#openstack-operators: Ops Meetup Team
Meeting started by mihalis68 at 14:01:12 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team
- review last week's action items (mihalis68, 14:02:03)
- TC meetings, when held, occur on Tuesdays at
20:00 UTC (in about 6 hours) (med_,
- http://www.opendevconf.com/schedule/
< posted schedule (mrhillsman,
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/OpenDevTakeaways
< takeaways (mrhillsman,
- http://www.opendevconf.com/videos/
< videos (mrhillsman,
- http://www.opendevconf.com/
< simple website (mrhillsman,
- ACTION: mrhillsman to
explain what we can take away from how well opendevconf did - email
to list (mihalis68,
- sydney summit (mihalis68, 14:19:27)
- tokyo mid-cycle (mihalis68, 14:30:13)
- ACTION: med_ to email
operators mailing list with finding on his participation in TC
mailing list, meetings (mihalis68,
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Operations/Meetups/TYO-ops-meetup
- ACTION: Shintaro to
contact Lauren Sell to request an Evenbrite for Tokyo (March
7,8) (mihalis68,
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-ops-meetup-2018
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TYO-ops-meetup-2018
- ACTION: mihalis68 to
author Tokyo meet up announcement article for SuperUser once we have
the Eventbrite event (mihalis68,
- any other business (mihalis68, 14:54:23)
Meeting ended at 14:58:17 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mrhillsman to explain what we can take away from how well opendevconf did - email to list
- med_ to email operators mailing list with finding on his participation in TC mailing list, meetings
- Shintaro to contact Lauren Sell to request an Evenbrite for Tokyo (March 7,8)
- mihalis68 to author Tokyo meet up announcement article for SuperUser once we have the Eventbrite event
Action items, by person
- med_
- med_ to email operators mailing list with finding on his participation in TC mailing list, meetings
- mihalis68
- mihalis68 to author Tokyo meet up announcement article for SuperUser once we have the Eventbrite event
- mrhillsman
- mrhillsman to explain what we can take away from how well opendevconf did - email to list
- shintaro
- Shintaro to contact Lauren Sell to request an Evenbrite for Tokyo (March 7,8)
People present (lines said)
- mihalis68 (118)
- shintaro (30)
- med_ (30)
- mrhillsman (28)
- emccormick (25)
- jsheeren (4)
- openstack (3)
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