15:00:17 <TravT> #startmeeting openstack search 15:00:17 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 11 15:00:17 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is TravT. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:18 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_search' 15:00:28 <nikhil> TravT: nvm, pm 15:01:10 <RickA-HP> o/ 15:01:16 <TravT> o/ 15:01:22 <lei-zh> o/ 15:01:23 <rosmaita> o/ 15:01:46 <TravT> maybe a light crowd today... 15:02:32 <TravT> ok, might be quick then 15:02:39 <TravT> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/search-team-meeting-agenda 15:02:56 <TravT> #topic Searchlight UI Usability Study 15:03:10 <TravT> just a reminder that if you have tasks or goals to add to the etherpad, do it here: 15:03:19 <TravT> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/searchlight-ui-usuability-study 15:03:26 <sjmc7> morning 15:04:17 <TravT> #topic health check middleware 15:04:24 <TravT> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353322/ 15:04:49 <TravT> please look over that if you have a chance 15:05:00 <sjmc7> will do today 15:05:05 <rosmaita> me too 15:05:26 <TravT> final topic 15:05:30 <TravT> #topic Policy support 15:05:39 <TravT> sjmc has first of three patches up 15:05:48 <TravT> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/351896/ 15:06:29 <TravT> plz take a look at that as well. 15:06:39 <TravT> anything to mention about it sjmc7? 15:07:04 <sjmc7> mmm… not really 15:07:09 <TravT> ok, 15:07:17 <TravT> well, that's all for the reminders 15:07:18 <RickA-HP> I got 2/3rds of the way through and posted comments so far. I'll finish it today. 15:07:20 <sjmc7> it lets you use existing policy files to control whether a resource is available 15:08:05 <TravT> #topic open discussion 15:08:27 <TravT> looks like Kevin_Zheng has the server groups patch ready for review as well. 15:08:27 <lei-zh> pipeline patch is close 15:08:50 <TravT> lei-zh, great! 15:09:16 <lei-zh> work out some tricky plugins, need to add some tests and have a painful merge 15:09:58 <lei-zh> can put up a patch next week 15:10:00 <TravT> well, at least you are having fun with it. ;) 15:10:15 <lei-zh> yeah, sure:) 15:10:45 <TravT> any other topics? 15:11:19 <sjmc7> i’ve started doing some testing on a multi-node environment. i’ll file any bugs or issues as i find them 15:11:24 <sjmc7> looks like things mostly work ok 15:11:53 <sjmc7> it highlights how things would be much easier if we got consistent and accurate timing in the notifications 15:12:52 <TravT> definitely some good testing. 15:13:32 <TravT> all right, well, I think we can cut things short today. i know everybody is busy with quite a few things going on 15:14:21 <TravT> thanks! 15:14:27 <sjmc7> thanks 15:14:31 <lei-zh> bye 15:14:39 <TravT> #endmeeting