13:01:42 <katomo> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 13:01:43 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 21 13:01:42 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is katomo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 13:01:48 <katomo> any one here? 13:08:49 <ujuc> hi 13:08:52 <ujuc> late..;; 13:09:30 <katomo> hi, ujuc 13:09:38 <ujuc> hi katomo ;) 13:10:25 <itlinux> hello 13:10:31 <ujuc> hi :) 13:10:34 <katomo> hi, itlinux 13:10:46 <itlinux> here I am! 13:10:54 <katomo> thanks! 13:10:56 <itlinux> sorry early here 6am LOL 13:11:10 <katomo> wow 13:11:23 <katomo> very early... 13:11:25 <itlinux> no problem katomo! 13:11:25 <ujuc> wow... 13:11:28 <ujuc> :) 13:11:54 <itlinux> just want to make sure we can find a solution where everyone can be happy.. 13:11:59 <katomo> ujuc, do you know there is a way to approve translated project instead of using line by line 13:12:14 <katomo> question from itlinux 13:12:16 <ujuc> yes 13:12:23 <katomo> hm 13:12:50 <katomo> can you explain? 13:12:50 <ujuc> line by line 👍 button... click... 13:13:02 <ujuc> no shortkey.... 13:13:39 <itlinux> that's not good ujuc 13:13:48 <ujuc> yab... 13:13:58 <itlinux> I have all projects that need to be approved.. takes forever.. 13:14:08 <itlinux> just nuetron is 35 pages.. 13:14:16 <katomo> 35... 13:14:19 <ujuc> ... 60000 words ... 13:14:22 <itlinux> I am not getting paid for this !! 13:14:26 <katomo> org 13:14:29 <ujuc> click by clikc 13:14:40 <ujuc> shortcut!!! 13:14:50 <itlinux> so what's the option in the pull down menu where is says approve.. 13:15:13 <itlinux> what's the shortcut? 13:15:26 <itlinux> has to be a way to make this more efficient 13:15:44 <ujuc> um... or check box.. 13:15:51 <ujuc> approved.... 13:16:08 <itlinux> I do not see a box on my end for approval.. 13:16:38 <itlinux> and the checkbox you are talking about from the pull down menu does not do anything 13:17:14 <katomo> yep. pull down menu is a just display filter. 13:17:36 <katomo> We have a chance to discuss Zanata improvement request with Zanata dev team. 13:17:45 <itlinux> ok 13:17:50 <itlinux> so what can we do? 13:18:05 <itlinux> how to make this faster .. 13:18:23 <katomo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/I18n-Zanata-enhancement 13:19:07 <katomo> Cloud you write to your request (make this faster)? 13:20:02 <katomo> For example, "create a checkbox" and "approve the checked strings". 13:20:35 <itlinux> I am now 13:20:42 <katomo> thanks 13:20:43 <itlinux> you should be able to see my request 13:21:03 <katomo> I see 13:21:27 <ujuc> a katomo start meeting robot 13:21:42 <ujuc> # startmeeting... :) 13:21:47 <itlinux> :) 13:22:17 <katomo> :) 13:22:21 <katomo> any other topic? 13:22:33 <itlinux> not from my side! 13:22:58 <ujuc> no :) 13:23:02 <itlinux> maybe an idea will be to use git 13:23:18 <katomo> hm 13:23:18 <ujuc> ?? 13:23:19 <itlinux> to download all the translated doc 13:23:27 <itlinux> and then push them up .. 13:24:00 <katomo> using zanata client? 13:24:21 <itlinux> using zanata to receive those changes 13:24:34 <itlinux> and then you do not have to go line by line to approve it.. 13:24:46 <katomo> ahh 13:25:10 <katomo> good suggestion 13:26:05 <itlinux> I just added to the etherpad 13:26:07 <katomo> I see the etherpad 13:26:15 <katomo> itlinux: thanks! 13:26:20 <itlinux> thank you guys! 13:26:34 <itlinux> let make things easier for us 13:27:22 <katomo> ujuc, will you attend the summit? itlinux, can't. 13:27:36 <ujuc> can't 13:27:46 <katomo> oh 13:27:56 <katomo> okay 13:27:59 <ujuc> ianchoi attend summit 13:28:14 <itlinux> barcellona! 