08:00:48 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 08:00:49 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 7 08:00:48 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:50 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:52 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 08:01:17 <Daisy> Who is there for i18n meeting ? 08:01:23 * DeeJay1 is here 08:01:39 <Daisy> Hi, DeeJay1 ! Hi, ujuc ! 08:01:44 <Daisy> Anyone else ? 08:01:52 <ujuc> hi 08:01:59 <epico> hi 08:02:03 <ujuc> o? 08:02:06 <ujuc> o/ 08:02:06 <Daisy> Hi, epico 08:02:20 <Daisy> Then let's start. 08:02:55 <Daisy> I will use this time to prepare for the Vancouver summit. 08:03:45 <Daisy> I distributed 10 registration codes for i18n members. 08:04:08 <Daisy> So at least, we will have 10 translators in the summit. 08:04:40 <Daisy> DeeJay1 has a presentation to talk about his experiences in translation. 08:04:47 <Daisy> Here is the link: https://libertydesignsummit.sched.org/event/2ba8da0ae001512ee8ad87f56cb92e80#.VUsb_JM5ClI 08:05:18 <Daisy> I will be there to support you, DeeJay1 08:05:19 <DeeJay1> I'll be in Vancouver from Friday the 15th (make it 16th as I'll probably be dead after the flight ;) to Friday the 22th 08:05:36 <Daisy> I will arrive on 16th. 08:05:58 <Daisy> I hope we could get 2 time slots for i18n team for meetings. 08:06:28 <Daisy> I have sent the requests. Not sure if they will be arranged. 08:06:47 <Daisy> One meeting is for translation platform discussion. 08:07:21 <Daisy> Carlos from Zanata team, Lyz from infrastructure team, and our translators would sit down and talk about the migration plans. 08:07:51 <Daisy> We will review what have done, what need to be done, and remained issues. 08:08:16 <Daisy> The other meeting will be opened for the translators to discuss. 08:08:48 <Daisy> The time is probably 2:50pm - 3:30pm, Monday, May 18 08:09:19 <Daisy> So I created this: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Vancouver-I18n-WG-session 08:09:57 <Daisy> I would like to collect from you, what you would like to discuss there ? 08:10:29 <Daisy> What proposals do you have to improve our translation work ? 08:10:33 <DeeJay1> hmm 2:50 to 3:30 is my slot for the presentation :/ 08:10:43 <Daisy> oh...That's bad. 08:11:09 <Daisy> I didn't notice it. 08:11:19 <Daisy> Let me try to reschedule then. 08:12:05 <Daisy> Are Monday morning OK for you, DeeJay1 ? 08:12:06 <DeeJay1> I'll stick with my idea about better feedback for the developers when they break string freeze 08:12:36 <DeeJay1> Daisy: yes, it should be ok, it would get my mind off the presentation 08:13:05 <Daisy> DeeJay1: You mean, in your presentation, or in the translators working meeting ? 08:14:12 <DeeJay1> DeeJay1: meeting 08:14:15 <Daisy> ok. 08:14:25 <Daisy> Yes, I think it's good topic to cover. 08:15:12 <Daisy> ujuc: do you have any issues and want to address in the summit meeting ? 08:15:30 <Daisy> epico: the same question to you: do you want to address any issues in the summit ? 08:16:11 <ujuc> um.. i can not attend summit..... 08:16:15 <epico> not from me. 08:16:22 <epico> me, either. 08:17:39 <Daisy> ujuc: I know you cannot go. It's a pitty. 08:17:46 <Daisy> ujuc: do you have any painful in your translation ? 08:18:09 <Daisy> thank you, epico 08:18:12 <ujuc> um no :) 08:18:29 <Daisy> ujuc: thank you, ujuc. :) 08:18:39 <Daisy> ok. Let's go to open discussion. 08:18:43 <Daisy> #open discussion 08:18:49 <Daisy> #topic open discussion 08:19:31 <katomo> How about website translation? 08:19:41 <katomo> eg: http://www.openstack.org/ 08:19:58 <katomo> any toolchain? 08:20:22 <Daisy> no toolchain, katomo 08:20:46 <Daisy> The wiki page translation is enabled, but the website is not able to be translated directly 08:21:12 <katomo> umm 08:21:12 <Daisy> Do you have requirements to do that ? Are you volunteer to develop tool chain for web translation ? 08:21:52 <katomo> I want to translate website. 08:22:01 <Daisy> the whole website ? 08:22:04 <Daisy> or some pages ? 08:22:23 <katomo> However, I don't understand how website are maintained at now. 08:22:41 <katomo> whole website 08:22:46 <Daisy> I don't quite understand too. 08:23:00 <katomo> as possible... 08:23:08 <Daisy> at least, it's a web site running on a web server. 08:23:29 <Daisy> There should be some static pages, and some dynamic pages. I think, most are static pages. 08:23:47 <katomo> yeah, any CMS? 08:23:54 <Daisy> I don't know. 08:25:02 <Daisy> katomo: are you volunteer to work on the tool chain ? 08:25:15 <Daisy> to translate website. 08:25:21 <katomo> Daisy: yes 08:25:25 <Daisy> Great ! 08:25:34 <Daisy> Let's see. 08:26:02 <Daisy> I hope the web page translation is in the same platform with documentations. Then we could share the same translation memory and glossary. 08:26:27 <katomo> I think so, too. 08:26:58 <Daisy> katomo: can you write an email to the mailing list, and express your requirements ? 08:27:16 <katomo> o.k. 08:27:42 <Daisy> First, we need to understand how the website is maintained. 08:27:50 <Daisy> Then let's make the design together. 08:28:27 <katomo> thanks 08:28:32 <Daisy> I'm sure the foundation would be excited to see this proposal. 08:29:59 <Daisy> 1 or 2 years ago, the website developers approached me that they want to us to translate website. Then I didn't hear from them for a long time. 08:30:36 <Daisy> Thank you, katomo 08:31:05 <Daisy> anything else to discuss ? 08:31:55 <ujuc> no 08:31:58 <Daisy> If no, I will close the meeting. 08:32:16 <Daisy> Thank you all for attending. 08:32:48 <Daisy> If you have future questions, go to #openstack-translation. 08:33:02 <ujuc> ok :) 08:33:05 <Daisy> See you next time. 08:33:08 <Daisy> #endmeeting