08:02:14 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:02:15 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 19 08:02:14 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:02:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:02:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:02:32 <Daisy> Hello. Who is around for I18n meeting? 08:02:37 <anish_> Hi! 08:02:43 <DeeJay1> hi 08:02:55 <Daisy> Welcome, anish_ and DeeJay1 ! 08:03:23 <Daisy> Today is Chinese new year day. 08:03:44 <anish_> Happy new year Daisy and everyone !! 08:03:48 <DeeJay1> then happy New Year Daisy ! 08:03:57 <Daisy> Happy new year ! 08:04:15 <Daisy> Let's start the meeting with us three. 08:04:30 <anish_> yeah seems that 08:04:49 <Daisy> #topic Research result on translating RST documents 08:05:11 <Daisy> I think, you might know that doc team is going to change the doc format from DocBook to RST. 08:05:40 <Daisy> They have started from some small prove of concepts. 08:05:48 <Daisy> And all things run well. 08:06:15 <anish_> okay 08:06:21 <Daisy> They plan to change "End User Guide" and "Admin User Guide" 08:06:46 <Daisy> In march, these documents have high priority: 08:06:50 <Daisy> Cloud Administrator Guide 08:06:52 <Daisy> Virtual Machine Image Guide 08:06:53 <Daisy> High Availability Guide 08:06:55 <Daisy> API Quick Start Guide 08:07:35 <Daisy> Our translation team need to make sure our translations won't be affected too much. 08:07:46 <Daisy> I did an early investigation. 08:08:11 <Daisy> It looks like the translation process is similar. 08:09:15 <Daisy> Slicing RST into pot files, translating pot files into po files using transifex, and then downloading po files and building translated documents. 08:10:06 <Daisy> The command to build translated documents would be changed. 08:10:31 <Daisy> But it's not complex. 08:11:06 <Daisy> So my next plan is to starting changing our translation tools and CI scripts. 08:11:59 <Daisy> A wiki page is used to track my investigation. 08:14:27 <Daisy_> Hi, I'm back. 08:14:43 <Daisy_> I connect from home. It's not stable. 08:15:03 <Daisy_> anish_ and DeeJay1: are you still there? 08:15:09 <DeeJay1> yup 08:15:31 <Daisy_> I have a wiki page to track my investigations. 08:15:43 <anish_> yeah 08:16:02 <Daisy_> I would like to find somebody else to help me prove reading the wiki page after I'm done. 08:16:20 <anish_> Daisy, I can do that 08:16:25 <Daisy_> Thanks, anish_ 08:16:46 <Daisy_> So I'm done with this topic. 08:16:57 <Daisy_> Any questions? 08:17:24 <Daisy> if no, let's go to open discussions. 08:17:39 <Daisy> #topic Open discussions 08:18:00 <Daisy> anish_: I had a talk with Carlos last week. 08:18:16 <anish_> Daisy, zanata team is waiting for response from infra team 08:18:20 <Daisy> I have given him the list of bugs you reported. 08:18:45 <anish_> Daisy,yeah I talked with him 08:19:21 <anish_> bugs are targeted for current release i.e 3.6 08:19:31 <Daisy> Nice, anish_ 08:20:03 <Daisy> I know the infra changes are delayed. I'm waiting that too. 08:20:48 <Daisy> DeeJay1: do you get more supports on your proposals ? 08:21:03 <anish_> do infra team any help from us? 08:21:22 <DeeJay1> Daisy: I got a few folks from Intel to vote, and my company posted the link on twitter 08:21:33 <Daisy> I don't know anish_ . The response I got is that they would let us know if they need us help. 08:21:35 <DeeJay1> Daisy: so we'll see in a few days 08:21:44 <anish_> Daisy, thanks! 08:21:53 <Daisy> DeeJay1: great ! I think our translators would vote for you. 08:22:26 <anish_> DeeJay1,cool are you going to talk about translation work flow as well? 08:23:02 <DeeJay1> anish_: yeah, I want to talk also about my experiences moving from the GNOME workflow to OpenStack 08:23:24 <anish_> cool 08:23:44 <Daisy> Anything else to talk ? 08:24:00 <anish_> how to get started on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/i18n-test 08:24:17 <Daisy> Thank you for asking, anish_ 08:24:33 <Daisy> I have started from a patch. Let me find the link. 08:24:55 <Daisy> The patch is failed. :( 08:25:07 <anish_> ohh 08:25:21 <Daisy> If you have time, you may take a look at it. 08:25:48 <anish_> Daisy, sure I will look into it 08:25:52 <Daisy> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155622/ 08:26:16 <Daisy> I think it is caused by the wrong project structure. 08:26:25 <anish_> Daisy, okay thanks 08:27:03 <DeeJay1> tox.ini is missing ;) 08:27:08 <Daisy> Yes.... 08:27:21 <Daisy> I don't think I use tox... so I don't have it. 08:27:29 <DeeJay1> easy to fix, anish_ will you do it or should I? 08:27:42 <anish_> DeeJay1, I will do it 08:28:22 <Daisy> I'm on vacation and go back to my hometown. The network is not good here. 08:28:51 <Daisy> anish_: I appreciate very much if you could help. 08:29:17 <anish_> Daisy, DeeJay1 no problem thanks 08:29:28 <Daisy> DeeJay1: please help to review the codes. :) 08:29:58 <Daisy> It's a program to generate pseudo translation po files. It will be helpful while we test i18n. 08:30:04 <DeeJay1> Daisy: will do ;) 08:30:10 <Daisy> Thank you all. 08:30:55 <Daisy> anything else? 08:31:26 <Daisy> if no, I will end the meeting. 08:32:13 <DeeJay1> nothing from me 08:32:36 <Daisy> I will end the meeting then. Thank you for attending. 08:32:40 <Daisy> #endmeeting