19:02:53 <dtroyer_zz> #startmeeting OpenStackClient 19:02:54 <lhcheng> o/ 19:02:54 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 23 19:02:53 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dtroyer_zz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:02:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'openstackclient' 19:03:02 <terrylhowe> o/ 19:03:10 <sigmavirus24> o/ 19:04:20 <dtroyer_zz> Ok, let's start with the usual bits 19:04:24 <dtroyer_zz> #topic bugs 19:04:43 <dhellmann> o/ 19:04:49 <dtroyer_zz> anything needing eyes? 19:06:11 <dtroyer_zz> wow, is this a fast meeting today? 19:06:29 <ajayaa> Hi. Is anyone working on the go client library? 19:06:54 <dtroyer_zz> ajayaa: I was the last one to touch it afaik, we can talk further about it after the OSC meeting is done 19:07:09 <ajayaa> dtroyer_zz, okay. 19:07:57 * stevemar sneaks in late 19:08:05 <dtroyer_zz> so https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1477629 is new this morning, I was looking at it and have a question on the output of a security group rule 19:08:06 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1477629 in python-openstackclient "ICMP secgroup rule must have --dst-port -1 to actually allow ICMP" [Medium,Triaged] 19:08:06 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1477629 in python-openstackclient "ICMP secgroup rule must have --dst-port -1 to actually allow ICMP" [Medium,Triaged] 19:08:08 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1477629 in python-openstackclient "ICMP secgroup rule must have --dst-port -1 to actually allow ICMP" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1477629 19:08:30 <stevemar> there have been a bunch of patches about volume that need love 19:08:39 <dtroyer_zz> right now for ICMP rules, 'port_range' is always present in the output but blank. should we drop it for ICMP only? 19:08:40 <stevemar> i'm tempted to just take over them 19:08:40 <terrylhowe> I was messing with that one, I believe it, but did not confirm 19:09:04 <sigmavirus24> stevemar: so turn up the volume so they get more love? 19:09:06 <dtroyer_zz> I confirmed it in IRC this morning with jordanp 19:10:01 <stevemar> sigmavirus24: i've already helped out the author(s) on a few patches now, on getting the hang of gerrit and such 19:10:14 <dtroyer_zz> ok, sop lets talk reviews then 19:10:14 <stevemar> i'll help the noobies out again, just need a bit of time away 19:10:18 <dtroyer_zz> #topic reviews 19:10:25 <sigmavirus24> stevemar: I was making a pun 19:10:42 <stevemar> sigmavirus24: yeah, i noticed taht :) but i figured there was a real question in there too 19:10:47 <sigmavirus24> no not really 19:10:48 <sigmavirus24> =P 19:10:53 <stevemar> hue hue 19:11:10 <dtroyer_zz> I figured once he got one sorted out to go back and fix the rest to match 19:11:39 <terrylhowe> question about that volume list one... 19:11:54 <stevemar> we really need another release soon, but at this point it's easier to just wait til all the volume commands are done 19:12:18 <stevemar> heha and jiaxi are doing the last few 19:12:27 <terrylhowe> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204325/ 19:13:06 <stevemar> terrylhowe: what about it/ 19:13:07 <stevemar> ? 19:13:20 <terrylhowe> heha had a —name option and another option for query, it seems like it would be good to have a general —query option for lists 19:13:33 <terrylhowe> so OSC doesn’t have to know what is supported 19:13:37 <stevemar> i think he's just going for v1 parity at this point 19:13:41 <terrylhowe> people could use it for limit, marker or fields 19:13:51 <dtroyer_zz> I disagree. then it is on the user to know what to do 19:14:16 <dtroyer_zz> although the common functions must be the same as much as possible, even if we need to do some work client-side 19:14:26 <terrylhowe> well we could offer —limit and —maker on everything, but they don’t all suport it 19:14:38 <dtroyer_zz> which is why some of that may need to be done client-side 19:14:39 <terrylhowe> and even then, it might not be enabled for a service or something 19:14:48 <dtroyer_zz> with some smart-ish data caching it isn't too painful 19:15:08 <terrylhowe> just bound to be wrong and incomplete is all 19:15:15 <terrylhowe> that is fine though 19:15:19 <dtroyer_zz> any service that makes limit/marker optional and doesn't tell us how to know if it is on or off is broken 19:15:48 <dtroyer_zz> we've been wrong and incomplete since day 1. always will be. but it's better than everything else 19:16:26 <stevemar> keep that cheery attitude out of this dtroyer_zz 19:16:50 <terrylhowe> so you think all list commands should have —limit and —marker? 