15:01:01 #startmeeting openstack_ux 15:01:01 Meeting started Fri Mar 11 15:01:01 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hurgleburgler. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:06 The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ux' 15:01:19 Hello! 15:01:36 I'll be running the meeting today because Piet is out 15:01:43 O/ 15:01:51 caps lock: big head. 15:02:17 I'm not sure if there was an agenda somewhere 15:02:17 I gotta duck out in a bit for something else, looked like a couple of reviews up ? 15:02:32 #topic Reviews 15:02:33 swift review was in gerrit, I know that 15:02:45 I helped piet push a couple of reviews 15:02:54 I think standalone ironic was the other 15:03:01 I'm happy that one of them was an svg 15:03:12 but it was a very high definition svg, 59k lines long 15:03:21 I think we still have a way to go to make them simpler 15:03:37 yep, some way to visually show them would be helpful 15:04:00 Getting that through Gerrit isn't gonna happen anytime soon :( 15:04:08 the best way to view svgs is usually on your browser 15:04:33 The Table Proposals also went up 15:04:45 to invision 15:04:45 https://invis.io/4R6DKA9QF 15:04:58 and Launch Instance Proposals 15:05:00 https://invis.io/ZG6DKSJBV 15:05:27 If you have time, please take a look at them 15:05:43 #topic Documentation 15:06:02 last month we had talked about writing some developer documentation for the repo 15:06:10 did anyone have anything to update on that? 15:06:30 nada 15:06:42 Me neither 15:06:48 I think its just the three of us? 15:07:03 #topic Open Topic 15:07:16 Did anyone else have anything they wanted to talk about? 15:08:01 I got nothing, the stuff on swift looks very good. Hopeful to see progress there 15:08:42 hehe, lets hope we find time to implement it too ;) 15:08:56 ok, i'm gonna call it if no one has anything else :) 15:09:10 nope, thanks hurgleburgler. happy friday all! 15:09:22 Yeah, Happy Friday! 15:09:24 #endmeeting openstack_ux