13:28:26 <ujuc> barcellona!! 13:28:31 <ujuc> lolo 13:28:47 <katomo> barcellona is near from Italy:) 13:29:16 <itlinux> yes but I am in San Francisco :) 13:29:17 <katomo> very far from Japan, far east :) 13:29:30 <katomo> oops 13:29:40 <itlinux> yes.. 13:29:53 <itlinux> other options for i18? 13:30:21 <amotoki> what are you discussing now? 13:30:31 <katomo> about summit 13:30:40 <ianychoi_phone> Hi sorry for late 13:30:59 <katomo> Hi: amotoki, ianychoi_phone 13:31:39 <amotoki> I will be at the summit but all of my schedule conflicts with i18n schedule :( 13:31:41 <katomo> #topic summit planning 13:31:52 <katomo> amotoki :( 13:32:14 <amotoki> as usual to me :( 13:32:21 <katomo> ianychoi_phone: do you have a topic to discuss at summit ? 13:32:44 <katomo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/austin-i18n-workshop 13:32:49 <ianychoi_phone> I will attend the upcoming summit 13:33:28 <katomo> any topic? 13:33:37 <katomo> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/austin-i18n-workshop 13:33:54 <katomo> .... 13:33:58 <ianychoi_phone> Not more from the Etherpad link 13:34:10 <katomo> hm, okay 13:34:20 <katomo> see you at Austin. 13:34:39 <katomo> #topic open discussions 13:35:04 <katomo> other topics? 13:35:08 <amotoki> hey, have you read a mail from Andreas? 13:35:09 <amotoki> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2016-April/002129.html 13:35:25 <amotoki> I hope you all express you opinions on POT files in our git repo. 13:35:32 <katomo> not yet, just now... 13:35:55 <katomo> yeah 13:36:00 <katomo> I will. 13:36:55 <amotoki> I am not sure how many translators are using POT files actually.. 13:36:56 <katomo> itlinux, ujuc, ianychoi_phone: I hope you will, too 13:37:19 <katomo> I sometimes use 13:37:39 <ianychoi_phone> I don't think many translators use pot files, but I use it sometimes 13:37:58 <amotoki> my response http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2016-April/002130.html may help you 13:38:16 <itlinux> I do use those before to do some trans but then the PTL of the project rejected because those need to be done by zanate 13:38:19 <ianychoi_phone> To diff what changes occurred from the original translation 13:38:24 <itlinux> so I stopped using them 13:38:36 <ianychoi_phone> Sometimes diffing pot files is useful for me 13:39:00 <itlinux> yes agree ianychoi_phone 13:39:20 <amotoki> I believe the need for POT files will disappear once Zanata shows a location of a string in source code as Transifex does. 13:39:58 <itlinux> I thought Transifex is gone! 13:40:06 <amotoki> personally I am a developer and familiar with the infra script, so there is no need for POT files 13:40:18 <amotoki> thus your feedbacks are important :) 13:41:18 <katomo> yes 13:41:44 <katomo> My usage is same as amotoki. 13:42:04 <ianychoi_phone> I also need source location indication on zanata! :) 13:42:06 <katomo> So, I added the Zanata enhancement request at Summit. 13:43:07 <ujuc> +1 13:43:48 <amotoki> i see someone is writing to etherpad.. let's break lines when you add something 13:44:30 <amotoki> i usually disable colorred per authors 13:45:15 <itlinux> amotoki: it's all good! 13:45:22 <itlinux> color no color! 13:45:27 <amotoki> :) 13:45:58 <katomo> ant other topic? 13:46:09 <katomo> *any 13:46:14 <itlinux> I think we are good! 13:46:16 <katomo> ant eats my head :) 13:46:23 <ujuc> ;) 13:46:30 <ianychoi_phone> Kk 13:47:16 <katomo> okay, thanks to join, itlinux, ujuc, ianychoi_phone, amotoki 13:47:30 <itlinux> see you on the next one. katomo: 13:47:35 <ianychoi_phone> Thanks kotomo and all! 13:47:37 <katomo> #endmeeting