13:06:08 <eumel8> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 13:06:09 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 17 13:06:08 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:06:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:06:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 13:06:42 <eumel8> we have ianychoi, jftalta, eumel8 13:06:50 <eumel8> anyone else? 13:06:52 <ianychoi> yep :) 13:07:11 <eumel8> #topic Checking current String Freeze status with Pike release 13:07:29 <eumel8> ianychoi: pls go ahead! 13:07:33 <ianychoi> #link https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html 13:07:56 <ianychoi> The next week Aug 21 - Aug 25 is for "Final RCs and intermediary releases". 13:08:35 <ianychoi> Thanks to Horizon team - especially robcresswell, on next Monday or Tuesday, there will be Horizon RC2 with up-to date translation. 13:08:42 <jpich> (I'm around too, sorry for the delay! o/) 13:09:01 <jftalta> jpich, hello 13:09:02 <eumel8> ianychoi: are there some feedback about the request to change the branch on openstack-dev? 13:09:05 <ianychoi> I heard from him that currently lots of contribution are performed in master branch, not stable-pike branch. 13:09:15 <eumel8> hi jpich :) 13:09:16 <ianychoi> jpich, oh hello! How was your vacation? :) 13:09:44 <jpich> ianychoi: It was awesome, thank you :) 13:09:51 <eumel8> side note: everyone was on vacation ... 13:09:58 <jpich> haha. Hope everyone had a great time then! 13:10:00 <ianychoi> eumel8, one feedback (feature request during soft stringfreeze) was from Cinder - smcginnis 13:10:23 <smcginnis> What did I do? :) 13:10:26 <eumel8> ianychoi: yes, saw it, I think 13:10:45 <ianychoi> smcginnis, oh sorry :) I reminded your feature freeze request replies in openstack-dev to I18n team. 13:11:07 <ianychoi> Since I18n team now has less priority on server projects, I agreed to approve such feature freeze request. 13:11:12 <smcginnis> ianychoi: Oh right! I almost forgot about that. 13:11:19 <eumel8> sure 13:11:59 <ianychoi> smcginnis, and congrats for release mgmt. PTL :) I am sure that dealing with feature freeze requests would be related to releases. 13:12:21 <smcginnis> Thanks - probably true. ;) 13:12:29 <amotoki> hi 13:12:33 <ianychoi> Back to I18n team, we need to guide translators now to focus on stable-pike version, not master version. 13:12:36 <eumel8> we will see 13:12:36 <ianychoi> amotoki, hi! 13:12:47 <eumel8> hi amotoki 13:13:03 <jftalta> amotoki, hi 13:13:09 <amotoki> eumel8: now your turn :) congrats for PTL 13:13:30 <ianychoi> Also, unfortunately, http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2017-August/003035.html => zh-CN and zh-TW languages do not work unfortunately as far as I know. 13:13:32 <jpich> For information, with regard to freezes and tripleo-ui (cycle-trailing), we have not cut RC1 yet so there is still some flux in the codebase and no stable/pike branch - but changes now are more likely to be new strings added due to Feature Freeze Exceptions, rather than string changes at this point 13:13:46 <jpich> amotoki, hello 13:13:47 <eumel8> thx amotoki - this will be some hard work for me ;) 13:14:17 <ianychoi> jpich, yep... I quite understand :) eumel8 - note that tripleo-ui follows cycle-training 13:14:33 <amotoki> re zh-CN/TW issue, I believe the problem was fixed in master and stable/pike horizon 13:14:34 <eumel8> ok 13:14:54 <amotoki> it is rather than a fix. it is just "revert" (of auto-generation of the lang list) 13:15:33 <jpich> ianychoi: There are higher priority projects to translate right now so perhaps fair to leave cycle-trailing aside until it's a bit more stable :) I'll keep the team updated, when the new branch is created etc 13:15:44 <ianychoi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2017-August/003040.html 13:16:12 <amotoki> jpich: +1 13:16:18 <ianychoi> amotoki, unfortunately there still might be some problems for zh-CN and zh-TW.. 13:16:28 <amotoki> hmm... 13:16:36 <ianychoi> jpich, thanks a lot for your kind update :) 13:16:51 <amotoki> I can chat yuko tomorrow to clarify the detail 13:16:52 <jpich> No problems! 