15:08:27 <piet> #startmeeting openstack_ux 15:08:28 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Dec 18 15:08:27 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is piet. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:08:29 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:08:31 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ux' 15:08:50 <piet> Sorry about the confusion...managed to start a meeting in the Horizon Channel 15:08:55 <piet> Who's here? 15:09:26 <piet> ducttape_? 15:09:41 <piet> julim? 15:11:17 <ducttape_> hey 15:11:26 <piet> Que pasa 15:11:44 <piet> We may cancel - no one here - holidays 15:12:02 <ducttape_> thats fine, thought I'd check in at least ;) 15:12:26 <piet> Did you get a chance to see if any folks at TWC were interested in the baremetal deployment study? 15:12:58 <piet> Actually...is it baremetal provisioning? 15:13:32 <ducttape_> I doubt it, have not really explored it tbh 15:13:41 <piet> k 15:13:54 <piet> Any other folsk outsidde of TWC that we need to contact? 15:14:11 <ducttape_> what we have works for us, and we provision new boxes somewhat seldom.... and it's easy 15:14:31 <julim> hi piet et al 15:14:42 <piet> Sure, but the study isn't specific to Ironic - just want to understand process and tools 15:14:51 <piet> Hi julim 15:15:13 <piet> We may cancel because you and ducttape_ are the only ones here 15:16:32 <piet> IS that OK w everyone? 15:17:11 <julim> yes 15:17:15 <julim> fine with me 15:17:18 <julim> happy holidays to all 15:17:29 <piet> You too! 15:17:52 <piet> #endmeeting openstack_ux