15:00:50 <TravT> #startmeeting openstack search 15:00:51 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Apr 21 15:00:50 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is TravT. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:55 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_search' 15:01:06 <TravT> o/ 15:01:20 <lei-zh> o/ 15:01:22 <lakshmiS_> o/ 15:01:23 <sjmc7> o/ 15:01:52 <TravT> hiya everybody. 15:02:04 <TravT> agenda for today 15:02:05 <TravT> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/search-team-meeting-agenda 15:02:21 <TravT> #topic Backport 0.2.1 15:02:40 <TravT> I think we have all but on patch backported 15:02:51 <TravT> that we should target for 0.2.1 15:02:59 <TravT> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307504/ 15:03:22 <TravT> it would be great if we could get through that one today 15:03:57 <sjmc7> note that that one does change the data model a bit 15:04:27 <TravT> yeah, it leaves me a little nervous as .1 patch 15:04:51 <sjmc7> although i think it only changes the explicit model; under the hood, e-s will have been picking one option itself 15:06:06 <TravT> without this, we still have ES 2.0 issues, though 15:06:19 <sjmc7> yep. i’ll look at the other open bug today 15:06:52 <TravT> i think we really should do it. 15:07:07 <TravT> deployers lag behind pretty far at times in their upgrade cycle 15:07:47 <sjmc7> yep. i’ve no problem backporting stuff given that because e-s is no longer in the ubuntu repos people will install it direct from elastic.co and so by default will get es 2 15:08:06 <TravT> ok. 15:08:07 <lei-zh> does the patch make es fields a little different from api data 15:08:45 <sjmc7> yeah, it does, lei-zh 15:08:51 <sjmc7> the short version of the problem is 15:08:57 <sjmc7> for a field like ‘security_groups' 15:09:22 <sjmc7> nova’s API defines it as a dict [{“name”: “default”}] 15:09:22 <lei-zh> so I guess it's better to have it in docs 15:09:39 <sjmc7> neutron ports as a flat string [“aaa-111-bbb”] 15:09:42 <rosmaita> o/ 15:10:24 <sjmc7> yeah, that’s a good idea. i don’t know in the general case how we decide what to do with fields like this 15:10:54 <TravT> if we had multiple index (resource group support) it could be solved with separate indexes. 15:11:14 <sjmc7> mmm, though i still don’t really like that as a solution 15:11:22 <TravT> that is pretty heavy weight 15:11:36 <sjmc7> really the problem is that two fields named the same are not actually comparable 15:12:37 <sjmc7> “size” is another one; it means different things to cinder and glance 15:12:56 <TravT> although size is just a storage thing, not a data structure thing 15:13:07 <TravT> meaning, they are numeric in both cases 15:13:12 <rosmaita> but does it make sense to just query on "size"? 15:13:14 <sjmc7> it’s the same problem 15:13:29 <TravT> i see it as a little different 15:13:34 <sjmc7> right - a query size==1 makes sense in cinder, but not in glance 15:13:36 <rosmaita> i mean a big image and a big volume are quite different 15:13:41 <TravT> in size case, you have to know the context 15:13:47 <sjmc7> in the same way that security_group==default makes sense in nova but not neutron 15:14:31 <lakshmiS_> seems like we need our own qualifier in field names 15:15:22 <sjmc7> yeah, i dunno what the answer is. i think for now, we need to make it work with es2 but longer term decide what we intend when field names are the same 15:15:27 <TravT> in size case, a UI displaying it doesn't really need to know the structural difference between API and SL index 15:15:38 <TravT> in sec group case, this now introduces that issue 15:16:02 <sjmc7> TravT: yep. the alternative is renaming the field in one or both plugins, or changing the structure for Ports 15:16:17 <sjmc7> i picked one but i’m fine with any of the 3 options 15:17:59 <TravT> the only other thing i can think of doing to maintain API compatibility is to massage the data back into API format on the way out 15:18:48 <sjmc7> yeah, that’s an option. 15:18:58 <sjmc7> i guess i could add that to this patch for now 15:19:06 <TravT> it would keep backward compatibility for mitaka (stable) 15:19:13 <sjmc7> ok, that’s reasonable 15:19:31 <sjmc7> i still want to discuss this more next week though 15:19:38 <TravT> yeah, this is a good topic 15:20:13 <TravT> ok, i vote for doing that for now to maintain rules of backwards compatibility. 