13:17:20 <eumel8> thx amotoki 13:17:36 <ianychoi> amotoki, thanks a lot.. hope that more Chinese translators will investigate in it.. 13:17:48 <amotoki> eumel8: do you still see the problem in your check site? 13:18:13 <ianychoi> amotoki, yes when I check it about 5 hours ago. 13:18:32 <ianychoi> eumel8, did you update your translate checksite with up to date sources from master? 13:18:40 <amotoki> from my investigation and guess, there are two problems (eumel8's and ykatabam's) 13:18:41 <eumel8> amotoki: haven't updated yet. I want to wait for the RC2 next week 13:19:21 <ianychoi> eumel8, now stable-pike and master has amotoki's latest revert patch. It would be great if you reflect up-to-date sources.. 13:19:45 <eumel8> ok, will try it 13:19:55 <ianychoi> eumel8, thanks a lot 13:20:10 <amotoki> we are back to the manual maintenance of lang list now 13:20:11 <eumel8> Immediately :) 13:20:19 <amotoki> i hope someone will take care of it 13:20:31 <ianychoi> And also I appreciate all the kind contribution from translators - I see that so many translators are doing hard regarding string freezes 13:20:34 <amotoki> recently I don't take care of translation progress anymore 13:21:15 <ianychoi> I received a message from Turkish translators that they would focus on Turkish translations on last weekend. 13:21:32 <jftalta> two new french translators last week :) 13:22:06 <eumel8> I catched our apprentice today :) 13:22:34 <ianychoi> :) 13:22:41 <jftalta> cool 13:23:23 <eumel8> turkish openstack is also really cool. it's growing up... 13:23:32 <ianychoi> :) 13:23:44 <eumel8> so., next topic? 13:23:47 <amotoki> one thing to note: neutron-lbaas-dashboard Pike RC1 looks broken. The table cannot be rendered (according to #-horizon channel) 13:24:08 <ianychoi> Oh.. 13:24:33 <eumel8> ianychoi: maybe you have some advices what we have to do next week regarding the RC2 13:25:00 <eumel8> amotoki: what a pitty 13:25:06 <ianychoi> #link https://docs.openstack.org/i18n/latest/release_management.html 13:25:25 <ianychoi> Now It is suggested to complete translation work by Monday or Tuesday of the next - final RC week 13:26:14 <amotoki> when does translation happen every day? 13:26:15 <eumel8> ok, then we have a hot weekend 13:26:21 <ianychoi> That's all from now and we can write to i18n mailing list that translation on stable-pike version is highly encouraged. 13:26:50 <amotoki> horizon team does nothing special. we just wait for regular translation import and merge it. 13:26:51 <jftalta> ianychoi, +1 13:27:00 <ianychoi> After it, I will merge from master to stable-pike version, since it seems that now lots of translation are happened in master version, not stable-pike version. 13:27:31 <ianychoi> amotoki, yep such translation sync job has been already prepared with eumel8 and me thanks to Andreas's help 13:27:37 <amotoki> I think rob would like to cut RC2 with enough time margin. it means Tue or Wed will be RC2. 13:28:04 <ianychoi> amotoki, agreed - I meant around next Tue. 13:28:14 <eumel8> ok, let's move on 13:28:18 <eumel8> #topic IRC agenda updating methods 13:29:10 <ianychoi> Currently, I18n team updates agenda on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 13:29:47 <ianychoi> I just followed the same previous way what Daisy and katomo did and also Docs team & Infra team uses the same way 13:29:48 <eumel8> I think there are two proposal : the wiki, and the etherpad 13:29:55 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/DocTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 13:29:59 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 13:30:08 <ianychoi> #undo 13:30:10 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting 13:30:40 <ianychoi> But.. with amotoki 's suggestion, using Etherpad might be an alternative idea. 13:30:50 <amotoki> i think when katomo was PTL, etherpad was used IIRC 13:30:51 <ianychoi> I have recently seen like: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-upstream-institute-meetings 13:31:05 <amotoki> but meetings were not regularly held. 13:31:24 <amotoki> i have no preference 13:31:35 <ianychoi> amotoki, thanks for correction. 