13:00:58 <ianychoi> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 13:00:58 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 20 13:00:58 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ianychoi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:00 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:01:02 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 13:01:20 <eumel8> here we are 13:01:26 <ianychoi> I have heard that eumel8 is in parallel meeting. 13:01:47 <eumel8> already, but with a low prio 13:01:58 <ianychoi> eumel8, oh I see :) 13:02:03 <eumel8> normaly it's finished since 1 min 13:02:27 <ianychoi> jftalta, hello! 13:02:40 <eumel8> hi jftalta 13:02:46 <jftalta> ianychoi, Hi ! 13:03:09 <jftalta> hi eumel8 ! It's been a long time ! 13:03:20 <eumel8> true 13:03:41 <ianychoi> :) jftalta: Were u on vacation? Or when is your vacation? 13:04:13 <jftalta> First two weeks of august 13:04:30 <ianychoi> jftalta, aha I see - so great! 13:04:40 <eumel8> save the holiday for Australia :) 13:04:50 <ianychoi> Haha :) 13:05:05 <ianychoi> Let me proceed today agenda first.. 13:05:11 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 13:05:20 <ianychoi> #topic Changes on Docs team - how it affects to I18n team 13:05:53 <ianychoi> #link http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/pike/os-manuals-migration.html 13:05:54 <jftalta> we have plenty of holydays in France, so I'm saving a couple of weeks for Australia ;) 13:06:01 <ianychoi> jftalta, great! 13:06:29 <ianychoi> This is a spec for migration of openstack-manuals documents in Docs team 13:06:58 <ianychoi> There are lots of details and now I recognize recent two changes 13:07:27 <ianychoi> One is URL schema change for documentation. For example, docs.openstack.org/developer/i18n URL was changed to https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/ 13:07:45 <eumel8> yeah, lots of text 13:08:16 <ianychoi> The other is that Operators guide has been deleted 13:08:56 <ianychoi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483937/ 13:09:07 <ianychoi> It means that some translated documents also need to be deleted 13:09:31 <eumel8> is the user-guide also deleted? This site seems a little broken: https://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/ 13:09:33 <ianychoi> For example, https://docs.openstack.org/ja/ has https://docs.openstack.org/ja/ops-guide/ link but it needs to be deleted (I will propose the patch) 13:09:48 <eumel8> ok 13:09:51 <ianychoi> I think the URL scheme is changed to https://docs.openstack.org/user/ 13:10:17 <eumel8> but there is a lower content 13:10:33 <eumel8> lot's of google search matches are empty 13:10:37 <ianychoi> Yep it might be that user guides are being moved to project repositories 13:11:52 <ianychoi> Since I am now too busy, I could not figure out the details of documentation status and asettle would be the best PTL who manages it but I think she is also busy on tracking and managing :) - It is so great job and now what I want to do is that I18n team at least needs to follow changes from Docs team 13:12:06 <asettle> Sorry sorry what? 13:12:08 <asettle> Here I am! 13:12:36 <eumel8> hi asettle ;) 13:12:39 <asettle> o/ hello 13:13:13 <ianychoi> asettle, I have just shared that some Docs urls are already changed and we are noticing that user-guide has less content and I said that it might be because the content is moving to actual project repositories 13:13:22 <ianychoi> Sorry for calling u :) 13:13:35 <asettle> It is indeed moving :) 13:13:36 <asettle> Not at all! 13:13:40 <asettle> :) 13:13:52 <asettle> If you guys have any questions, please do not hesitate to ping :) 13:13:53 <ianychoi> :) 13:14:21 <jftalta> Sorry, I have been disturbed by colleagues who suddenly shown up in my office... 13:14:21 <eumel8> :) 13:14:35 <jftalta> asettle, Hi ! 13:15:56 <asettle> Hi jftalta :) 13:16:02 <asettle> damn those colleagues :P 13:16:25 <ianychoi> Now I also notice that https://docs.openstack.org/ja/user-guide/ is not working 13:16:52 <ianychoi> I will propose to delete such links in https://docs.openstack.org/ja/ and add Japanease team as reviewers 13:17:04 <eumel8> +1 13:17:11 <ianychoi> #action ianychoi will investigate in some missing links in https://docs.openstack.org/ja/ 13:17:57 <ianychoi> Note that I mainly first track Japanese team landing page since the page has the largest number of translated documents :) 13:18:20 <ianychoi> #topic String Freeze periods are coming 13:18:43 <ianychoi> #link https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html 13:19:03 <ianychoi> Next week (Jul 24 - Jul 28) is for Soft StringFreeze in Pike cycle 13:19:23 <ianychoi> I have not found string freeze managers in I18n team unfortunately. 13:20:13 <ianychoi> If we do not find relevant string freeze managers, then I think I need to do some minimal notice & actions for String Freezes... 