15:20:27 <TravT> with newton (should be 1.0), we can make a change if needed 15:20:47 <sjmc7> ok. sorry to derail things a bit 15:20:51 <rosmaita> sounds reasonable 15:21:16 <TravT> any other bugs to discuss for 0.2.1? 15:21:44 <sjmc7> the other one tagged for es-2 15:21:52 <TravT> https://bugs.launchpad.net/searchlight/+bugs?field.tag=elasticsearch-2 15:21:55 <sjmc7> umm.. the weird java error one reported as a ui problem 15:22:08 <sjmc7> 1570213 15:22:12 <sjmc7> i will try to take a look today 15:22:36 <TravT> ok 15:22:50 <TravT> look like lei-zh picked up the other one 15:23:37 <lei-zh> yes, I'll submit a patch tomorrow 15:23:44 <TravT> thanks lei-zh 15:24:01 <TravT> only other thing is to write a release note for the changes. 15:24:15 <TravT> i can do that once they land. 15:24:39 <TravT> let's jump to summit discussion 15:24:51 <TravT> #topic newton summit 15:25:31 <TravT> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/#day=2016-04-28&summit_types=2&tags=1728 15:25:40 <TravT> searchlight is tagged in all those sessions 15:25:40 <lei-zh> I have a bad news : ( 15:25:56 <TravT> lei-zh: oh? 15:26:01 <lei-zh> just heard yuntong won't go to summit, I couldn't find others to talk in the session 15:26:29 <TravT> :( 15:26:30 <sjmc7> :( i think we understand what you’re trying to do pretty well with the publishing stuff 15:26:37 <lei-zh> sorry for that, but things changed so quickly 15:26:49 <TravT> it happens, we understand 15:27:00 <TravT> so, that affects this agenda 15:27:00 <TravT> https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/9381 15:27:33 <TravT> we still can talk priorities 15:27:42 <TravT> we also could talk about data mapping in that discussion 15:27:49 <TravT> and normalizing across services 15:28:17 <sjmc7> yep 15:29:33 <TravT> ok, i'll make that change... i'll leave pipeline as a topic 3, although I don't think we'll get to it... 15:30:32 <TravT> okay, 15:30:48 <TravT> this video was sent out 15:31:04 <TravT> to help anybody attending the summit to understand how sessions should be run 15:31:06 <TravT> Video for session etiquette: https://youtu.be/M4cDyM2s2bc 15:31:11 <TravT> watch it later 15:31:14 <TravT> it is only about 6 minutes 15:31:39 <TravT> That's all I have for today. 15:31:46 <TravT> anyother summit discussion needed? 15:32:26 <sjmc7> nope 15:32:49 <TravT> okay. don't forget to register for the summit party 15:32:57 <TravT> hopefully it isn't too late 15:33:05 <TravT> #topic open discussion 15:33:18 <TravT> perhaps this has been answered, but any other topics for today? 15:33:45 <rosmaita> anyone have any allergies that could affect my choice of pie to bring? 15:34:05 <sjmc7> i have bad news on the pie front 15:34:19 * TravT awaits in stunned silence 15:34:20 <sjmc7> i can’t eat dairy for a while, which rules out about 50% of my diet 15:34:47 <rosmaita> what exactly counts as "dairy"? 15:34:52 <TravT> luckily beer shouldn't be on that list 15:35:01 <rosmaita> TravT: ++ 15:35:02 <sjmc7> things that come out of cows, goats or sheep 15:35:10 <rosmaita> so eggs are ok? 15:35:18 <sjmc7> that’s my other 50%, so yes 15:36:00 <rosmaita> well pie crust is mostly just flour and shortening 15:36:16 <rosmaita> i will just make sure no milk-based filling 15:36:26 <sjmc7> woo! 15:36:32 <rosmaita> i wasn't going to bring ice cream, anyway 15:36:46 <TravT> so your food pyramid which looked roughly like this shouldn't be too affected: http://www.gonis.net/kara/pictures/FDApyramid2.jpg 15:37:29 <sjmc7> :) 15:38:03 <TravT> also, we can all try to communicate via email next week to perhaps meetup for lunch or dinner or Brian's suggestion 15:38:22 <rosmaita> so turns out that tuesday pm is the super-big party 15:38:34 <rosmaita> but i am still planning to leave it early to go to Antone's 15:38:35 <TravT> oh 15:38:53 <rosmaita> yeah, kind of sucks, i got my days mixed up 15:39:02 <sjmc7> we’ll find a day 15:39:40 <TravT> yeah, let's just try to connect early next week. 15:39:53 <TravT> all right, well, let's cut out early today 15:40:01 <TravT> thanks everybody! 15:40:08 <sjmc7> gonna go find some eggs! 15:40:13 <sjmc7> thanks, see some of you next week 15:40:17 <rosmaita> bye! 15:40:20 <TravT> #endmeeting