13:31:38 <eumel8> I saw also the etherpad way in other teams but they have a telko + etherpad. IRC + etherpad is for me a kind of duplicated 13:31:53 <ianychoi> I also have no preference, but I want to listen to opinions from others :) 13:32:06 <ianychoi> eumel8, which one do you prefer? :) 13:32:53 <jftalta> does not matter for me 13:32:58 <amotoki> at some time ago, newcomers could not edit openstack wiki due to spammer, but I believe the problem has gone 13:33:05 <eumel8> ianychoi: for me is the wiki page still the favorite. the only thing: you removed the previous topics in wiki? 13:33:33 <ianychoi> eumel8, yes I did it.. but remaining previous topics might be a better idea? 13:33:58 <eumel8> don't know - you have still the notes from the irc bot 13:34:02 <jftalta> it's cool to locate the information at a single place 13:34:17 <eumel8> it's also duplicated stuff if you held this also in wiki 13:35:03 <ianychoi> Actually I really have no preference - I just followed the same way as Docs & Infra team. 13:35:33 <eumel8> haha, follow the white rabbit ;) 13:35:44 <ianychoi> Personally, I browse previous meeting logs and it is fine for me to just see previous irc logs.. 13:35:52 <amotoki> in neutron case, we don't keep the past agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Network/Meetings 13:36:07 <amotoki> but it depends on a volume of the page 13:36:20 <ianychoi> :) 13:36:32 <ianychoi> If anyone has special preference, we can do AS-IS :) 13:36:48 <ianychoi> Or if someone has a preference, we can try to follow it :) 13:36:52 <eumel8> new communication channels were also a topic in the past for us. If we still use IRC, I would prefer wiki as announcement and links for the meeting 13:37:11 <ianychoi> I see :) 13:37:15 <ianychoi> #link http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/irc-meetings/tree/meetings/i18N-team-meeting.yaml 13:37:16 <amotoki> as non meeting chair, when I edit the page, I keep the current contents and just add something. 13:37:42 <ianychoi> This is the current I18n team meeting chair and time information. 13:39:09 <ianychoi> Hmm, if anyone has no preference, let's move to next topic and discuss it later. 13:39:12 <amotoki> i am okay with any way as long as we aren't confused and have a single way :) 13:39:14 <eumel8> okay, I think we are fine at the moment. No changes too much ;) 13:39:26 <ianychoi> I did not want to more focus on this topic too much.. 13:39:33 <amotoki> :) 13:39:39 <eumel8> #topic PTG planning Queens September 11-15th 2017, Denver 13:39:54 <eumel8> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/denver-i18n-PTG 13:40:08 <eumel8> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTG/Queens/Etherpads 13:40:58 <eumel8> okay, maybe you've already heard from the PTG in Denver starting in 4 weeks 13:41:26 <jftalta> who will be in Denver ? 13:41:27 <eumel8> ianychoi prepared a etherpad for us and the second link is a main link of all events 13:41:47 <eumel8> that's a good question 13:41:54 <ianychoi> Note that Docs team and I18n team will use the same room AFAIK 13:42:08 <amotoki> I will be there and join i18n sessions when there is no other prioritized ones 13:42:17 <amotoki> (as usual) 13:43:04 <ianychoi> There might be several topics with Docs + I18n team - at least, how to support translations after doc migration - for example, migrated networking-guide. 13:43:14 <jpich> I'll be in Denver - not primarily for i18n but I hope to attend sessions as I can :) 13:43:27 <amotoki> I added some topics related to doc-migration around L.33 in the etherpad page 13:43:45 <amotoki> but I am not sure I can join the session 13:44:18 <eumel8> I think I will be there 13:44:31 <ianychoi> Oh so great...! 13:44:40 <jftalta> cool :) 13:44:55 <amotoki> I believe eumel8 coordinate doc translation topic :) 13:45:31 <ianychoi> eumel8, would u do that? It would be so great - Docs & I18n team can collaborate together :) 13:45:49 <amotoki> I believe ianychoi and I can help sharing the current topics around doc-migration and translations. 13:46:01 <ianychoi> Sure :) 13:46:07 <eumel8> at first we infiltrate the infra team to install the translation check site. I asked andymccr already :) 13:46:37 <eumel8> and doc team and i18n team goes together, that's clear 13:47:01 <jftalta> and efficient 13:47:13 <ianychoi> Great :) eumel8: I mainly used reservable rooms to discuss with Infra team with appointment: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-August/121213.html 13:47:25 <eumel8> I will work on the agenda till the weekend so there is a plan what we have to do there 13:47:58 <amotoki> nice 13:48:04 <ianychoi> Great! 