06:02:59 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 06:03:00 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 2 06:02:59 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:03:01 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 06:03:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 06:03:26 <Daisy> Hello, Fdot 06:03:37 <Fdot> Daisy: hello :) 06:03:47 <Daisy> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YpDJU_uNA4I5fzFG69T6L9gpFsy5yNtA9a-lSxnqeAY/edit?usp=sharing 06:04:13 <epico> Hello 06:04:17 <Daisy> This is the translators statistic data exported from Transifex. 06:04:31 <Daisy> Hi, epico 06:05:15 <Fdot> Daisy: nice thanks a lot 06:05:48 <Daisy> I have exported statistic data from Transfiex and put them into a spreadsheet of google doc. 06:06:17 <Daisy> First, I will update the status of our Zanata instance. 06:06:29 <Daisy> We all know infra team is setting up Zanata instance. There is a test instance already. They said they were working to migrate synchronization scripts in Vancouver. According to Elizabeth's email most recently, they have most of synchronization working. They aim to have this ready by early July (likely right after the 4th of July holiday here in the US next week). The instance is just for... 06:06:30 <Daisy> ...testing. After testing done, they'll wipe it away then they go into production. 06:07:39 <Daisy> So it's not a proper time for us to start translation trial on Zanata yet. After infra team tell us to go, we will go to the production env directly and set up our teams there. 06:08:41 <Daisy> While infra team is setting up Zanata, we shall take a look at our translation contributions page in stackalytics. 06:08:53 <Daisy> That's what I'm going to discuss today. 06:09:18 <Daisy> #topic Feature design: translation metrics in stackalytics 06:10:33 <Daisy> Fdot and epico, please take a look at this design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1veum4qVbe_w62oYR1S4BZd6YXW9gbqkiwwPqHtNg6zU/edit?usp=sharing 06:10:45 <Daisy> See if you have any suggestions/concerns with the UI design. 06:11:25 * Fdot is reading the document 06:12:05 <Fdot> daisy seems good for me 06:12:15 <Daisy> Thanks, Fdot 06:12:21 <Fdot> Daisy: you only show stats about translation 06:12:26 <Fdot> no reviewing ? 06:12:37 <Daisy> Yes, on translation, not reviewing. 06:12:48 <Daisy> Fdot: do you think we shall includ reviewing ? 06:13:43 <Fdot> I think reviewing is important part of the translation works 06:13:54 <Daisy> OK. 06:13:59 <Fdot> some contributors are more focus on reviewing than on translation 06:14:18 <Fdot> I don't know if everybody is agree whit that ? 06:14:28 <Daisy> Fdot: I agree with you. 06:14:30 <Daisy> :) 06:14:50 <Daisy> I didn't add reviewing, because I haven't decide how to add reviewing yet. 06:15:20 <Fdot> ok :) 06:15:20 <adiantum> hello 06:15:33 <Daisy> Hi, adiantum 06:16:53 <Daisy> adiantum: please take a look at the UI design of "translation" metric in stackalytics in the google doc. 06:17:01 <epico> Daisy: seems good for me :) 06:17:09 <Daisy> Thank you, epico 06:18:32 <adiantum> looks good 06:18:38 <Daisy> thank you, adiantum 06:18:55 <Daisy> Fdot thinks we should add reviewing too, not only translation. 06:19:07 <Daisy> I haven't decided how to add reviewing yet. 06:19:44 <Daisy> Any comments ? 06:19:59 <adiantum> is it possible to take review metrics from zanata? 06:20:34 <epico> Daisy, maybe you could try to setup some milestone for it? 06:21:07 <Daisy> epico: Yes, I should 06:21:29 <epico> and a development plan also. :) 06:21:42 <Daisy> I think Zanata will return reviewed words too. I need to check with Carlos. 06:22:22 <Daisy> adiantum: do you mind to work together with me on the implementation? 06:22:43 <adiantum> Daisy: yes, sure 06:22:47 <Daisy> epico: do you want to join us to work together ? 06:23:08 <Daisy> adiantum: we need a plan and allocate tasks. 06:23:09 <adiantum> but one more thing we need is test zanata project 06:23:21 <epico> sorry, really busy recently... 06:23:50 <Daisy> adiantum: please try: http://translate-dev.openstack.org/ 06:24:05 <adiantum> i can write tasks on bluepront whiteboard 06:24:25 <adiantum> i'm already there 06:24:33 <Daisy> adiantum: it's a test instance. We could use it to test the codes. 06:24:57 <adiantum> yes, but we need some test project too 06:25:05 <Daisy> adiantum: what do you mean? 06:25:21 <Daisy> can you set up a test project in translation-dev ? 06:25:39 <adiantum> for example project with terminologies where will be some statistics different from 0 06:26:14 <adiantum> ohh, looks like i have permissions 06:28:25 <Daisy> adiantum: after you write some tests on the blueprint, please let me know. I can work on some. 06:28:44 <adiantum> Daisy: yes, sure 06:29:48 <Daisy> we need a plan too. I want this function could be ready before Tokyo summit. 06:31:52 <adiantum> i think we can write deadline date for tasks in blueprint work items 06:31:58 <Daisy> ok. 06:32:18 <Daisy> #topic Open discussions 06:33:01 <Fdot> Daisy: I have one subject :) 06:33:41 <Daisy> Fdot: do you notice that in the translators report table exported from Transifex, there is no emails. 06:33:50 <Fdot> Daisy: for testing the Horizion translation there was a test server 06:34:05 <Daisy> what's the test server ? 06:34:12 <Fdot> 06:34:25 <Daisy> who owns the server ? 06:34:26 <Fdot> it doesn't works anymore 06:34:31 <Fdot> I don't know 06:34:33 <Daisy> ok. 06:34:37 <Fdot> you gave me the url ;) 06:35:07 <Daisy> Fdot: it's belong to Akihero. We will move to openstack infra then. 06:35:24 <Fdot> Daisy: ok nice :) 06:35:25 <amotoki> it is my server. I am not taking care of it after the release :-) 06:35:29 <Daisy> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/184559/ 06:36:03 <Daisy> Fdot: for the translators report from Transifex, there is no emails. Do you know who are these IDs ? 06:36:29 <Fdot> daisy : For a lot of them yes :) 06:36:39 <Daisy> Great then. 06:36:41 <Fdot> afk 5 min sorry 06:37:31 <Daisy> if no special subjects, let's close this meeting and move to #openstack-translation. 06:37:47 <adiantum> ok 06:37:51 <Daisy> #endmeeting