13:00:29 <Daisy> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 13:00:30 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Feb 18 13:00:29 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Daisy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 13:00:39 <eumel8> hi ho 13:00:44 <Daisy> Hi, eumel8 13:00:52 <jftalta> #openstack-meeting 13:00:58 <Daisy> jftalta: Welcome 13:01:04 <ianychoi_phone> Hi! 13:01:04 <eumel8> Hi Daisy 13:01:05 <jftalta> Hello 13:01:05 <katomo> Hi, Daisy, eumel8 13:01:20 <eumel8> Hi katomo 13:01:21 <doug-fish> hi all 13:01:25 <katomo> hi jftalta ianychoi_phone 13:01:27 <Daisy> Great. It looks like we have all people here. 13:01:37 <Daisy> Then let's start. 13:01:39 <katomo> hi doug-fish 13:01:50 <Daisy> #topic Follow up with translation check website 13:02:21 <ujuc> hi 13:02:25 <Daisy> eumel8: can you describe the status of this work ? 13:02:52 <Daisy> I was a week away and I'm a little lost. 13:02:52 <katomo> hi ujuc 13:02:56 <eumel8> yes, review is starting. we're in the 2nd round. Fixed some issues, awaiting response drom infra team 13:03:09 <eumel8> from 13:03:21 <Daisy> Thank you. 13:03:33 <doug-fish> that's great! do you have a link to the patch? 13:03:35 <Daisy> Are there anything left that we can help ? 13:03:35 <katomo> great 13:04:08 <eumel8> maybe we can ask for more support from infra if they have time 13:04:08 <Daisy> doug-fish: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:f.kloeker%2540telekom.de+status:open 13:04:23 <Daisy> What kind of support ? 13:04:26 <doug-fish> thx 13:04:29 <Daisy> quick response, maybe . :) 13:05:19 <eumel8> for review 13:05:52 <Daisy> ok. I will talk with pleia2 to see if she can spend more time with us. 13:06:13 <eumel8> thx 13:06:14 <ujuc> hi katomo :) 13:06:32 <Daisy> Anything else ? eumel8 13:07:04 <eumel8> no, I think we're in a final stadium 13:07:19 <Daisy> Thank you, eumel8. 13:07:27 <Daisy> Let's move to next topic then. 13:07:32 <Daisy> #topic Get ready for Mitaka translation 13:08:20 <Daisy> According to the Mitaka schedule, string freeze will happen in first week of March 13:08:47 <Daisy> I hope we could have a discussion here to figure out a TODO list before we start Mitaka translation. 13:09:15 <Daisy> I mean, we get ourselves ready for Mitaka translation. 13:09:38 <Daisy> Something in my mind. 13:09:40 <eumel8> priority list on Zanate should be updated 13:09:44 <katomo> okay 13:09:51 <katomo> yep 13:09:52 <Daisy> eumel8: Exactly. 13:10:00 <jftalta> yep 13:10:03 <Daisy> 1. Priority list on Zanata 13:10:18 <ujuc> ok 13:10:45 <katomo> I'll take 13:10:59 <Daisy> Thank you, katomo 13:11:01 <katomo> #action katomo email priority list on Zanata 13:12:39 <Daisy> 2. Use a clear communication method, even local language communication. 13:12:43 <katomo> anything else? 13:13:09 <katomo> good point 13:13:24 <Daisy> I think we use a clear unique communication method this time. 13:13:28 <Daisy> I perfer IRC. 13:13:45 <Daisy> If you need, we could create special IRC channel for different language team. 13:14:01 <Daisy> If you don't need, we use openstack-i18n to communicate any problems we meet during translation. 13:14:26 <doug-fish> It would be great if the language teams documented their preferred communication tool - is that done already? 13:14:42 <jftalta> a special IRC channel for each language team is a good idea 13:15:26 <eumel8> for small team it's not necessary 13:15:36 <Daisy> katomo, ujuc, ianychoi_phone: thoughts ? 13:15:54 <katomo> I think special channel is a good idea 13:16:22 <katomo> however, we japanese team has own Gitter chat room 13:17:02 <Daisy> katomo: do you think you will change to IRC or continue to use Gitter chat room ? 13:17:06 <ianychoi_phone> Me and ujuc encourages Korean people to use #openstack-ko channel, but few one uses it. 13:17:32 <Daisy> either we use a unique method, or we document clearly. 13:18:07 <eumel8> there is a special team page in i18n wiki. you can provide your favorite communication channel there. 13:18:14 <Daisy> Because after we start the busy translation, I hope each language team could have a good communication way. 13:18:34 <Daisy> good point, eumel8. 13:19:24 <ujuc> no. we team not using irc... 13:19:59 <Daisy> ujuc: what communication method do you use ? 13:20:17 <ujuc> slack and offline meeting :) 13:20:24 <ujuc> an facebook :0 13:20:33 <Daisy> ujuc: I think it's not good to use offline meeting. :) 13:20:48 <doug-fish> Daisy - I'm not sure if you shared that we will have IBM translators participating significantly in the translation of Mitaka (I guess if you haven't I just did) ... 