07:08:54 <eumel8> #startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting 07:08:55 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Sep 7 07:08:54 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:08:56 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 07:08:58 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 07:09:22 <eumel8> Good morning again for the I18n team meeting 07:09:50 <eumel8> with a little delay we have zzxwill and jpich 07:11:17 <eumel8> maybe just more :) 07:11:32 <jpich> Hello! :) 07:11:40 <aeng> Hello! 07:12:00 <eumel8> oh no, that's not the hello channel ;) 07:12:05 <ianychoi_> OH 07:12:09 <ianychoi_> Hello :) 07:12:24 <aeng> Hi guys!!!! 07:12:28 <eumel8> hi aeng, jpich, ianychoi 07:12:32 <zzxwill> hello. 07:12:42 <eumel8> Australia is coming ;) 07:12:53 <ianychoi> aeng, zzxwill: Long time no see really! :) How have u been? 07:13:07 <ianychoi> jpich, eumel8 - hello :) 07:13:26 <aeng> Not too bad.. looking forward for the summit 07:13:27 <zzxwill> Crazy busy with work stuffs. ianychoi 07:13:57 <ianychoi> zzxwill, haha :) Me too actually but I'm so fine! 07:14:19 <ianychoi> aeng, I really want to go to Sydney but my schedule seems to be impossible unfortunately 07:14:45 <aeng> Its alright ian, theres always next time 07:14:59 <aeng> But hopefully not the last time seeing you 07:15:04 <eumel8> #topic Update PTG planning 07:15:05 <zzxwill> I don't have to work today as I am on a train, so here I am:) 07:15:18 <eumel8> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-queens 07:16:09 <eumel8> there are some few changes on the agenda, mostly the same attendees like last week 07:16:31 <ianychoi> aeng, I want to see u again - of course also zzxwill :) 07:16:41 <ianychoi> (Looking the Etherpad) 07:17:36 <eumel8> if there are no more i18n topics or people from our team I would join the doc team sessions to learn the magic stuff about openstack documentation :) 07:18:31 <jpich> Looks like there's no time yet for the translation site checks / zanata upgrade sessions? 07:19:17 <eumel8> jpich: I asked the infra team already and we are on their agenda for the hack day 07:19:20 <aeng> I would like to know more on the upgrade 07:19:33 <eumel8> but thats only a proposal 07:19:38 <aeng> Ah 07:19:52 <eumel8> aeng: nice new website btw :) 07:20:05 <aeng> thanks 07:20:33 <jpich> eumel8: Great! Do you think it would be possible to update this etherpad (lines 185/186) when the times are confirmed? 07:20:33 <eumel8> aeng: you prefer the update from 3.9 to 4.0 or newer version? 07:20:42 <aeng> 4.3.0 07:20:57 <aeng> We planning to releass 4 07:21:03 <aeng> 4.3 next week 07:21:12 <zzxwill> Nice. 07:21:14 <aeng> So it will be ready by summit 07:21:23 <eumel8> aeng: oh, there are much changes between 4.0 and 4.3? 07:21:34 <ianychoi> aeng, also Java 8 & Wildfly 10? 07:21:48 <aeng> Java 8 and wildfly 10 yes 07:22:01 <aeng> Bug fixes and few new features 07:22:02 <ianychoi> Great - then I think we can upgrade it rather easily :) 07:22:16 <eumel8> aeng: sounds good, we will start with installation on translation-dev at first 07:22:26 <aeng> Yup 07:22:49 <ianychoi> :) 07:23:04 <eumel8> ianychoi: is there another authentification on the dev server or is it just broken? 07:23:32 <ianychoi> Currently, translate-dev.o.o uses openstackid-dev and translate.o.o uses openstackid (production). 07:23:55 <eumel8> ah, ok 07:24:03 <ianychoi> And about 2-3 months ago (I don't remember exactly), all database information on openstackid was migrated to openstackid-dev 07:24:26 <eumel8> I think we have to fix this during the upgrade so login would be possible again 07:24:30 <ianychoi> So.. new users can use the same ID and password on translate-dev.o.o and translate.o.o 07:24:58 <ianychoi> However, previously registered users in translate-dev.o.o points to openstackid, not openstackid-dev 07:25:19 <eumel8> but this should work, isn't it? 07:25:25 <ianychoi> Therefore, database fields of such users need to be adjusted 07:25:40 <ianychoi> to correctly point openstackid-dev, not openstackid 07:25:58 <ianychoi> Also, me and eumel8 currently both have two IDs in translate-dev.o.o AFAIK 07:26:11 <eumel8> mhm 07:26:15 <ianychoi> Such duplication needs to be removed 07:26:33 <ianychoi> It was because of the transition from openstackid to openstackid-dev 07:26:40 <eumel8> yes, I have s second user name for testing, but this was auto-generated during the login process 07:27:07 <ianychoi> And... aeng: I have one question - can we change the e-mail address of Zanata users? 