15:01:06 <sjmc7> #startmeeting openstack search 15:01:06 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Mar 30 15:01:06 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sjmc7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:08 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:08 <lei-zh> o/ 15:01:10 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_search' 15:02:02 <Kevin_Zheng> I 15:02:05 <Kevin_Zheng> I 15:02:12 <TravT> o/ 15:02:16 <Kevin_Zheng> 0/ 15:02:34 <sjmc7> morning/evening all 15:03:45 <sjmc7> probably going to be quite a short one unless anyone else has stuff they want to talk about 15:03:50 <sjmc7> #topic nova versioned notifications 15:04:09 <Kevin_Zheng> I have one :) 15:04:11 <sjmc7> I haven’t had as much time as I’d like, but looking at them, switching to versioned payloads for instances shouldn’t be a big deal 15:05:49 <sjmc7> Kevin_Zheng: you were able to receive instance.update events correctly, right? 15:05:59 <sjmc7> i think i must have failed to restart one of the nova components 15:06:00 <Kevin_Zheng> Yeah 15:06:17 <Kevin_Zheng> Probably API 15:06:55 <sjmc7> ah, yes, possibly 15:07:05 <Kevin_Zheng> Because suspend notify sent from compute but update sent from API 15:07:08 <sjmc7> i’ll retry. it’s nice that the payloads are complete for all the notification times 15:07:42 <sjmc7> that should mean we can get everything we need from the notifications. the network information looked a bit different from what we currently have but i think it should be possible to make it fit 15:08:32 <Kevin_Zheng> Sure 15:08:50 <sjmc7> i’m hoping to get a patch up by this time next week but my time’s still really restricted 15:09:33 <sjmc7> at the moment, leaving nova to send out unversioned notifications should be sufficient since the payloads are very similar 15:10:57 <sjmc7> #topic Overridable default filters 15:11:07 <sjmc7> the other part of this is handling nova’s “deleted” case 15:11:26 <sjmc7> i’ve put up a spec https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451846/ 15:11:30 * gibi is lurking late 15:12:06 <Kevin_Zheng> Cool will check tomorrow 15:12:10 <sjmc7> to allow plugins to define filters that are applied to all queries unless the user specifies otherwise, to handle cases like nova’s ‘NOT deleted’ and glance’s community images 15:12:46 <sjmc7> we can do something that’s “good enough” by looking at the query i think 15:13:45 <sjmc7> so if “deleted” is present as a key in a query, we won’t apply that default filter 15:14:36 <Kevin_Zheng> Sounds good 15:15:01 <sjmc7> the other option is to have an explicit field for ‘don’t apply these defaults’ which is a bit safer but requires knowledge of what the defaults are. not sure the best approach 15:15:02 <lei-zh> looks some more work needed for query_string 15:15:27 <sjmc7> yeah. the use cases though are quite limited so i don’t think it has to be perfect 15:16:54 <lei-zh> maybe with regular expression we can deal with that case 15:17:41 <sjmc7> what’s the phrase? ‘Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.’ 15:19:04 <sjmc7> anyway, that is something we’ll need to support in some form i think 15:19:06 <lei-zh> or just looking for the exact key is enough : ) 15:19:13 <lei-zh> yep 15:19:19 <sjmc7> yeah, that would be my first thought, keep it really simple 15:19:38 <sjmc7> that was all i had on the agenda for today; like i say, i’ve been really short on time the last few weeks 15:19:40 <sjmc7> #topic open discussion 15:19:46 <sjmc7> anyone else? Kevin_Zheng ? 15:20:00 <Kevin_Zheng> Yeah 15:20:25 <Kevin_Zheng> My colleague asked one interesting question 15:20:47 <Kevin_Zheng> I will just paste the whole thing here 15:21:27 <Kevin_Zheng> Searchlight to support multi-region deployments. 15:21:27 <Kevin_Zheng> Telecom operators want to deploy lightweight OpenStack into small site, for example uCPE, the number of small sites may reach to 100k. Cloud administrator wants to have a flexible search capability for all resources provision in these distributed OpenStack instances. 15:21:27 <Kevin_Zheng> In fact, this is a typical scenrio for searchlight to support OpenStack multi-region deployments. In one region, administrator can do the search in Nova, Cinder or Neutron. But if there are many regions, then no tool currently to provide cross region search capability. 