19:17:04 <dtroyer_zz> eventually, in some fashion, yes, they should all support paging 19:17:07 <stevemar> limit yes, marker ... harder to get there 19:17:24 <dtroyer_zz> I'm not convinced that our APIs have that sorted out yet 19:17:28 <stevemar> listing all users, and paging will never work 19:17:31 <terrylhowe> I doubt it 19:17:46 <dtroyer_zz> stevemar: right, which is why I'm hedging with 'some' and not 'all' functionality 19:18:01 <stevemar> ja 19:18:21 <terrylhowe> that is why I like a generic —query option and let the user do what they can, but I’m not attached 19:18:25 <dhellmann> would it make sense to put the options in a base class for list commands, with a class attribute to disable them for APIs that don't support them? 19:18:39 <dhellmann> (the marker and limit options, that is) 19:18:48 <stevemar> dhellmann: thats what i was advising abhide to do 19:18:59 <dhellmann> stevemar: great minds, yadda yadda 19:19:13 <dtroyer_zz> dhellmann: probably, in some fashion. but the fun of neutronclients over-normalization doing that made me think twice before going too far dopwn that path 19:19:50 <dhellmann> dtroyer_zz: maybe multiple lister base classes, then, for different patterns? 19:20:00 <dtroyer_zz> every API is a special snowflake so we really can't do a lot at the lowest levels common 19:20:03 <dhellmann> and file bugs for whichever APIs we find that use the pattern we don't like 19:20:51 <dtroyer_zz> ya, I'm with you… its doing it in practice… we started talking about paging in, where, San Diego? Still nothing common 19:21:14 <dhellmann> yeah 19:21:36 <dhellmann> maybe the new api working group can help with that, if we feed them some specific data 19:21:46 <stevemar> topic? what will 1.6.0 include and not include? 19:22:00 <stevemar> its getting to be a massive release.... 19:22:14 <dtroyer_zz> this has been talked about, it's writing the guidelines. someone may have already started, I haven't looked in a month or so 19:22:30 <dtroyer_zz> stevemar: slow down turbo... 19:22:35 <dtroyer_zz> any other reviews first? 19:22:43 <stevemar> dtroyer_zz: :) 19:23:01 <stevemar> the image create one? 19:23:03 <stevemar> for v2 19:23:13 <terrylhowe> I’ve been a bit manic myself lately too 19:23:53 <dtroyer_zz> I've just looked closely at the user-facing parts, not sure why it is so different 19:24:04 <terrylhowe> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/203280/ 19:24:16 <dtroyer_zz> a few of the API changes can be covered for, others just get removed 19:24:56 <dtroyer_zz> but why is the option order different? makes the help text gratuitously different 19:25:18 <stevemar> the ordering can be changed 19:25:24 <stevemar> tags is weird 19:25:25 <dtroyer_zz> I think stevemar convinced me on enumerating the container and disk types 19:25:37 <stevemar> \o/ 19:25:37 <dtroyer_zz> yeah, where did that come from? 19:25:46 <dtroyer_zz> it is entirely possible it came from me long ago 19:25:50 <dtroyer_zz> and I just don't recall 19:26:01 <stevemar> possible 19:26:10 <dtroyer_zz> either way it seems odd 19:26:23 <stevemar> naw 19:26:41 <terrylhowe> should be —property? 19:26:48 <dtroyer_zz> first, is 'tag' or 'tags' the right word? are users expected to know what that is? 19:27:04 <dtroyer_zz> this is like —property but keys only, no values 19:27:05 <stevemar> i think its supposed to be property? 19:27:13 <dtroyer_zz> no, they have both ;( 19:27:25 <dtroyer_zz> again with the special snowflakes 19:28:03 <dtroyer_zz> I do recall terrylhowe doing a list of strings somewhere that would be a good precedent to follow, but I can't remember which command that was 19:28:05 <terrylhowe> should be be action=append 19:28:24 <terrylhowe> the thing I did dtroyer_zz was an append for dicts I think 19:28:39 <terrylhowe> kind of like —nic on server create 19:28:55 <dtroyer_zz> hmmm… ok. I do like allowing multiple —tag options (prefer singular too) 19:28:59 <dtroyer_zz> yeah, that's the one 19:29:03 <terrylhowe> it was for subnet create 19:29:32 <terrylhowe> I think —tag with action=append would be better 19:29:48 <dtroyer_zz> agreed 19:30:01 <dtroyer_zz> was it subnet create where it also accepted a comma-separated list? 19:30:17 <terrylhowe> it may have 19:30:37 <dtroyer_zz> that is what I was thinking of…that didn't merge yet did it… 19:31:46 <terrylhowe> it is still out there, going to be a while before that is ready. all I see in there is that array of dicts ActionAppender 19:32:08 <dtroyer_zz> ok, they were dicts rather than strings? 