07:27:51 <zzxwill> Hi vuuv. 07:28:04 <vuuv> hi, zzx. 07:28:19 <ianychoi> Hello vuuv ! 07:28:19 <eumel8> ianychoi: zanata api bugs are fixed in the newer version. so we can go on with our automation work 07:28:36 <eumel8> hello vuuv 07:28:43 <zzxwill> vuuv FYI : #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/docs-i18n-ptg-queens 07:28:45 <ianychoi> eumel8, our automation means.. for translate check site? Or Something else? 07:29:34 <eumel8> ianychoi: set branches read-only with batch jobs and so on 07:29:48 <ianychoi> eumel8, aha I see :) Great! 07:30:08 <amotoki> hi, I will be at PTG and tries to join the docs/i18n sessions (though I haven't checked the schedules) 07:30:26 <eumel8> hi amotoki 07:31:25 <aeng> @ianchoi, i need to get back to you on the email changes 07:31:39 <eumel8> just additional info for the PTG: #info Get a free access code for Sydney while attending PTG #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-September/121843.html 07:32:30 <jpich> haha 07:33:21 <eumel8> and if there no more topics due the PTG I would move directly to the Summit 07:33:52 <eumel8> #topic Sydney Forum Brainstorming 07:34:01 <eumel8> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-September/121783.html 07:34:56 <eumel8> We are not just finished with the PTG planning and there is the next event on the Sydney summit: the plannings of the Forum 07:34:59 <aeng> Guys, i need to go now for another meeting. Will followup with the irc log. Anything please email me:) 07:35:42 <eumel8> thx aeng :) 07:36:26 <eumel8> I didn't create an etherpad yet, so there is no I18n on the list 07:37:29 <eumel8> I think we will make the PTG and then we look what will happened. 07:38:56 <eumel8> but I will keep this in the loop 07:40:31 <ianychoi> Okay 07:40:46 <eumel8> #topic OpenStack Summit Berlin 2018 07:40:50 <eumel8> #link https://twitter.com/OpenStack/status/905077570764460032 07:41:23 <ianychoi> +1 07:41:33 <eumel8> so guys, there is no chances to pinch: One of the summits next year is in Germany! 07:42:00 <jftalta> Hi 07:42:14 <ianychoi> jftalta, hi! 07:42:17 <eumel8> the location is near my office over the street. 07:42:19 <ianychoi> eumel8, great! 07:42:22 <jftalta> I can be there with you a couple of minutes this morning :) 07:42:25 <ianychoi> Wow 07:42:37 <eumel8> hi jftalta! Just for the right topic ;) 07:42:39 <amotoki> wow 07:43:49 <eumel8> I think there is one year left to organize things. I contacted the foundation already so we will have a great event here 07:44:05 <jpich> Hope I can go to that one! 07:44:41 <jftalta> eumel8, is Berlin far from your hometown ? 07:45:03 <eumel8> jftalta: I live in Berlin - more or less :) 07:45:23 <jftalta> Great ! 07:45:28 <eumel8> and no jokes about our airports! 07:46:08 * jpich kinda curious to know the joke now 07:46:19 <eumel8> we have two of them and try to build a new one ... about 10 years 07:46:48 * jpich makes no joke :-) 07:47:10 <eumel8> ;) 07:47:30 <jftalta> building a new international airport is a huge project 07:48:08 <eumel8> the situation is not too bad. I can advice some good connection via Oslo or Helsinki. And Frankfurt, of course. 07:48:43 <eumel8> #topic Open Discussions 07:49:09 <eumel8> so, some more topics to discuss? 07:50:15 <eumel8> next week we will meet maybe also 07:00 UTC online or there will be no irc meeting 07:50:28 <eumel8> I checked the timezones a little bit 07:51:07 <eumel8> I will send a note on the mailing list 07:51:23 <jpich> Lots of projects tend to cancel the IRC meeting during PTG week 07:51:36 <jftalta> Denver tz is utc-6 07:52:17 <eumel8> jpich: yes, of course. Then we skip the regular meeting possibly. 07:53:41 <eumel8> Thx for participating today and have a nice day/evening 07:53:42 <eumel8> :) 07:53:49 <jpich> Thanks 07:54:01 <jftalta> Thx 07:54:05 <zzxwill> Thx:) 07:54:17 <eumel8> #endmeeting