13:04:42 <ianychoi> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 13:04:43 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 8 13:04:42 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ianychoi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:04:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:04:46 <ianychoi> pahuang, yep 13:04:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 13:05:09 <ianychoi> #topic Zanata webinar 13:05:27 <ianychoi> pahuang, can I start streaaming then? 13:05:40 <pahuang> yes i think we can start 13:06:00 <aeng_> its recorded right? 13:06:11 <aeng_> not many ppl joined 13:06:25 <ianychoi> aeng_, sure I am trying 13:06:36 <aeng_> :) 13:06:57 <pahuang> it says i need to reconnect. can you still see my screen? 13:06:58 <ianychoi> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVCSAfk4t54 13:07:18 <ianychoi> The screen seems in pause 13:07:29 <aeng_> in youtube? 13:07:43 <aeng_> screen in youtube is the same... 13:08:05 <jpich> Ah, loading now :) 13:08:19 <ianychoi> It should be in live 13:08:23 <aeng_> ah 13:08:26 <aeng_> yup 13:08:26 <ianychoi> pahuang, would you reconnect? 13:08:36 <aeng_> can see desktop 13:08:54 <ianychoi> Good 13:09:21 <ianychoi> pahuang, would u show your slide then? Voice seems fine 13:09:52 <pahuang> screensharing doesn't seem to reconnect 13:09:58 <ianychoi> Oh really.. 13:10:02 <aeng_> we can hear you 13:10:12 <jftalta> hi all 13:10:18 <ianychoi> Would u try again pahuang ? 13:10:18 <pahuang> can you see the screen move? 13:10:21 <aeng_> hi jftalta 13:10:31 <aeng_> now the screen is black 13:10:43 <aeng_> feel free to start sharing 13:10:45 <aeng_> "" 13:10:53 <ianychoi> pahuang, good 13:10:59 <aeng_> can see now 13:11:21 <ianychoi> jftalta, jpich plz see through https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVCSAfk4t54 13:11:34 <jpich> Yep, I am! Working well 13:11:40 <ianychoi> Great! 13:11:42 <jftalta> I'd like, but I can't :( 13:11:55 <ianychoi> jftalta, I am trying to record it :) 13:12:47 <jftalta> I have to attend a kind of crisis meeting... 13:13:04 <jftalta> ianychoi, ok :) 13:13:07 <ianychoi> aeng_, from which version supports API for the list of translators? 13:13:26 <aeng_> 4.2.0 13:13:39 <aeng_> ianychoi, list of transaltors of a project? 13:13:51 <aeng_> that is in 4.0 13:14:06 <ianychoi> aeng_, aha thank u 13:15:22 <jpich> Good luck, jftalta 13:15:33 <ianychoi> Wow.. much better user interface 13:15:47 <jftalta> jpich, thanks a lot 13:15:52 <aeng_> for next upgrade.. i would say just go for the latest version 13:15:55 <aeng_> 4.2.1 now 13:16:14 <ianychoi> Aha.. the current fedora25 vm for webinar is 4.2.1? 13:16:23 <aeng_> yeah 13:16:25 <aeng_> 4.2.1 13:16:27 <ianychoi> I see 13:16:27 <aeng_> latest 13:17:05 <ianychoi> Good 13:19:43 <ianychoi> One thing I want to ask is that can Zanata admin(s) see the request messges (join to language team)? I think the message is sent to language coordinators through e-mail and the message is not stored in zanata 13:20:14 <aeng_> yeah.. because we dont want to be another emailing system 13:20:40 <aeng_> but in the UI, language coordinators and admin can see the request in the language page 13:20:59 <ianychoi> Haha I see. :) 13:21:12 <aeng_> there's another ticket which allows admin to see all pending requests all in language list page 13:21:17 <aeng_> its not implemented yet 13:21:31 <ianychoi> Aha.. yep 13:21:39 <aeng_> but will help with the request process... if coordinator or admin is ignoring their email 13:22:15 <jftalta> goodbye I18N et Zanata guys, I've got to go. See you soon. 13:22:31 <ianychoi> jftalta, see u later! 