07:30:19 <ianychoi> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 07:30:20 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 4 07:30:19 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ianychoi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:30:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 07:30:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 07:31:00 <ianychoi> amotoki, I have opened :) Which topic? 07:31:23 <amotoki> I'd like to clarify the goal of py3 stuff 07:31:40 <ianychoi> Aha okay 07:31:49 <ianychoi> #topic py3 goal in i18n repo 07:32:16 <amotoki> as I said in past meetings, our scripts already supports python3 but no more coverage can be done without UTs. 07:32:56 <amotoki> so I wonder where we can have importable python code. 07:33:49 <ianychoi> Question: what are importable python codes? 07:33:58 <ianychoi> Some common codes in Python? 07:34:37 <amotoki> for example, if we test tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py, it needs to be importable 07:35:01 <amotoki> it needs to be placed somewhere with __init__.py 07:35:28 <amotoki> like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/448598/ 07:35:29 <patchbot> patch 448598 - i18n - Move python files into importable path (ABANDONED) 07:35:29 <ianychoi> Aha.. a kind of writing functions in one class? 07:36:20 <ianychoi> I see 07:37:14 <amotoki> I wrote some unit tests on top of the above review, but I cannot find them now in my local env. 07:37:23 <amotoki> perhaps I lost them when I recreated my VM 07:37:41 <ianychoi> Haha.. that's too bad. 07:38:50 <amotoki> which do you prefer i18n or i18n-tools for python scripts? 07:39:13 <ianychoi> I originally thought that it would be so nice if we have like i18n-tools as a pip package similar with openstack-doc-tools: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-doc-tools/tree/ 07:39:29 <amotoki> IMHO we don't need to release them, so either works to me 07:40:45 <ianychoi> I agree. I18n team does not have many members.. 07:40:59 <amotoki> unless some CI or automated job use it, there is no need to release them. 07:41:33 <ianychoi> Several thinkings also block from my idea. previously, I asked to Zanata team - aeng whether Zanata API has versioned docs or not 07:42:15 <amotoki> you mean Zanata API reference published as a web page? 07:42:25 <ianychoi> #link https://zanata.atlassian.net/browse/ZNTA-1843 07:43:31 <ianychoi> Currently, Zanata API publishes up-to-date API information, but we need to also check API versions - for example, some APIs supported in Zanata 3.7.3 and/or other APIs only supported in Zanata 3.9.6 07:43:52 <ianychoi> Then I thought that i18n-tools would specify Zanata API version 07:44:16 <ianychoi> It seems that it would be a too long-term goal..:) 07:44:22 <ianychoi> adiantum, hi! will you come to Boston? 07:44:31 <amotoki> it can be handled inside our script though 07:44:44 <amotoki> yes, will be there 07:44:56 <adiantum> ianychoi: hi! unfortunatelly no 07:45:05 <adiantum> hi all! 07:45:06 <ianychoi> amotoki, I prefer i18n-tools :) Then I can propose glossary as i18n-glossary 07:45:31 <amotoki> ianychoi: do you mean a separate repo or a directory path? 07:45:40 <ianychoi> adiantum, oh that's too bad.. I miss you. Will other language coordinators or Russian translators come to Boston? 07:46:02 <adiantum> and i’ve asked coordinators of russian team, looks like no one can attend =( 07:46:14 <ianychoi> amotoki, let's do just in openstack/i18n one repository if it would not be too complex 07:46:23 <adiantum> ianychoi: is it possible to organize online session> 07:46:27 <adiantum> ? 07:47:17 <ianychoi> adiantum, yep.. I think so. I might need to find reservasable rooms after arriving at Boston, but I think next IRC meeting time would fit all: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2017-May/002899.html 07:48:55 <adiantum> ianychoi: great, please let me know if i can join online =) 07:49:45 <amotoki> ianychoi: regarding the other topic, i agree a single repo 'i18n' 07:49:50 <adiantum> ianychoi: and i’ll share to russian team 07:50:13 <ianychoi> adiantum, it just depends on how many members reply with the mailing list :) If you are fine with Thursday 13:00 UTC on the next week, please ask to Russian members. 07:51:03 <ianychoi> amotoki, +1 for i18n-specs, I would like to keep it since it was already created 07:51:26 <amotoki> ianychoi: sounds good 07:51:28 <ianychoi> amotoki, except this, let's use a single repo: i18n 07:52:05 <amotoki> ianychoi: I can write a small spec on how we organize the i18n repo :) 07:52:29 <amotoki> just for testing the i18n-spec repo :) 07:52:30 <adiantum> ianychoi: look like it works for me. i’ll ask team 07:52:52 <ianychoi> amotoki, thanks a lot - great! 07:53:43 <ianychoi> #info I18n team prefers to use openstack/i18n single repository except i18n-specs 07:53:50 <ianychoi> #topic open discussions 07:54:35 <ianychoi> I've got a new job and I am settling with the new job - it would not be related with OpenStack unfortunately 07:55:04 <ianychoi> So my actions might be slower but I will keep being online in IRC :) 07:55:42 <amotoki> ianychoi: hope your new future anyway! 07:55:53 <ianychoi> For Stackalytics and other things, I already asked to my colleague but unfortunately he is also getting more busy. 07:55:59 <ianychoi> amotoki, thank you :) 07:56:59 <ianychoi> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/summit-schedule/events/18761/should-we-kill-stackalytics 07:57:10 <ianychoi> I will go there and listen some perspectives :) 07:59:08 <ianychoi> amotoki, see you at Boston - I know that you are also busy but let's try to see each other 07:59:28 <amotoki> ianychoi: see you then. I try my best! 07:59:29 <ianychoi> adiantum, hope to see virtually on the next IRC meeting! 07:59:34 <ianychoi> Thanks you all! 07:59:42 <amotoki> thank you 07:59:44 <ianychoi> #endmeeting