19:32:15 <terrylhowe> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/84782/10 19:32:40 <terrylhowe> yeh, neutron just needs them, the appender was nice to validate the values 19:33:02 <terrylhowe> I’d like to bring that in someday, it would work for —nic as well in server create 19:33:53 <dtroyer_zz> as much as I don't like the idea of strings of AVPs, I think you're right we need to do it. 19:34:03 * dtroyer_zz still a wee bit grumpy 19:34:27 <dtroyer_zz> anyway, back to —tag 19:34:53 <dtroyer_zz> I like terrylhowe's suggestion of —tag and action-append 19:35:36 <stevemar> next review? 19:35:43 <dtroyer_zz> sure! 19:35:45 <stevemar> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/203185/ 19:36:01 <stevemar> i say no to dropping py26 19:36:08 <stevemar> not sure why terrylhowe proposed to remove it 19:36:12 <dtroyer_zz> my gut agrees 19:36:28 <stevemar> as a client lib we should be very flexible 19:36:33 <dtroyer_zz> at least not until one of our dep libs makes it impossible to run there 19:36:57 <stevemar> then we get the TC to bust out the big stick and what the dependency 19:37:02 <stevemar> whack* 19:37:02 <terrylhowe> fair enough, I just like to simplify 19:37:23 <stevemar> sorry mr howe 19:37:28 <dtroyer_zz> who said "as simple as possible, but not too simple?" 19:37:34 <terrylhowe> ouch! 19:37:39 <dhellmann> I'm actually with terrylhowe on this one, but I'm not in a big rush 19:37:58 <dtroyer_zz> dhellmann: is there a schedule for oslo libs to drop it? 19:38:18 <dhellmann> dtroyer_zz: I think when juno falls out of support? 19:38:23 <dhellmann> actually, belay that 19:38:27 <terrylhowe> I kind of like the idea of taking compatibility patches, but just not regularly testing it 19:38:32 <dhellmann> we've talked about doing it for master, now that we have stable branches 19:39:16 <dhellmann> there was an email thread about it not too long ago, but I think no one is motivated to drop them so it hasn't been done yet 19:39:34 <dhellmann> if we don't do it now, it will probably happen early in mitaka 19:39:45 <stevemar> cool cool 19:39:48 <dtroyer_zz> I still like the idea that clients need to be as compatible as possible 19:40:06 <dtroyer_zz> if it isn't costing us much in coding or tech debt, I'd like to leave it in for now 19:40:06 <dhellmann> yeah, I think the conclusion was that most of the platforms we've been supporting have actually moved on from 2.6 19:40:10 <stevemar> dtroyer_zz: yep 19:40:31 <dhellmann> yeah, I imagine the infra team will be pushing us to drop it when they want to stop supporting 2.6 images in the gate 19:40:48 <dtroyer_zz> I'm certain there is still RHEL6 in the wild, even RHEL5, but I do not know if it is places we should care 19:41:02 <dtroyer_zz> that's a fine time to do it then 19:41:20 <dhellmann> right, we're not actively supporting even running openstack on those platforms much longer, and I think that was the trigger for oslo to drop these jobs 19:41:38 <dtroyer_zz> again, though, clients run in places servers never would... 19:42:19 <dtroyer_zz> can you tell I'm hearing a lot about 'entrprise' these days? and they're the worst for this kind of thing… 19:42:21 <dhellmann> I don't care enough to argue against you now, but I would be on infra's side when they want to stop having to maintain 2.6 images for CI 19:42:57 <dhellmann> I'm content to let those folks pay someone to maintain compatibility, but don't see the need for the entire project to take on the burden 19:43:01 <dtroyer_zz> sure, that works for me. unless it;s costing someone a lot in time or resource, though, I'd prefer to keep it 19:43:12 <dhellmann> yeah, I think we're agreeing, for now :-) 19:43:17 <dtroyer_zz> yup 19:43:20 <stevemar> someone who isn't us will probably make a call that will keep or remove the job :P 19:43:45 <dtroyer_zz> other reviews? 