13:22:31 <jftalta> s/et/and/ 13:22:32 <aeng_> no problem.. see ya jftalta 13:24:27 <ianychoi> Webhook for "Translation milestone" looks so nice! 13:26:42 <amotoki> hi 13:26:46 <ianychoi> Oh JSON file: jpich already supported it :) 13:26:49 <ianychoi> amotoki, hi! 13:26:57 <ianychoi> amotoki, FYI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVCSAfk4t54 (We are seeing it) 13:27:12 <amotoki> working well 13:27:18 <ianychoi> good :) 13:27:47 <aeng_> for json file, please read http://docs.zanata.org/en/release/user-guide/documents/raw-documents/ and http://okapi.sourceforge.net/Release/Filters/Help/json.htm 13:28:08 <aeng_> since there's no standard way for internationalise json file, we have to pick the most general ones 13:30:18 <jpich> I'll have to look at the details when we upgrade, see if we can simplify our code 13:31:22 <aeng_> the best way for translate and maximise the reuse of translation still still po/pot format 13:32:29 <amotoki> the API docs upgrade sounds so nice. 13:32:35 <jpich> Maybe we'll stick to that then :) we're converting json -> pot then po -> json. Seems to work well enough so far 13:32:51 <amotoki> the current API docs of Zanata is hard to understand without trying several things in my mind :( 13:33:07 <aeng_> https://zanata.ci.cloudbees.com/job/zanata-api-site/site/zanata-common-api/rest-api-docs/index.html 13:33:27 <aeng_> its all listed on resources 13:33:49 <amotoki> aeng_: for example, if I look at https://zanata.ci.cloudbees.com/job/zanata-api-site/site/zanata-common-api/rest-api-docs/resource_ProjectVersionResource.html 13:34:11 <amotoki> aeng_: I cannot know what values are allowed for projectSlug or versionSlug. How can we know them? 13:34:19 <aeng_> ah 13:34:37 <aeng_> perhaps the explaination is not detailed enough 13:34:44 <aeng_> projectSlug path Project identifier 13:34:45 <amotoki> in case of projectSlug or versionSlug, it can be predictable but in some case it is difficult 13:35:13 <ianychoi> pahuang, great! Thanks a lot for your presentation 13:35:17 <aeng_> yeah, perhaps we can put more information on the expected fields 13:35:30 <pahuang> my pleasure 13:35:31 <amotoki> iterationSlug is most difficult one to me :( 13:35:39 <ianychoi> pahuang, let's wait for several minutes 13:35:40 <aeng_> amotoki, if you have any issue, feel free to send us email 13:35:57 <amotoki> aeng_: sure. 13:36:21 <aeng_> thanks pahuang, wonderful presentation 13:36:23 <amotoki> it is just my experience when I worked on Zanata API as part of openstack-i18n tool 13:36:42 <aeng_> i agree our doc is not the easiest to use 13:36:49 <ianychoi> pahuang, What are the actual shortcut keys for approving/rejecting reviews? 13:36:55 <ianychoi> For example, Ctrl+A? 13:37:17 <pahuang> ctrl+shift+a? 13:37:25 <pahuang> it 13:37:33 <pahuang> it's in the shortcut cheatsheet 13:37:36 <ianychoi> And.. would it be so easy to test Zanata with the docker image provided in Zanata homepage? 13:37:38 <ianychoi> Aha 13:37:46 <aeng_> Ctrl+shift+a = approve 13:37:52 <aeng_> Ctrl+shift+R = reject 13:38:07 <ianychoi> Oh good :) 13:38:14 <amotoki> for shortcuts, Ctrl-S is sometimes confusing. it creates fuzzy string, but sometimes users expects to save strings as translated by Ctrl-S 13:38:15 <pahuang> yes i am running docker in my demo 13:38:20 <aeng_> yes, docker image is the way to go 13:38:33 <aeng_> even for dev 13:38:47 <ianychoi> Would you recommend me for the guide with Docker image? 13:38:53 <pahuang> ctrl s is use by browser by default. so we try not to steal browser shortcuts 13:39:25 <aeng_> ianychoi, to test the docker? 13:39:30 <ianychoi> aeng_, yep 13:39:42 <pahuang> ianychoi, we have a dockerhub image. but i think we haven't had an automated way to publish it continuously. 13:39:43 <aeng_> the readme should be sufficient 13:40:11 <amotoki> I see 'Save as Fuzzy (Ctrl+S)' in the current openstack zanata instance. this is what i mean. 13:40:21 <ianychoi> Aha.. I see thank you 13:40:23 <amotoki> (i am using Mac OSX) 13:40:52 <aeng_> keyboard shortcut is a tricky business.. :) 13:40:59 <amotoki> it may be different on Linux or windows env. 13:41:05 <amotoki> it is really tricky :) 13:41:12 <ianychoi> Haha... mac is Cmd not Ctrl 13:41:46 <pahuang> ah right. yes ctrl+s will save as fuzzy. well i forgot to show the new editor we are continuing working on. it will have different shortcuts. hopefully soon it will replace the current editor 13:42:00 <ianychoi> Let's close the streaming. Thank you so much pahuang ! 