06:00:38 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 06:00:38 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 6 06:00:38 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 06:00:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 06:00:48 <Daisy> Who is around ? 06:01:02 <katomo> Hi 06:01:06 <Daisy> Hi, katomo 06:01:20 <aeng> Hi Daisy 06:01:29 <Daisy> Hi, aeng. Nice to see you. 06:01:53 <epico> Hi Daisy 06:01:58 <Daisy> Hi, epico 06:02:38 <Daisy> I don't know if we are able to have more. 06:02:41 <Daisy> Anyway, let's start. 06:02:58 <Daisy> #topic Prioritise requirements/bugs of Zanata server 06:03:17 <Daisy> We are going to move to Zanata for Liberty release. 06:03:34 <aeng> Liberty is next release I asssume? 06:03:49 <Daisy> Yes, aeng 06:04:19 <Daisy> The string freeze is at the beginning of September. 06:04:31 <Daisy> We will start dashboard translation after string freeze. 06:04:54 <Daisy> So we have less than 1 month before we start the use of Zanata. 06:05:31 <Daisy> I assume Elizabeth K. Joseph will have everything ready for us, from infrastructure perspective. 06:06:19 <Daisy> According to the Etherpad page, there are a lot of bugs and requirements feedback from i18n team. 06:06:20 <aeng> Any blocker from infrastructure point of view? as well as blocker issues? 06:06:31 <Daisy> Yes, that's a good question, aeng. 06:07:22 <Daisy> I want to Prioritise those feedbacks. 06:07:59 <Daisy> to have a list of things that are absolutely required before we go into production, and then a wishlist of things that may be important, but we could go into production without them. 06:08:15 <Daisy> Said by Elizabeth. I agree with her. 06:08:40 <Daisy> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zanata-feedback 06:08:57 <katomo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zanata-feedback 06:09:04 <Daisy> So let's go to Etherpad page, and go through those issues/features one by one. 06:09:14 <aeng> alright 06:09:52 <Daisy> The first one, aeng, are we able to bypass this issue now ? 06:10:31 <Daisy> The question is how to config languages ? 06:11:25 <aeng> Daisy, if we provide ways to delete language, that will solve the issue right? 06:11:35 <Daisy> Yes. I think so. 06:12:00 <camunoz> Daisy, we can bypass this issue right now by doing a bit of a db clean. Because adding a language to the Zanata instance is an admin level privilege, there won't be much danger of adding unnecesary locales 06:12:17 <camunoz> we will aim to fix the lack of a "delete" language function for the next release 06:12:26 <aeng> +1 06:13:01 <Daisy> camunoz: you mean, delete all languages from database, and then add languages from the UI ? 06:13:37 <camunoz> no, just delete those repeated languages (e.g. en-Au, en-aU, en-au) 06:13:45 <Daisy> OK. 06:13:46 <aeng> Daisy, not deleting all, but modifying data and remove repeated lang 06:13:59 <Daisy> ok. 06:15:09 <Daisy> Thanks. 06:15:11 <katomo> looks reasonable. 06:15:18 <Daisy> #3 is a must have. 06:15:30 <Daisy> I will check with lyz. 06:17:03 <Daisy> What's your point of view? katomo. I see for manuals, some translations are not imported , whose progress are less than 2%. 06:17:26 <Daisy> For example, Chinese ( Taiwan ) is not imported. The progress is 2%. 06:17:46 <katomo> hmmm. 06:18:04 <katomo> I think it's not a problem. 06:18:29 <katomo> Just need import po files. It's easy. 06:18:37 <Daisy> ok. 06:19:47 <Daisy> #4, it's good to have, yet we can tolerant now. 06:20:14 <Daisy> #5, it's a must have. 06:20:16 <katomo> +1 06:20:39 <katomo> #5 is very important. 06:21:07 <Daisy> #8 now 06:21:38 <Daisy> camunoz and aeng: are we able to config the length of session time ? 06:23:37 <camunoz> Daisy, you might be able at the infrastructure side... but do you want it at the application UI level? 06:23:38 <katomo> Daisy: is it a problem about session time? 06:23:55 <camunoz> I mean, having an admin level screen where you can configure it? 06:23:56 <Daisy> Yes, the session time. 06:24:00 <aeng> I believe its in jboss config 06:24:09 <Daisy> Translators may want a longer session. 06:24:46 <Daisy> In Transifex, I remember I seldom meet with session time out. But in Zanata, the session is very short. 06:24:58 <aeng> Yes. And its known to us too 06:25:10 <camunoz> ok, so we can talk to lyz or steven to change that (or I can submit a patch) to change it at the server level 06:25:11 <katomo> ok 06:25:30 <Daisy> Is it easy to fix ? camunoz ? 