08:00:40 <Daisy_> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:00:41 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 5 08:00:40 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:01:04 <Daisy_> Hello, who is around for i18n meeting ? 08:01:27 <DeeJay1> I'm mostly here, but I may get torn back to work without notice 08:01:39 <anish_> Hi 08:01:46 <Daisy_> Hi, DeeJay1 and anish_ 08:01:54 <Daisy_> Nice to see you two here. 08:02:00 <ujuc> Hi 08:02:00 <Daisy_> I think we should have epico too. 08:02:05 <Daisy_> Hi, ujuc 08:02:13 <Chandrakant> Hello All 08:02:16 <anish_> Hi DeeJay1 epico Daisy_ 08:02:20 <Chandrakant> Hi Daisy 08:02:22 <Daisy_> I have three topics to cover today. 08:02:28 <ianychoi> Hi. I am from Korea and I am attending here with ujuc : ) 08:02:29 <koesik> Hi all 08:02:49 <epico> Hi 08:02:50 <Chandrakant> I am new member to this group 08:02:57 <Daisy_> Hi, Chandrakant , ianychoi , koesik 08:03:05 <Daisy_> Good to see so many new faces here. 08:03:17 <ujuc> :) 08:03:22 <Chandrakant> Since I am new to the group i feel i should introduce myself 08:03:32 <Daisy_> Please, Chandrakant 08:03:56 <Daisy_> koesik: where do you from? 08:03:59 <Chandrakant> I work with C-DAC, Pune and have been into language technolgies since about 10 years now 08:04:02 <koesik> I am from Korea 08:04:21 <Chandrakant> C-DAC has worked on Localization of various free and open source softwares in the past and it continues to do so 08:04:29 <koesik> i am from #openstack-ko with ujuc and ianychoi 08:04:38 <Daisy_> Chandrakant: are you working for redhat ? 08:04:42 <Chandrakant> I am coordinating the efforts with open source community 08:05:27 <Chandrakant> No. I am working with C-DAC ( Centre for development of Advanced Computing) based in Pune 08:05:34 <Daisy_> koesik: Nice to meet with you. I'm from China. 08:05:48 <Daisy_> OK. Welcome to join us. 08:05:51 <ianychoi> Nice to meet you all : ) 08:06:01 <koesik> Daisy_: nice to meet you. 08:06:34 <Daisy_> let's start the meeting then. 08:06:46 <Chandrakant> yes please 08:06:50 <Daisy_> #topic Vancouver summit 08:06:52 <ianychoi> okay 08:07:04 <Daisy_> It's a simple one. Let's start from this one. 08:07:37 <Chandrakant> Is Chandan Kumar going to join us ? 08:07:57 <Daisy_> OpenStack Vancouver summit will be held from May 11 to May 15 08:08:14 <DeeJay1> Daisy_: I'm still hoping to go, although I got mixed responses recently. Any leaks about the schedule? ;) 08:08:18 <Daisy_> Who has plan to go. 08:08:23 <Daisy_> ? 08:08:36 <Daisy_> On, I make a mistake. 08:08:41 <Chandrakant> Actually I am not aware of it 08:08:48 <ianychoi> Unfortunately, Korea is too far.. from Vancouver.. I could not go there. 08:08:50 <Daisy_> OpenStack Vancouver summit will be held from May 18. 08:09:12 <Daisy_> DeeJay1: do you have any response to your speech proposal ? 08:09:12 <ianychoi> Yes. May 18-22 08:09:28 <DeeJay1> Daisy_: not yet, neither positive nor negative 08:09:47 <Chandrakant> Is there any track for Localization in that conference ? 08:10:00 <Daisy_> No, Chandrakant 08:10:21 <Daisy_> But we could discuss openstack localization with developers and infrastructure guys. 08:10:37 <Chandrakant> Yes. Its very important 08:10:56 <Daisy_> I have some registration tickets to this summit. 08:11:05 <anish_> cool 08:11:11 <Daisy_> especially for our translators. 08:11:15 <Chandrakant> :) 08:11:41 <Chandrakant> What does that Ticket include ? 08:12:02 <Daisy_> Only the registration. Not include air tickets and hotels. 08:12:27 <Chandrakant> OK. 08:12:51 <DeeJay1> Chandrakant: I think it's for the full summit, so about 600 USD less 08:13:08 <Daisy_> it's a long story to tell about the summit, Chandrakant. I could talk to you off line if you want to know. 08:13:18 <ianychoi> Wow.. cool. I would like to attend the conference.. but it may be possible this October or the next year.. 08:13:31 <Chandrakant> Daisy : OK 08:14:16 <Chandrakant> Anish..the COOL guy has joined us 08:14:36 <anish_> chandankumar, ha ha :) 08:14:44 <anish_> Chandrakant, ha ha :) 08:14:55 <anish_> chandankumar, oops 08:15:04 <Daisy_> Move to next topic 08:15:41 <Daisy_> #topic Horizon translation check site for Kilo 08:15:48 <Daisy_> It's another long story. 