15:21:28 <Kevin_Zheng> The idea is to deploy the listener in each region, but deploy the searchlight API and elasticsearch in a centralized way, all data collected from listeners will be put into centralized elasticsearch. 15:21:28 <Kevin_Zheng> The risk to serialize the data into elasticsearch directly from listener is lack of authorization. So it's better to provide data input API in searchlight API, so that only authorized access can be allowed, this will be critical important in multi-region deployments. And listener can be configured to serialize data via elasticsearch API directly or via 15:21:28 <Kevin_Zheng> searchlight API. 15:22:06 <Kevin_Zheng> So it is about supporting SL over multiple regions 15:22:11 <sjmc7> This came up before, one sec 15:22:46 <sjmc7> we actually did a PoC at one of the summits (tokyo i think) 15:23:02 <Kevin_Zheng> Cool 15:23:12 <sjmc7> you can set up elasticsearch to act as a proxy/multiplexer 15:23:34 <sjmc7> it’s in the docs as ‘tribe nodes’ https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-tribe.html 15:23:56 <TravT> See https://docs.openstack.org/developer/searchlight/plugins.html?highlight=include_region_name#global-configuration-options 15:24:01 <TravT> include_region_name 15:24:15 <TravT> and https://docs.openstack.org/developer/searchlight/plugins.html?highlight=include_region_name#inheritable-common-configuration-options 15:24:19 <TravT> override_region_name 15:24:20 <sjmc7> tribe nodes don’t store any data, they just proxy queries out. you can point searchlight-api at a tribe node and it’ll then search multiple clusters, and yeah, with that option TravT just mentioned you can separate data by region 15:24:29 <sjmc7> searchlight-listener runs on each site to a single cluster 15:24:42 <Kevin_Zheng> Cool 15:25:06 <Kevin_Zheng> Will check it 15:25:16 <sjmc7> that doesn’t deply searchlight centrally, and doesn’t aggregate the data physically, but it does let you reach out to your various sites 15:25:39 <sjmc7> you could also set up replication from the regions to a central point 15:25:51 <sjmc7> but that’s not something elasticsearch has native, you’d need a tool to do it 15:25:51 <Kevin_Zheng> Hmm 15:26:02 <TravT> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/searchlight-specs/specs/newton/cross-region-search.html 15:26:47 <Kevin_Zheng> Thanks, this is cool 15:26:48 <sjmc7> clustering across data centers isn’t recommended because of the risk of network connectivity causing brain farts in the cluster 15:27:16 <sjmc7> so you’d need something more like mysql replication to shunt data periodically from each cluster to a central one if you wanted to do that 15:27:21 <sjmc7> the tribe thing worked really well 15:27:25 <TravT> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/353681/ 15:27:40 <sjmc7> obviously it requires keystone-to-keystone federation so you have shared users & projects 15:28:09 <Kevin_Zheng> Yeah, they have already done that part 15:29:02 <breton> keystone-to-keystone federation probably doesn't give you shared projects 15:29:14 <breton> (if it does, i'd love to see how) 15:29:33 <sjmc7> hmm, ok. that might prove a bit tricky then 15:29:42 <breton> oh well, on the second thought, it does 15:29:54 <breton> but only with Ocata 15:30:48 <breton> but still, not project ids, but only project names 15:30:49 <Kevin_Zheng> Thanks for the info thought, might be a good chance to use SL in real commercial deployments 15:31:33 <sjmc7> yeah. i’d look at that first. if project ids aren’t consistent across sites then it might need a bit more work because it’d become very hard to collate information in different regions 15:32:44 <Kevin_Zheng> I will provide them the info and maybe they can do some tests and provide feedbacks 15:32:55 <TravT> that'd be great! 15:33:17 <sjmc7> yeah. they can always ask on the list or in IRC if they want some help 15:33:42 <Kevin_Zheng> Yeah, I will leave notes there 15:35:17 <sjmc7> ok 15:35:35 <sjmc7> thanks for the discussion, good people are thinking about it. anyone got anything else? 15:36:30 <lei-zh> nope 15:39:23 <sjmc7> ok, in that case i guess we’ll call it here 15:39:25 <sjmc7> thanks all 15:40:30 <sjmc7> #endmeeting