23:20:05 <ianychoi> #startmeeting openstack_i18n_meeting 23:20:05 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jan 24 23:20:05 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ianychoi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:20:05 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 23:20:05 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_meeting' 23:20:44 <ianychoi> #topic review from the previous meeting 23:21:23 <ianychoi> #link https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_i18n_meeting/2024/openstack_i18n_meeting.2024-01-17-13.30.html 23:21:33 <ianychoi> ^ is the previous meeting log 23:22:32 <ianychoi> When I review the previous meeting log, most actions are focused on weblate migration 23:23:48 <ianychoi> seongsoocho: please take time and do share if any more review of the previous meeting is needed. 23:25:26 <seongsoocho> I'm still on reviewing this patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/i18n/+/896306 and I think we need a wiki page for clarify the all roles in weblate 23:26:17 <ianychoi> Cool 23:26:24 <seongsoocho> and will update migration plans & steps before next meeting. 23:26:28 <seongsoocho> on wiki page 23:26:40 <ianychoi> Thank you 23:26:52 * tonyb waves! 23:27:25 <ianychoi> As I see that there is only 1 topic on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting , then I would like to move to the next topic and then move to open discussions 23:27:36 <ianychoi> #topic Weblate migration progress 23:28:05 <ianychoi> Regardless of the topic, seongsoocho thank you for mentioning Wiki page 23:28:15 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam 23:28:59 <ianychoi> I18nTeam wiki can be a starting point to update Weblate roles. Let me see which page would fit better now.. 23:29:25 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/Migration-to-zanata 23:29:48 <ianychoi> seongsoocho: maybe https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam/Migration-to-Weblate be a great page link to update Weblate roles as you mentioned? 23:29:50 <tonyb> when we get to open discussion if there is time I have an additional topic 23:30:06 <ianychoi> +1 :) 23:30:13 <seongsoocho> +1 23:31:41 <tonyb> For what it's worth, I18nTeam/Migration-to-Weblate seems like a good place to me. 23:32:35 <ianychoi> And I am seeing "Translate this page" functionality on the Wiki page. seongsoocho if you and others would like to start from Korean first, please do share and I think you can leverage this functionality 23:33:02 <tonyb> +1 to that 23:34:15 <seongsoocho> Okay. I'm looking for where "Translate this page" is in the wiki. I'll think about what you said and let you know. 23:36:47 <tonyb> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/OuUiZa2c/image.png 23:37:10 <tonyb> Underneath the title when logged in. 23:37:55 <seongsoocho> oh.. It appears only when a user logged in. 23:37:59 <seongsoocho> thanks tonyb 23:38:20 <tonyb> I don't know how it works but either way. Feel free to write in Korean. Until things are settled / stable then we can make it accessible to more readers 23:38:41 <tonyb> seongsoocho: You're welcome 23:39:03 <seongsoocho> ok 23:39:46 <ianychoi> I agree with tonyb (honestly I truly forgot how to leverage translate functionality on wiki pages..) 23:39:56 <ianychoi> #topic open discussions 23:40:17 <ianychoi> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting 23:40:44 <ianychoi> I have just updated the link - if there are any agenda to be discussed for the following weeks, please do share :) 23:41:04 <ianychoi> I will also update I18n meeting information on I18n docs 23:41:20 <tonyb> ianychoi: Thanks 23:41:21 <ianychoi> #action ianychoi will update I18n meeting information on I18n docs 23:41:42 <ianychoi> I don't have any items :) tonyb: how about you? 23:42:56 <tonyb> I just wanted to say, possibly remind, that the Elections are coming up. While I don't think it'll make any difference to this SIG/WG I'd like to encourage/offer help you to add extra-acs 23:43:55 <tonyb> in the immediate future this doesn't do a great deal but I feel it's important to acknowledge people that may not have landed "code" 23:44:14 <tonyb> that is all :) 23:44:20 <ianychoi> Thank you for mentioning this 23:44:47 <ianychoi> On the previous meeting, I did say that I need to calculate stats for Extra AC collection 23:44:54 <ianychoi> Let me add it to my action 23:45:11 <seongsoocho> 👍 23:45:20 <tonyb> ianychoi: Thanks. I missed that in the review 23:45:28 <ianychoi> #action ianychoi will calculate I18n stats for Extra AC collection and submit within timeline 23:46:06 <ianychoi> Converting into actionable item helps to remind and truly convert into real actions :p 23:46:41 <tonyb> \o/ 23:47:40 <ianychoi> seongsoocho: any more item from your side? :) 23:48:01 <seongsoocho> nothing from my side 23:48:27 <ianychoi> Thank you then let's close today meeting. Thank you all for the participation today, and have a great day!! 23:48:36 <seongsoocho> Have a good day! 23:48:42 <tonyb> Thanks all! 23:48:45 <ianychoi> #endmeeting