19:43:49 <stevemar> the other interesting review is this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186720/4 19:44:04 <stevemar> terry already +2'ed it, and i am +2 once my comments are addressed 19:44:18 <stevemar> if you call, it was one of the few user requests we had in YVR 19:44:32 <dtroyer_zz> right, that's why I rebased it to see where it was at 19:44:54 <stevemar> and the dudes from fujitsu actually did a great job with the feedback we gave them (base it on occ) 19:45:00 <dtroyer_zz> I think it is actually close 19:45:05 <terrylhowe> I like it mostly because some code gets pulled out shell.py 19:45:11 <stevemar> theyre a bit slow with turn around, but i like it 19:45:30 <dtroyer_zz> I don't think we'd hold up a release for it though 19:45:43 <stevemar> guess not 19:45:59 <dtroyer_zz> did we cover volumes already? 19:47:07 <stevemar> there are 3 patches left for volume 19:47:09 <stevemar> the list one 19:47:23 <stevemar> this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204364/ (volume type set and unset) 19:47:38 <stevemar> and this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187480/ 19:48:15 <stevemar> all are reviewed with feedback, but it'll be cool to announce full v1 and v2 support for volume in the next release 19:48:52 <terrylhowe> set/unset needs docs 19:49:07 <dtroyer_zz> that would be nice; at this point it looks like you'll be making the release call without me 19:49:17 <terrylhowe> missing ‘volume type show’ I think 19:50:12 <dtroyer_zz> 10 min warning… 19:50:14 <stevemar> terrylhowe: i proposed VT show 19:50:29 <stevemar> dtroyer_zz: when are you gone? 19:50:52 <terrylhowe> ahh, thanks stevemar been so many changes around there lately 19:50:54 <dtroyer_zz> Monday. this is my last meeting of any kind for maybe a month or so 19:51:42 <dtroyer_zz> #topic open discussion 19:51:56 <stevemar> yowza 19:52:03 <dtroyer_zz> So that was my reminder of me being gone for a while 19:52:13 <stevemar> good luck! 19:52:33 <dtroyer_zz> y'all will be grump-free unless someone asks for my magic stick 19:53:04 <stevemar> dhellmann: you cool if i bug you when we need to release? 19:53:17 <dhellmann> stevemar: yep, did you see the stuff about the new releases repo? 19:53:35 <stevemar> dhellmann: i did not, my knowledge on the release process is very limited :( 19:53:50 <dhellmann> stevemar: ok, ping me when you're ready and I'll walk you through it 19:53:53 <dtroyer_zz> it's actually pretty cool 19:54:08 <stevemar> cool, just gotta find time, i'm slammed next week until friday, so probably then 19:54:15 <dtroyer_zz> also, don't forget cliff and/or o-c-c need rleeases before osc 19:54:19 <stevemar> teaching noobies how to openstack! 19:54:23 <stevemar> yup 19:54:29 <dhellmann> dtroyer_zz: good point 19:54:34 <stevemar> i really want that fuzzy patch in for cliff! 19:54:39 <dhellmann> ++ 19:54:39 <stevemar> that one is very cool! 19:54:43 <dtroyer_zz> I haven't tried it, looks good? 19:54:48 <terrylhowe> agreed! 19:54:52 <dhellmann> yep, very nice addition 19:54:55 <stevemar> terrylhowe tried it and he reported back goodness 19:54:57 <dhellmann> stevemar: did you try it in interactive mode? 19:55:09 <stevemar> i tried the old patch, it was fine 19:55:16 <dtroyer_zz> does it let us do cisco-style shortcuts? 19:55:19 <stevemar> i'll give it another whirl 19:55:21 <dtroyer_zz> ie, serv sho 19:55:22 <terrylhowe> I did not try interactive 19:55:37 <stevemar> dtroyer_zz: no, this one finds matches in case you messed up the command 19:55:47 <stevemar> i.e.: # os user foo 19:55:53 <dtroyer_zz> ok, still good, but that's always been a dream of mine... 19:56:04 <stevemar> will report back: did you mean: os user create, os user show ... 19:56:22 <stevemar> dtroyer_zz: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/202053/ 19:56:35 <terrylhowe> ser sho <- a lot of matches for that 19:56:41 <terrylhowe> interactive works 19:56:53 <dtroyer_zz> you type as much as required to make it unique 19:56:56 <stevemar> http://paste.openstack.org/show/404590/ 19:57:02 <dhellmann> terrylhowe: nice 19:57:04 <dtroyer_zz> the rest is optional 19:57:20 <dtroyer_zz> again, long-term dream feature 19:57:34 <stevemar> this one + the --help option will go a long way 19:58:02 <stevemar> anyway, i'm done for now 19:58:05 <stevemar> good luck dtroyer_zz! 19:58:14 <terrylhowe> yeh, take it easy dtroyer_zz 19:58:19 <dtroyer_zz> ajayaa had a go question, appears to be gone… 19:58:20 <terrylhowe> not too easy though 19:58:36 <dtroyer_zz> thanks. I'll probably check in as my laptop is always close 19:59:22 <dtroyer_zz> ok, if that's it, we'll call it a day 19:59:27 <stevemar> "A DAY" 19:59:34 <dtroyer_zz> #endmeeting