08:16:03 <Daisy_> amotoki: hope you could jump out. 08:16:32 <Daisy_> Horizon translation for Kilo will be start soon. 08:16:40 <Daisy_> Horizon is OpenStack Dashboard. 08:16:56 <amotoki> hey 08:17:31 <Daisy_> amotoki has a personal machine providing a check site for translators to verify the translation result. 08:17:47 <Daisy_> The check site has a test OpenStack environment and a Dashboard. 08:18:10 <Chandrakant> Link please 08:18:13 <Daisy_> Translators could use a simple public account to log in and do simple tests to check their translation qualities. 08:18:27 <Daisy_> I think the website is not alive now, amotoki , right ? 08:18:54 <Daisy_> Because OpenStack becomes bigger and bigger, amotoki's machine is not that powerful. 08:18:58 <amotoki> I just kicked devstack last night but I didnt checked anything. 08:19:40 <ianychoi> One question: would it be too difficult to construct the same test OpenStack environment as amotoki established? 08:19:44 <Daisy_> He, including other i18n team members, want to move the check site to openstack infrastructure. 08:20:01 <ianychoi> Wow.. it would be much better. 08:20:30 <Daisy_> I think it's not difficult in a personal environment, but if in openstack infra, it's not a simple situation. 08:20:53 <amotoki> ianychoi: it is not difficult to run such env itself. 08:21:24 <amotoki> but if we move it to the infra, we need to considre who manages, how to manage and some other various policies.. 08:21:37 <Daisy_> amotoki: I had talked before with infrastructure guys about this requirement. I got back a lot of questions...From the view of openstack infra, they are quite carefully and seriously to make any changes. 08:22:46 <amotoki> yes. it is reasonable questions and stance. 08:23:16 <Daisy_> amotoki: infra team have a lot of high priority work to do. If we want to make it happen , we need a person who could dedicate to push. 08:23:30 <amotoki> agree 08:23:53 <Chandrakant> Dont mind but discussion is going above my height.. :) 08:24:07 <Chandrakant> May be because i am new to the group. 08:24:14 <Daisy_> my hands are quite full. I'm so sorry amotoki I cannot be the person. 08:24:42 <ianychoi> Hmm... if the openstack infrastructure supports that translation environment, it would be great.. but I think the infra guys might want to set up a kind of automated translation envirionment for us.. 08:25:07 <Daisy_> we have that automated translation environment, ianychoi . 08:25:08 <DeeJay1> I could do the needed puppet stuff, if I got any requirements and keep it running (that's similar to what I do at work) 08:25:22 <anish_> Daisy_, amotoki do you have link for check site? 08:25:34 <DeeJay1> but I'm not the best in organizing stuff first :( 08:26:17 <Daisy_> DeeJay1: do you have enough spare time now ? 08:26:35 <Daisy_> I mean, to do so many works in OpenStack ? 08:26:42 <amotoki> this is the link of my recipes: ansible playbook https://github.com/amotoki/ansible-playbook and tools https://github.com/amotoki/horizon-i18n-tools 08:27:08 <amotoki> the site itself is 08:27:28 <Daisy_> amotoki: do we have a blueprint in openstack infra ? 08:27:35 <DeeJay1> Daisy_: I think I do 08:27:52 <amotoki> Daisy_: not sure, but i think they have infra-spec. 08:27:59 <Daisy_> ok. 08:28:10 <Daisy_> Then we could start from infra-spec. 08:28:16 <anish_> amotoki, thanks! 08:29:10 <Daisy_> amotoki: do you have time to start a infra-spec thread ? 08:29:38 <amotoki> Daisy_: have no time in kilo cycle. I am not sure after that. 08:30:16 <Daisy_> ok. Then I start. 08:30:20 <amotoki> perhaps I must spend very busy day until June. 08:32:04 <Daisy_> We start a spec first, and keep on the update it. We could answer infra guys questions there. Till we have the spec clear, we then find engineers to work on it. 08:32:24 <Daisy_> Are you OK with it, amotoki ? 08:33:18 <amotoki> sounds good. (sorry late, I am in F2F meeting too.) 08:33:27 <Daisy_> ok. 08:33:30 <Daisy_> Next topic 08:33:36 <ianychoi> okay 08:33:40 <Daisy_> #topic Translation test discussion 08:34:00 <Daisy_> Chandrakant: it's not a long story for you. 08:34:18 <Daisy_> We just init a new project, a incubator project, named as i18n-test. 08:34:41 <Daisy_> We want to automate some i18n and localization tests there. 