16:00:08 <eumel8> #startmeeting openstack_i18n_meeting 16:00:09 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 20 16:00:08 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:14 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 16:00:23 <eumel8> Hello 16:00:44 <eumel8> Welcome to I18n team meeting 16:00:57 <eumel8> if anyone is there ;) 16:03:04 <pkovar> hello 16:03:22 <eumel8> hello pkovar 16:04:06 <eumel8> the one and only :) 16:05:07 <pkovar> the one yes 16:05:37 <pkovar> i guess it's the time of the year lo leave computers behind and go enjoy the xmas markets eh 16:06:02 <eumel8> very good 16:06:19 <eumel8> I want to push forward that I can move at home 16:06:30 <eumel8> #topic Storyboard translation available 16:06:39 <eumel8> #link https://translate.openstack.org/project/view/storyboard 16:07:03 <eumel8> I've wrote just a message on the I18n ML 16:07:08 <jpich> o/ 16:07:19 <eumel8> we have storyboard translation in place on Zanata 16:07:21 <pkovar> jpich: hola 16:07:26 <eumel8> hi jpich 16:07:29 <jpich> hello 16:07:53 <diablo_rojo_phon> Thank you eumel8 from the SB team for getting that moving :) 16:08:27 <eumel8> And I asked for translation that few stuff. If we have enough languages then we can import that to the board 16:08:46 <eumel8> diablo_rojo_phon: you're welcome :) 16:09:42 <eumel8> I would also try a kind of test installation to see how it works 16:10:39 <eumel8> I think thats all for that topic for the moment 16:10:50 <eumel8> #topic CFP Open Infrastructure Summit Denver 16:11:00 <eumel8> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/denver-2019/call-for-presentations 16:11:42 <eumel8> CfP is open for the next Summit (I can't believe it). 16:12:08 <eumel8> pkovar: some ideas for presentations or workshops? 16:12:29 <pkovar> besides what we did in previous events? 16:12:47 <pkovar> maybe we need a new format but i can't think of anything atm 16:13:15 <pkovar> our area is very specific 16:13:35 <pkovar> but i guess ops stuff will still gather audience 16:13:38 <eumel8> pkovar: yeah, something new format. I visited also some Forum sessions in Berlin Summit. But I had no idea for our topics 16:13:52 <eumel8> thats true 16:14:49 <eumel8> We have the Ops guide also in the Storyboard now. Maybe to teach some people how that can work 16:15:42 <pkovar> i like that 16:18:00 <eumel8> would also to think about it in the next free days 16:19:19 <pkovar> there will be time yes 16:19:38 <eumel8> #topic Open Discussion 16:19:52 <eumel8> so ,thats all from the agenda 16:21:20 <pkovar> okay, thanks eumel8 for running the meeting 16:23:05 <eumel8> thx for coming and merry christmas, jpich, pkovar :) 16:23:14 <jpich> To you as well :) 16:23:51 <pkovar> merry xmas 16:23:55 <eumel8> #endmeeting