13:42:08 <amotoki> When I see fuzzy strings in Japanese transaltion and asked the authors several times, they said 'ah... i pressed ctrl-s. I didn't intend to save it as fuzzy' 13:42:23 <amotoki> thank you! 13:43:08 <pahuang> ctrl enter will save as translated and move to next row. i would recommend using that ;) 13:43:28 <ianychoi> Yep :) 13:44:21 <ianychoi> #topic open discussion 13:44:56 <ianychoi> Actually now I have several topics but I mainly focused on such webinar today, I want to move on open discussions 13:45:39 <ianychoi> amotoki, not considering user survey translation with ATC status is just my proposal - since someone might think that ATC status would be valid only to upstream projects 13:45:50 <ianychoi> amotoki, but I don't have a strong opinion on this. 13:46:16 <amotoki> ianychoi: this is just my question. 13:46:38 <amotoki> ianychoi: I agree that we need to clarify what projects are considered as ATC. 13:47:35 <amotoki> ianychoi: user survey may be categorized into AUC? I am not sure the foundation related works like user survey are categorized into what category? 13:48:05 <amotoki> if we apply a new criteria, it should start in the next cycle. 13:48:25 <ianychoi> amotoki, I think there may be two options on that 1) considering user survey translations with ATC status and 2) enumerating credits (who contributed to user survey translations) on somethere 3) AUC - oh I have not thought with such things just I am adding it by seeing your message 13:48:44 <ianychoi> amotoki, +1 starting from the next cycle 13:49:10 <amotoki> ianychoi: yeah, there are several options. 13:49:24 <amotoki> i didn't think your idea so far. That's good point 13:49:44 <ianychoi> aeng_, pahuang - thanks a lot. My final question might be: are you considering newer version of Java (e.g., Java 9) and Wildfly 11 later? 13:50:16 <aeng_> java 9, dont think we will move to that anytime soon 13:50:34 <aeng_> we on wildfly 10 now.... 13:50:52 <aeng_> and 11 is still in alpha 13:51:00 <aeng_> so not for now 13:51:06 <pahuang> not at the moment. i think we won't do major platform upgrade in a while 13:51:40 <ianychoi> aeng_, thanks a lot. Just plz share it later if you have such plans... :) Unfortunately I have no time to upgrade it now but I think it would be much nice to see all with infra team during Sydney Summit and discuss upgrade 13:51:55 <aeng_> yeah 13:52:07 <aeng_> we might want to discuss about upgrade to 4.X 13:55:03 <aeng_> Alright guys. I need to go now. Good night from AUS 13:55:12 <amotoki> i have another type of question. is there any ongoing effort to create python client side API bindings? 13:55:32 <aeng_> amotoki, the pyhton client is maintained by community 13:55:37 <ianychoi_> Oh this channel :) 13:55:39 <ianychoi_> aeng_, have a good night! 13:55:53 <ianychoi_> aeng_, would u share the url for such python client? 13:55:55 <aeng_> feel free to contribute towards it 13:56:12 <aeng_> https://github.com/zanata/zanata-python-client 13:56:29 <aeng_> it is not as up to date as our supported client 13:56:59 <aeng_> we still recommend to use zanata-cli which will be always up to date with the server 13:57:12 <amotoki> thanks, but it might be a CLI implementation, not SDK 13:57:19 <amotoki> anyway i will check it later 13:57:30 <aeng_> alright. Let us know if you have any other question 13:57:36 <aeng_> Good night guys :0 13:57:43 <ianychoi> Good night! 13:57:44 <amotoki> good night :) 13:57:53 <aeng_> and thanks pahuang :) 13:58:03 <amotoki> pahuang: thanks a lot 13:58:10 <pahuang> np 13:58:29 <ianychoi> pahuang, so great webinar today :) 13:58:52 <pahuang> thanks 13:59:15 <pahuang> i also need to leave now. any more questions? 13:59:36 <ianychoi> It's already 14:00 UTC 13:59:44 <ianychoi> Thanks a lot for attending today 13:59:51 <ianychoi> Let's close today IRC meeting 13:59:57 <ianychoi> #endmeeting