13:21:20 <jftalta> would be a good thing, if you can 13:21:53 <ianychoi> jftalta, I am unfortunately too busy now... 13:22:18 <ianychoi> But thanks :) 13:22:24 <jftalta> Ianychoi, I know, I know 13:22:32 <ianychoi> jftalta, :) 13:22:56 <ianychoi> #topic extra ATC status for I18n team 13:23:38 <ianychoi> Last weekdays were for extra ATC proposing deadline and I safely proposed extra ATCs for I18n team 13:23:40 <ianychoi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483452/ 13:24:09 <jftalta> btw, there is a new translator in the french team since last tuesday. Seems to be a cool and keen guy :) 13:24:22 <ianychoi> jftalta, great! 13:24:29 <ianychoi> Hope that it will be merged soon 13:25:24 <ianychoi> In the review, I communicated with fungi and found that having openstackid does not guarantee that the guy is a Foundation member 13:25:43 <tono> am I in the extra ATC ? 13:25:50 <ianychoi> For extra ATCs, being Foundation member is important 13:25:57 <ianychoi> tono, hi:) Suhartono? 13:26:14 <tono> Yap, I am 13:26:23 <fungi> right, anyone can have an openstackid for purposes of logging into things like the speaker support system or external resources like translate.o.o 13:26:39 <ianychoi> tono, sure - please find your name in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/483452/2/reference/projects.yaml :) 13:26:48 <fungi> but to be able to vote you also have to join the foundation as an individual member 13:26:52 <tono> Thank you 13:27:22 <ianychoi> Yep :) Fortunately, openstackid resources API helped me to see whether the member is Foundation member or not 13:27:35 <fungi> (and make sure the email address in your extra-atc record is added to at least one of the email address fields in your foundation member profile on www.openstack.org) 13:27:51 <jftalta> fungi, actually. Have a look at this paper written by Jeremy Stanley 13:27:56 <ianychoi> fungi, thanks a lot for kind explanation! 13:28:03 <jftalta> Better with the link : http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-July/119786.html 13:28:10 <ianychoi> jftalta, fungi == Jeremy :) 13:28:16 <jftalta> :( 13:28:21 <fungi> jftalta: i wrote it, but that doesn't mean i won't benefit from rereading it ;) 13:28:32 <jftalta> ha ha 13:28:35 <ianychoi> haha 13:28:42 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/ATC_statistics#Pike_cycle_.282017-01-06_to_2017-06-30.29 13:29:22 <ianychoi> I will revise the script http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/tools/zanata/zanata_stats.py to also check Foundation member status later 13:29:38 <ianychoi> And two additional things are needed 13:30:16 <ianychoi> 1) Language coordinators need to acknowledge that being Foundation member is important and it needs to be more advertised to translators 13:30:37 <fungi> ianychoi: i think your patch to add the extra-atcs for this cycle is due to merge today, if ttx gets time to hit the button 13:31:16 <ianychoi> 2) If users change their e-mail addresses in www.openstack.org, then the change is not reflected to translate.o.o => This might have problems, fungi: would it be solution for this problem? 13:31:58 <fungi> ianychoi: yes, just like if contributors change their e-mail address in gerrit and forget to update their foundation member profile 13:32:52 <fungi> also, if you fail to vote in at least one of two consecutive elections for the foundation board of directors, your foundation membership lapses and you need to re-join 13:33:09 <ianychoi> fungi, then changing e-mail address in translate.o.o is also needed. Hmm, now I can do now is that updating e-mail address in translate.o.o is also needed in I18n contributur guide 13:33:45 <ianychoi> (I meant documentation) 13:34:35 <ianychoi> fungi, yep - thanks for the important info also :) 13:36:14 <fungi> my pleasure 13:36:40 <ianychoi> fungi, and a little bit sorry for not accomplishing auto syncing ATC status for I18n team. AFAIK newer version of Zanata can retrieve translator lists but unfortunately I18n relys on crawling approach on translate.o.o web site: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/tree/tools/zanata/zanata_users.py 13:37:27 <ianychoi> fungi, I think such crawling method is not appropriate to use auto sync of I18n ATC status. I would like to postpone with Zanata upgrade consideration 13:38:06 <fungi> ianychoi: that sounds fine. there's no rush, but once we get on that version of zanata with proper lookup capabilities it shouldn't be too hard 13:38:27 <ianychoi> fungi, yep :) Thanks a lot! 13:38:46 <fungi> you're welcome, as always 13:38:50 <ianychoi> :) 13:39:08 <ianychoi> #action ianychoi will more document Foundation member status information with changing e-mail address in Zanata in I18n contributor guide 13:39:29 <tono> +1 13:39:51 <ianychoi> tono, thank u :) 13:39:54 <ianychoi> #topic PTL nomination & election 13:40:14 <ianychoi> #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/ 13:40:40 <ianychoi> Queens PTL nomination is from Jul 31, 2017 23:59 UTC to Aug 09, 2017 23:45 UTC 13:41:25 <ianychoi> If there is no PTL nomination from I18n team, then TC (Technical Committee) will consider what TC can do 13:41:41 <jftalta> it's a topic with a big "T"... 