08:35:07 <Chandrakant> Great ! 08:35:08 <Daisy_> We want to make sure OpeNStack could run well in non-English environment. 08:35:16 <ianychoi> Wow cool 08:35:20 <kzaitsev_> How does that work? ) I'm actually here for that part of discussion =) 08:35:22 <Daisy_> The project is just in the beginning 08:35:52 <Daisy_> https://etherpad.openstack.org/i18n-test 08:35:58 <Daisy_> Here are some test cases. 08:36:43 <Daisy_> We are looking for more engineers to join. 08:37:01 <Daisy_> Actually, I even don't know how to start . 08:37:26 <ianychoi> For #1, how about 'Command line i18n test with specifying language'? 08:37:44 <ianychoi> It seems that the command line only supports in English .. 08:39:13 <Daisy_> I don't know it is different in Korean. But in China, if I run a command line in a Chinese environment, and input a Chinese parameter, I hope the command line could (1) handle the Chinese characters correctly (2) response messages in Chinese. 08:39:54 <ianychoi> Aha thanks for your explanation. I am understanding it better.. 08:40:40 <Daisy_> ianychoi: do you think it make sense in Korea 08:40:41 <Daisy_> ? 08:42:01 <ianychoi> I think one problem might be font problems. I am not sure in China. But for Korean letters, there are some additional usual problems. 1) encoding 2) fonts 3) termianl visualization for Korean letters .. 08:43:12 <kzaitsev_> As for my project — I'm actually concerned, that it might not even run correctly after translation. Even though user-faced strings are mostly passed through translation suite, str is used here and there. And string interpolation of unicode strings into non-unicode strings might happen. So I would be very glad to have at least a sanity-check suite =) 08:44:12 <Chandrakant> I think similar issues could occur for Indic languages as well. 08:45:22 <Daisy_> OpenStack has a project called Tempest. 08:45:52 <Daisy_> to handle integration test. 08:46:07 <Daisy_> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/ 08:46:34 <Daisy_> I think, i18n test could follow the same architecture of tempest. 08:47:09 <anish_> Daisy_, ohh okay did not know that, need to look into it 08:49:07 <ianychoi> And it might be much better if the test would support 'differential test'. It means when I translate a few words more, and then I would like to just see whether those more words work or not.. (sorry for my poor English...) 08:50:07 <Daisy_> ianychoi: you want to test the i18n mechanism works, or you want to see your translation quality ? 08:51:03 <ianychoi> I meant my translation quality. Is it different from the automated test discussing now? 08:51:28 <Daisy_> I think they are different. 08:51:53 <Daisy_> the mechanism test could be automatic, yet the quality check must be done manually 08:52:16 <ianychoi> Then, which i18n mechanism works would be supported in the automated test? 08:52:34 <Daisy_> yes. 08:53:10 <Daisy_> i18n test is to test i18n mechanism works well. It could use fack translation strings. 08:54:06 <ianychoi> I see.. for example, some po files could be broken? 08:54:34 <Daisy_> yes, I think this error should be included. 08:54:42 <Daisy_> this error should be tested. 08:55:21 <ianychoi> Then, how about detecting encoding-error characters? 08:55:31 <Daisy_> that should be included too. 08:56:29 <Daisy_> This project is quite new 08:56:37 <Daisy_> I'm calling more people to join. 08:56:47 <ianychoi> Aha... yep 08:57:00 <Daisy_> if any of you want to join, please send email to me: daisy.ycguo@gmail.com or ping me in IRC. 08:57:34 <Daisy_> so let's change topics to open discussions. 08:57:39 <Daisy_> #topic Open discussions 08:58:57 <Daisy_> If no topics, I will close the meeting then. 08:59:19 <DeeJay1> nothing from me 08:59:29 <ianychoi> +1 08:59:29 <DeeJay1> we're out of time anyway :) 08:59:35 <ujuc> +1 08:59:40 <Daisy_> Thank you for attending. 08:59:46 <Chandrakant> Daisy: For better understanding of Open Stack project and related matters, i will talk to you offline 08:59:46 <Daisy_> #endmeeting