13:21:06 <ujuc> yab... 13:21:10 <doug-fish> I'd like to be able to easily direct them to their proper language team communication channels so they can work cooperatively 13:21:13 <Daisy> doug-fish: No, you go ahead. 13:21:57 <doug-fish> we will have IBM translators participating significantly in the translation of Mitaka 13:21:59 <doug-fish> :-) 13:22:31 <doug-fish> we expect to cover the languages and components that we have previously contributed via batch updates 13:22:40 <doug-fish> I hope we don't have any more batch updates 13:23:16 <doug-fish> These are experienced and skilled translators, but they aren't necessarily familiar with OpenStack, our tools, or processes 13:24:09 <doug-fish> I'm working with Daisy to prepare some education to help make sure they are effective ... and again, back to my original question, what's a good way to get them engaged with their language teams? 13:26:02 <Daisy> :) 13:26:47 <eumel8> In Zanata you find only nicks and names in language groups 13:27:28 <Daisy> Before, IBM translated downstream and then contributed upstream in batch. This time, they want to use the correct way - working directly with us and following community process. 13:27:41 <katomo> Japanese team welcome IBM translators join our gitter room. 13:27:59 <Daisy> The good thing is we will have more resources and cover more components. 13:28:14 <Daisy> The bad thing is they are new comers and need our guidances. 13:28:31 <Daisy> Sorry, not the bad thing. I use a wrong word. 13:28:40 <Daisy> The disadvantage. :) 13:28:41 <katomo> :) 13:28:48 <jftalta> ;) 13:29:07 <katomo> we need new comers any time, and welcome. 13:29:21 <eumel8> IBM guys are welcome, yes 13:29:31 <Daisy> so this time, we must use a open and clearly defined communication way, which could allow new comers in different time locale to join us easily. 13:29:38 <jftalta> welcome in the french team too 13:29:59 <Daisy> Thank you for the kindness, team. 13:30:13 <doug-fish> yes thank you. I'm very excited about this participation. 13:30:22 <ianychoi_phone> :) 13:31:57 <eumel8> french team has also a wiki page, I saw. This should be the central information point for each language team in each language. 13:32:17 <eumel8> contact addresses are also there 13:32:33 <katomo> japanese team has, too. 13:33:05 <doug-fish> are the links off of https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam the pages you are referring to? 13:33:12 <ujuc> korea team has, too :) 13:33:19 <eumel8> so, it's standard :) 13:33:29 <doug-fish> good - that makes things much easier! 13:33:39 <eumel8> i.e. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team/fr 13:34:00 <katomo> doug-fish: yes, linked from there "in Japanse :)" 13:34:16 <eumel8> de - we haven't. I will contact our team lead. 13:34:16 <katomo> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team/ja 13:34:37 <doug-fish> excellent 13:36:42 <Daisy> doug-fish: can you tell us more detail about your plan ? for example, how many translators, which projects do you want to cover and which languages ? 13:37:01 <doug-fish> sure 13:37:17 <ianychoi_phone> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/team/ko_KR 13:37:25 <doug-fish> The languages and components are exactly the same set that we have contributed via batch before 13:37:40 <Daisy> Will you send people to translate Horizon ? 13:38:03 <doug-fish> yes some - mostly because I want to make sure they are interacting with the translation teams 13:38:47 <doug-fish> It seems that there are about 4 people involved from each translation center ... but I am guessing that's probably one project manager, one people manager, and two people who will actually be translating 13:38:55 <Daisy> I still don't know how many Horizon plugin will be covered in this release. 13:39:44 <doug-fish> The only plugin we are thinking about is the neutron-lbaas-dashboard, but it's not ready for translation yet 13:40:08 <doug-fish> We do have a need to translate many of the services that the team hasn't normally covered 13:40:24 <doug-fish> Ceilometer Cinder Glance Heat Keystone Neutron Nova and Swift 13:40:28 <Daisy> doug-fish: I hope that IBM could make Horizon the last priority after they translate other components. 13:40:41 <doug-fish> understood 13:41:01 <doug-fish> What are the current plans for Nova? 13:41:10 <Daisy> no plan, actually. 13:41:38 <Daisy> Actually, from the experience of last time translation, I don't think community translators want to translate back-end messages. 