13:42:51 <jftalta> How much time does it remain to find candidates ? 13:43:23 <eumel8> at least one week, I guess 13:43:46 <ianychoi> jftalta, ? Jul 31, 2017 23:59 UTC to Aug 09, 2017 23:45 UTC is PTL election nomination - candidates need to submit candidacy to openstack/election repository 13:44:54 <jftalta> ok, 2 weeks 13:45:42 <fungi> yes, we appoint a willing ptl after the nomination period if we can (assuming one appears after the nomination period, which sometimes happens) or we look into ways to reorganize by either folding the leaderless team into another team willing to provide leadership, converting it into a workgroup/sig, or remove its official team status (which doesn't prevent the team from still doing their work 13:45:44 <fungi> unofficially if they want) 13:46:47 <ianychoi> Yep :) http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-January/109622.html would be one example 13:46:57 <fungi> but it's a far better situation if someone volunteers before the tc needs to step in and take one of those actions 13:48:13 <ianychoi> I sent an e-mail titled "Asking opinions with team direction" to I18n current cores and sent a reminder e-mail about a week ago 13:48:30 <jftalta> it would be too bad to watch the team disappearing cause the lack of ptl :( 13:48:41 <eumel8> I answered the email already, ianychoi :) 13:48:59 <ianychoi> eumel8, yep :) Thanks again! 13:49:20 <eumel8> thx for the options, fungi. I think we will found a solution. 13:50:45 <ianychoi> eumel8, yep writing what I18n PTL did at least would be helpful to all :) 13:51:16 <jftalta> ianychoi, yes it would ! 13:51:43 <ianychoi> It is high priority in my to-do list but unfortunately there are too much in my to-do list with higher priorities :( 13:52:10 <eumel8> ianychoi: send me the time and I will set my alarm clock for a meeting :) 13:52:35 <jftalta> Just add an eighteenth day to your weeks ;) 13:52:42 <ianychoi> eumel8, yep or having another discussion time with u might be so helpful to me 13:53:18 <ianychoi> #topic Open discussion 13:53:26 <eumel8> We can also continue as a working group but this needs also a leadership in the future (from my experience in other OpenStack working groups) 13:53:28 <jftalta> sorry, I meant an eighth ;) 13:53:52 <genek> Am I too late to the meeting? Just missed my alarm 13:54:13 <ianychoi> jftalta, :) eumel8, I am not too much familiar with working groups but yep.. I agree with u 13:54:16 <ianychoi> genek, hi! 13:54:28 <eumel8> hi genek 13:54:29 <jftalta> genek, hi 13:54:42 <genek> Hi all, sorry for being late 13:54:51 <ianychoi> eumel8, I think translation checksite needs to be more discussed with infra teams. 13:55:10 <fungi> i was hoping we'd see more replies on that thread 13:55:25 <ianychoi> eumel8, maybe we can attend to infra team IRC meeting and share the details - which things are needed from infra team 13:55:50 <genek> ianychoi, that will be a great idea 13:55:51 <eumel8> ianychoi: true. Didn't understood Andy's last message about zuul configuration 13:56:00 <fungi> i'm trying not to always be the volunteer of last resort on the infra team, but we're stretched pretty thin so apologies if we seem to not reply to messages like that quickly 13:56:53 <ianychoi> eumel8, lots of translate checksite was under public but it is so nice idea to discuss in mailing lists 13:56:59 <fungi> glad to see the ansible team stepping in and giving suggestions though 13:57:00 <genek> yeah, just heard this week at OpenStack Day Taiwan that the infra team is lacking new contributors 13:57:44 <ianychoi> fungi, I totally understand infra team situation and I am always thankful to infra team - very supportive and kind replies and suggestions :) 13:58:34 <fungi> i just wish we had more bandwidth to tackle stuff in a timely fashion, but it is what it is 13:59:07 <ianychoi> genek, IMHO participating in infra team needs lots of background and knowledge but I suggest people to stay in #openstack-infra IRC channel and try to follow what people are discussing 13:59:10 <fungi> we rely on people figuring things out for themselves as much as possible 13:59:26 <eumel8> fungi: We are all overclocked. Let me know if you need some kind of support. 13:59:48 <ianychoi> Time is up 13:59:56 <fungi> eumel8: thanks, will do 13:59:59 <ianychoi> If you have more discussions, please come to #openstack-i18n channel 14:00:18 <ianychoi> Thanks a lot for today IRC meeting - eumel8 jftalta tono fungi asettle and genek ! 14:00:20 <eumel8> ianychoi: I will contact Andy again and ask for his opinions. 14:00:24 <ianychoi> #endmeeting