15:00:30 <serverascode> #startmeeting operators_telco_nfv 15:00:31 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 14 15:00:30 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is serverascode. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'operators_telco_nfv' 15:01:07 <serverascode> hi anyone here today? :) 15:02:03 <kgiusti> o/ 15:02:25 <serverascode> hi kgiusti 15:02:35 <serverascode> I don't know what kind of attendance we are going to get today 15:02:40 <kgiusti> hi 15:02:43 <serverascode> had several messages about not being able to attend 15:02:50 <serverascode> so it might just be you and me 15:02:53 <kgiusti> kk 15:03:02 <serverascode> lets give it a couple minutes and see what happens 15:04:18 <serverascode> anybody else here, let me know :) 15:04:41 <kgiusti> is there a 'ping list' of interested irc nicks? I know the MDC cloud usually sends an irc ping to all the interested folks 15:05:10 <serverascode> yeah that is a good idea 15:05:21 <serverascode> I do have a list of emails that I send prior to the meeting, uusally the day before 15:05:27 <serverascode> but this morning I sent it only a couple of hours ago 15:05:43 <serverascode> but a ping list is not a bad idea, I will add that to the agenda page too, thanks for that idea 15:08:22 <kgiusti> I don't have any particular items for today's agenda - unless there's message-bus related questions anyone would like to raise. 15:08:46 <serverascode> ok, lets end the meeting then, so thanks for coming kgiusti sorry about attendance 15:08:59 <kgiusti> np 15:09:07 <serverascode> feel free to add your irc nic to attendance 15:09:16 <serverascode> oh you did thanks 15:09:18 <serverascode> #endmeeting