13:41:38 <doug-fish> I expect the IBM translators will need to handle then 13:42:01 <Daisy> so if IBM want to translate back-end messages, IBM do. 13:42:10 <doug-fish> ok 13:42:44 <Daisy> For horizon, it's open for all people. I think community translators will make it first priority. 13:42:48 <katomo> Daisy: agree 13:43:10 <doug-fish> Languages I expect to have IBM translators for: de es fr it ja ko_KR pt_BR ru zh_CN zh_TW 13:43:25 <jftalta> Horizon still remains a priority for the french team 13:43:46 <Daisy> Thank you, jftalta 13:44:43 <doug-fish> Daisy - I'm still thinking about priorities for the IBM translators ... I'd like to have them translate a small number of messages in Horizon to make sure their work gets reviewed and they are working in a manner consistent with the community. 13:44:47 <doug-fish> Do you think that's okay? 13:46:06 <eumel8> doug-fish: maybe you guys can also help translating Release Notes, because it's not ATC related 13:46:12 <eumel8> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/Liberty 13:46:22 <jftalta> doug-fish: good idea, imho 13:46:46 <katomo> doug-fish: good idea 13:47:07 <jftalta> And this will be a way for them to increase their OpenStack knowledge. 13:47:10 <doug-fish> eumel8: surprisingly, I may not be able to ask them to do that ... but I'll look into it a bit more 13:47:33 <doug-fish> jftalta: yes, exactly 13:47:35 <katomo> eumel8: we have new reno tools, not a wiki, which doesn't have traslation feature AFAIK. 13:48:14 <eumel8> ah, ok 13:49:17 <Daisy> doug-fish: If IBM translators follow the TM and glossary, read the guidances ( if some language teams have ), IBM translators will work in a consistent manner, in theory. 13:49:33 <katomo> #action katomo contact reno team to ask whether reno has translation feature 13:49:56 <doug-fish> Daisy: understood. But sometimes theory !== reality. 13:50:06 <Daisy> doug-fish: exactly. 13:50:07 <eumel8> thx, katomo 13:50:22 <katomo> :) 13:50:34 <jftalta> Theory ? Don't know this country ;) 13:50:52 <doug-fish> ha! 13:51:08 <doug-fish> Reality is sometimes a foreign place as well. 13:51:47 <jftalta> yes, unfortunately 13:52:31 <doug-fish> So again, please let me know if this participation is not working well for any language team. It will be very new for our translators and I want to help make sure it is handled well. 13:52:58 <katomo> thanks 13:53:16 <Daisy> So I will make sure each language team have a clear communication method documented. 13:53:50 <Daisy> What else we need to do before we start Mitaka translation ? 13:54:27 <katomo> may be nothing 13:54:33 <katomo> #action Daisy make sure each language team have a clear communication method documented 13:54:42 <Daisy> Thank you, katomo 13:54:57 <Daisy> #open discussion 13:55:03 <Daisy> #topic open discussions 13:55:05 <eumel8> Glossary management? Are there some progress? 13:55:18 <Daisy> Good point, eumel8. 13:55:25 <eumel8> I think it's also important for new translators 13:55:38 <Daisy> Yes. 13:55:42 <katomo> yeah 13:56:21 <Daisy> do you agree we send patches to i18n repo directly to update the glossary ? 13:56:33 <jftalta> Glossary is a true issue, for sure 13:57:11 <ujuc> um.. 13:57:33 <katomo> I'm okay as work around at now 13:57:42 <jftalta> We need a way to share and update the local language glossary in an efficient manner 13:58:11 <Daisy> These are what we have. 13:58:13 <Daisy> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/i18n/locale 13:58:57 <katomo> jftalta: agree, but it seems to need looooooong discussion 13:59:23 <Daisy> I remember Zanata will provide glossary editor feature in some version, I forget the number. 13:59:30 <jftalta> katomo: really ? 13:59:36 <Daisy> I forget the version number. 13:59:47 <katomo> Daisy and amotoki tried at once, but not complete. 14:00:19 <Daisy> I'm looking forward to this feature which can give an easy way to edit glossaries. 14:00:33 <jftalta> daisy: ok. And what could be the git workflow ? 14:00:45 <eumel8> I think it's to discuss in the language team and then we come together in next meeting 14:00:52 <eumel8> because ... time is over :) 14:01:14 <Daisy> jftalta: if you have any updates to glossaries, send a patch to update your po file. 14:01:22 <Daisy> ok, eumel8. 14:01:29 <Daisy> Let's close it soon. 14:01:31 <jftalta> daisy: ok, got it. 14:01:42 <Daisy> Thank you guys for attending. 14:01:51 <Daisy> We have a good discussion today. 14:02:05 <eumel8> thanks all 14:02:07 <Daisy> I will close the meeting then. 14:02:10 <Daisy> #endmeeting