06:27:02 <camunoz> two possibilites: 1. change it at the config level - easy, I can look into submitting a patch to the puppet config of the server. or 2. at the application level - medium: we need to add a field on screen to fix it. 06:27:11 <camunoz> either way it should not be too involved 06:27:23 <camunoz> just that 2. involves a new server release 06:28:09 <katomo> #1 sounds reasonable. 06:28:38 <aeng> yup, first option is easier and faster to implement 06:29:28 <Daisy> Good. 06:29:36 <Daisy> #9 now. 06:30:31 <Daisy> camunoz and aeng: I understand the logic you want all admins to be notified. But it's really a trouble if all admins get the notification emails, especially there are a lot of admins. 06:31:32 <aeng> Daisy, for request join language, only language coordinator will received the email. 06:31:36 <Daisy> I want there could be a way to config the "account admins " who are responsible to approve and reject account request, something like that. 06:32:13 <aeng> language coordinator for that language. If there's non language coordinator assigned, admin will receive it instead 06:32:20 <Daisy> OK. Then I will set up coordinators firstly. 06:32:46 <aeng> but for account activation, only admin will receive the emails 06:33:22 <Daisy> what is account activation ? 06:33:40 <aeng> when signup in Zanata. 06:34:26 <aeng> no really, sorry my mistake 06:34:28 <Daisy> en...I don't think admins would like to get those lots of email notifications. 06:34:51 <Daisy> In Transifex, there is a way to approve or reject in UI. 06:35:17 <Daisy> No email sent because of team requests. 06:35:37 <Daisy> BTW, I find it's more difficult to add a people to a team in Zanata than in Transifex. 06:35:51 <aeng> Daisy, we don't have it yet in Zanata, but notification features is in our roadmap. 06:35:57 <Daisy> I have to find the team, then find the user, and then add. 06:36:17 <Daisy> I will mark it as a wishlist. Hope to have it in the future. 06:36:23 <aeng> yup 06:36:49 <Daisy> #10 and #11, aeng and camunoz, could you take some time to read it ? 06:39:16 <aeng> For #10, its the warning for html/xml tag positions. 06:39:38 <camunoz> aeng, Daisy, the warning does look invalid from the example.... sounds like a bug 06:39:55 <aeng> camunoz, its correct 06:40:02 <camunoz> ah! never mind.... it is correct 06:40:12 <aeng> source has emphasis, placeholder-1 then emphasis again 06:41:15 <aeng> but translation have it in different order 06:41:20 <camunoz> this is a tricky one Daisy as in some languages translators might want to keep the same tag order... on others not so much... this is why it's a warning 06:41:49 <Daisy> OK. camunoz and aeng, please verify #10 and #11. If they are bugs, please fix them in the future. If they are not, please explain to our translators. 06:42:12 * camunoz is adding a comment on the ehterpad for #10 06:42:23 <Daisy> Thank you. As time is limited, I will move to next topics. 06:42:51 <Daisy> #topic Progress track on two bp: "translation check website" and "translation metric" 06:43:46 <Daisy> As to "translation metric", Ily and I have started coding now. Time is very limited, we have to hurry up. 06:44:15 <Daisy> As to "translation check website", I see katomo have submitted the patch. Thank you, katomo. 06:44:25 <katomo> np 06:44:55 <Daisy> OK. Now go to open discussion 06:45:00 <Daisy> #topic open discussions 06:45:40 <clarkb> stevenk and I would like to upgrade zanata when is a good time to do that? 06:46:01 <Daisy> clarkb: is it a question to whom ? 06:46:04 <clarkb> also the meeting time for this meeting on eavesdrop.openstack.org appears to be wrong 06:46:25 <clarkb> Daisy to the users of the dev server. I dont want to interrupt your work 06:46:56 <Daisy> clarkb: do you mean upgrade translate-dev ? 06:47:22 <clarkb> yes 06:47:23 <Daisy> you don't mean: installing the official translate server ? 06:48:02 <Daisy> clarkb: if you only mean upgrade translate-dev, you can choose any time. We don't officially use it yet. 06:48:14 <camunoz> clarkb, please let aeng and myself know about this decision so we can be there to assist 06:48:21 <epico> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo-specs/tree/specs/liberty/more-gettext-support.rst 06:48:48 <epico> I will send an announce email for the above spec soon. 06:49:14 <Daisy> got it, epico 06:49:17 <clarkb> camunoz can do, I think stevenk is in a timezone closer to yours than mine so maybe we get him to find a good time :) 06:49:27 <katomo> hmmm 06:49:51 <camunoz> clarkb, sounds good. thanks 06:51:49 <Daisy> ok. anything else to talk ? 06:52:08 <Daisy> if no, I will close the meeting. 06:52:18 <katomo> none. 06:52:28 <Daisy> Thank you, katomo. 06:52:34 <katomo> thanks all 06:52:40 <aeng> thanks 06:52:48 <Daisy> #endmeeting