. 08:33:11 <Daisy> but anyway, let's use "format translate" for now. 08:33:21 <anish__> Daisy, okay 08:33:26 <Daisy> thanks, anish__ 08:33:33 <anish__> Daisy, thank you 08:33:44 <Daisy> next topic then. 08:34:02 <Daisy> #topic Introduction of translation test project 08:35:00 <Daisy> translation test project is to test openstack in different langauges, to verify openstack functions could work well and our translations could display as expected. 08:35:32 <anish__> cool 08:35:50 <DeeJay1> +1 for that, what do we need? 08:36:09 <Fdot> +1 for that too :) 08:36:10 <Daisy> for example, I set up openstack in a Chinese enabled machine. I expect Openstack is running well there, my Chinese translations are displayed, and my Chinese input would not break functions. 08:36:30 <Daisy> It's a new project now. 08:36:37 <Daisy> I need contributors. :) 08:36:45 <Daisy> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/i18n-test 08:36:47 <Daisy> See here. 08:37:00 <anish__> I would like to join in :) 08:37:06 <Daisy> There is a stackforge project ready, named as i18n-test. 08:37:19 <Daisy> I have some test scenarios in mind. 08:38:10 <Daisy> As to the scenario 3 and 4, there are some implementations by developers. 08:38:35 <amotoki> Daisy: as you may know, "pseudo translation check" tool was recenlty added to Horizon. 08:38:36 <amotoki> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/horizon/contributing.html#translatability 08:38:47 <Daisy> scenario 3 is related with Horizon. There is a program in this patch, to generate a fack translation file. 08:38:57 <Daisy> Yes, amotoki . I'm talking about it now. 08:39:36 <Daisy> scenario 4 is related with lazy translation, and oslo.i18n developer is working on it. 08:39:49 <Daisy> So I think, as to us, we could focus on scenario 1 and 2. 08:40:32 <Daisy> We test the command line in different languages. We test APIs with different language inputs. For example, I create an image with a Chinese name. 08:41:32 <Daisy> We could have write automation test scripts to test these scenarios. 08:41:46 <Daisy> We could write automation test scripts to test these scenarios. 08:42:38 <Daisy> That's my thoughts. And I welcome the inputs from you. 08:47:59 <epico> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudolocalization 08:49:36 <Daisy> it's a useful link to read, epico . 08:49:55 <epico> Daisy :) 08:50:15 <epico> another form of mock translations. 08:51:01 <epico> petersen told me that link. :) 08:51:17 <Daisy> anish__: would you still like to join this test project ? 08:51:40 <anish__> Daisy, yeah i would like to 08:51:44 <anish__> epico, aha :) 08:51:52 <Daisy> Nice. So I have you. 08:52:18 <Daisy> I hope to set up another IRC meeting to discuss this new project, till I get enough people. 08:52:35 <anish__> great! 08:53:50 <Daisy> OK. I've finished my topics. 08:53:56 <Daisy> #topic open discussion 08:55:56 <Daisy> no discussions any more ? 08:56:39 <Daisy> OK. I will close this meeting. 08:56:56 <Daisy> Thank you very much for attending. It's a very good meeting. 08:57:08 <Daisy> #endmeeting