13:48:06 <eumel8> ianychoi: thanks, I saw the message also. Additional room is a good idea 13:48:36 <amotoki> or you can visit infra/QA room 13:48:42 <ianychoi> Yep :) 13:49:03 <eumel8> okay, then we have an impression and will talk about the PTG next week 13:49:20 <ianychoi> +1 13:49:23 <eumel8> #topic Policy work in Queens 13:49:32 <amotoki> or a joint session with docs/infra/i18n teams. I believe we have topics across all three prijects 13:49:40 <eumel8> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-August/120607.html 13:49:49 <amotoki> sorry for polutting the topic ;( 13:49:54 <eumel8> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/policy-queens-ptg 13:49:56 <eumel8> np 13:50:13 <eumel8> a new thing is coming up from the foundation 13:50:18 <eumel8> Policy work 13:50:29 <eumel8> there will be also support on the PTG 13:50:31 <amotoki> how is it related to i18n? I am not sure. 13:50:45 <eumel8> but I have no idea what that mean for us :-) 13:51:02 <amotoki> as API guy in the neutron team I need to lead this in the team though 13:51:22 <eumel8> amotoki: thats the question. Maybe it's related to Zanata and the different roles there 13:51:36 <ianychoi> I think the policy would be less related.. 13:52:02 <ianychoi> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445766/ 13:52:28 <ianychoi> eumel8, I think updating like this would be a good idea to appropriately respond to the goal. 13:52:42 <eumel8> thx ianychoi 13:52:45 <amotoki> with 90% confidences, we have no service, so it is not related to the i18n team 13:53:22 <amotoki> it is the effort to convert policy.json in service projects into in-code policy defintions 13:53:51 <ianychoi> Note that I originally wanted to propose a "i18n:follows-policy" tag like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445536/ and I wanted tripleo-ui to follow the policy with the agreement from jpich assuming I18n cross project works well. 13:53:55 <eumel8> I would reserve a very small slot with the foundation to explain that. Maybe there are more opinions or ideas. 13:53:56 <jftalta> hard work... 13:54:20 <ianychoi> Such kind of encouraging a policy for I18n would have higher priority in I18n team. 13:54:30 <jpich> I agree with amotoki about the policy session 13:54:37 <jpich> ianychoi: +1! 13:54:41 <amotoki> ianychoi: how is it related to the policy work in Queens? 13:55:09 <ianychoi> amotoki, as far as I know, such policy work was affected from docs-migration. 13:55:30 <amotoki> ianychoi: could you elaborate more? 13:55:35 <amotoki> I am confused 13:55:48 <ianychoi> Now I think it is a good timing for I18n to also emphasize "i18n:follows-policy" tag 13:56:20 <ianychoi> amotoki, the current community goal is not related to I18n team. 13:56:21 <amotoki> ianychoi: I think that's a different policy 13:56:50 <amotoki> "policy-in-code" is the policy framework provided by oslo.policy 13:56:58 <jpich> I think the Policy etherpad is policy as in "API permissions for accessing services programmatically" (handled by Keystone), not about written policies for project governance 13:57:00 <amotoki> it is not a policy defined by TC 13:57:07 <jpich> What amotoki said :-) 13:57:40 <amotoki> thanks for more understandable description, jpich :) 13:57:47 <eumel8> ianychoi: mhm, would you write your ideas on a etherpad or e-mail? So we can catch this during PTG 13:58:11 <ianychoi> What I meant was that documenting a policy might be somewhat affected from doc-migration 13:58:38 <ianychoi> Policy in code itself is not related to I18n too much from my understanding. 13:59:12 <amotoki> ianychoi: i wonder how policy-in-code and doc-migration are related... 13:59:16 <eumel8> okay, guys, lot's of topics today and lot's of discussion. but we are at the end. 13:59:22 <amotoki> eumel8: if we talk about "policy-in-code" topic, you can assign me as a contact 13:59:56 <ianychoi> amotoki, I simply thought that "documenting default policy in code" emphasizes each project team to document more.. 14:00:10 <eumel8> ok, thanks a lot for all, you can discuss in i18n further :) 14:00:10 <amotoki> ianychoi: got it 14:00:17 <ianychoi> :) 14:00:21 <jpich> Thanks eumel8 :) 14:00:26 <eumel8> #endmeeting