08:01:13 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:01:14 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 2 08:01:13 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:01:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:01:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:01:38 <Daisy> Hi, Fdot 08:01:46 <Daisy> I see the French translation is done. 08:01:51 <Daisy> That's great. 08:01:59 <epico> Hi, Daisy 08:02:03 <Daisy> Hi, epico 08:02:32 <Daisy> The active translation team are always active. 08:03:05 <Daisy> French, German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese Taiwan, Chinese mainland 08:03:14 <Daisy> I see all these team have good progress with the translation. 08:03:31 <Daisy> Hi, epico 08:03:55 <Daisy> #topic Horizon translation status update and issues collections 08:04:25 <Daisy> I don't meet with any issues with the translation till now. 08:04:59 <Daisy> The translation check website is still available. 08:05:18 <Daisy> After translation, we could login and make some small tests. 08:05:34 <Daisy> Maybe just go through to see the translated web UI. 08:06:22 <anish__> Hi 08:06:27 <Daisy> Hi, anish__ 08:06:32 <Daisy> Nice to see you are back. 08:06:41 <anish__> Daisy, thank you 08:07:01 <Daisy> if no issues with the translation, let's move to open discussions. 08:07:09 <Daisy> #topic Open discussion 08:07:17 <Fdot> daisy for the test site are the logins changed ? 08:07:39 <Daisy> I didn't try it yet. 08:08:04 <Fdot> I tried this morning : admin and i18n-juno 08:08:10 <Fdot> and it doesn't works 08:08:14 <Daisy> ok. 08:08:18 <Fdot> it worked last week :) 08:08:25 <Daisy> oh. 08:08:37 <Daisy> Fdot, is it a latest openstack ? or an old version ? 08:08:45 <Daisy> I don't know if it has new features. 08:09:58 <Fdot> I think it was the latest 08:10:05 <Daisy> that's great. 08:10:13 <Fdot> but i was not sure and I wanted to ask during this meeting :) 08:10:24 <Fdot> but now I am no longer able to access it :D 08:10:43 <Daisy> We could ask amotoki after the meeting. 08:11:26 <Fdot> Daisy: thanks a lot :) 08:12:10 <Daisy> As to Vancouver summit, I have delivered and will deliver 9 registration codes for the summit. 08:12:42 <Daisy> That's not a small number, because I understand how hard the translators get travel support. 08:13:00 <Daisy> 9 codes in total. 08:13:43 <Daisy> so at least, there would be 10 translators be there, including me. 08:14:09 * Fdot will be there too 08:14:19 <Daisy> Łukasz Jernaś has a speech to share his experiences in translations. 08:14:42 <Daisy> Łukasz Jernaś has a speech to share his experiences in translations in Vancouver summit. 08:15:06 <Daisy> We could meet there. 08:15:31 <Daisy> I will get a meeting for our translators. We could sit together and have talks. 08:16:42 <Daisy> Anything else to talk ? 08:17:52 <Daisy> anish__: the new Zanata version is release. Carlos told me the API querys are included. 08:18:22 <anish__> Daisy, yeah i will start working on it 08:18:25 <Daisy> I hope we could make some simple demos with these API queries. 08:18:51 <anish__> Daisy, yeah till next meeting we will have something to show 08:18:59 <Daisy> great, anish__ 08:19:34 <Daisy> So I will put it in the agenda of next meeting. 08:19:42 <anish__> Daisy, sure thanks 08:21:03 <Daisy> If no topics, we could close the meeting, and then we could have time to continue our work. 08:21:43 <Daisy> Thank you for attending. 08:21:47 <Daisy> #endmeeting