14:08:58 <emccormick> #startmeeting Ops Meetup Team 14:08:59 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 16 14:08:58 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is emccormick. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:08:59 <mihalis68> I've got two contractors arriving any minute, and we're starting both an openstack upgrade cycle and an object store capacity upgrade today AND I am presenting this afternoon at an internal conference 14:09:00 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:09:02 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ops_meetup_team' 14:09:08 <emccormick> a there we go 14:09:10 <mihalis68> oops, didn't want to get that in the minutes oh well 14:09:41 <emccormick> Ooops! 14:09:44 <emccormick> Good luck man 14:10:08 <med_> #topic Tokyo Ops Meetup 14:10:32 <med_> shintaro, how are things going. What's the sign up count? 14:10:35 <shintaro> not much for logistics. we are working on VISA documents 14:10:39 <med_> What do you need from us. 14:10:46 <shintaro> I heard 24 last week 14:10:54 <med_> okay. 14:11:27 <shintaro> We need to promote more, I guess 14:11:32 <emccormick> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ops-meetups-team 14:11:37 <emccormick> add your name to that 14:12:02 <emccormick> I did see an email from the Foundation finally. 14:12:21 <emccormick> we should all tweet it out or otherwise send it along our social media chains 14:12:37 <shintaro> yes, they told me that email went out to 6K people! 14:12:59 <mvenesio> bkero: i've tested and the cert it's ok 14:13:56 <emccormick> Everything else is pretty much set for sponsors? 14:15:03 <shintaro> Waiting for confirmation from mihalis68 on sponsorship. 14:15:22 <emccormick> It would probably be worth blatting it out to the ops ML 14:16:01 <emccormick> I can send that out and combine it with another call for contributors and moderators. 14:16:19 <emccormick> We should probably put a little more push behind getting the agenda together. 14:16:46 <emccormick> #action emccormick to send an email promoting the TYO meetup and asking for further agenda input. 14:16:49 <shintaro> right if we could just get more +1s on the list, we can discuss the agenda 14:16:53 <mvenesio> breton: but i'm still having the error, "SSL: certify: ssl_alert.erl:93:Fatal error: unknown ca" from the rabbitmq 14:17:17 <mvenesio> bkero: but i'm still having the error, "SSL: certify: ssl_alert.erl:93:Fatal error: unknown ca" from the rabbitmq" from rabbitmq 14:17:34 <shintaro> thank you emccormick 14:17:37 <mihalis68> shintaro I will get back to you this week on that with firm confirmation 14:17:43 <mihalis68> talk to you later folks 14:17:53 <mvenesio> bkero: and [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed from nova logs 14:17:56 <shintaro> thank you mihalis68 14:17:56 <emccormick> see ya later Chris. good luck 14:18:33 <bkero> mvenesio: are you including the whole chain? 14:18:58 <emccormick> shintaro Are you still hunting an evening event spot? 14:19:33 <shintaro> yes, my contractor is looking for one. 14:20:10 <emccormick> Cool. It's nice to have minions ;) 14:20:18 <emccormick> Anything else on Tokyo? 14:20:34 <shintaro> nothing else from me this week 14:21:55 <emccormick> Not much to do on the actions from last week. I'm taking the email one. The logo is set, and Chris is working on Bloomberg hosting the Fall meetup. 14:22:42 <emccormick> Opsguide is continuing to languish. 14:23:37 <emccormick> I'm going to attempt giving it a thorough once-over and put some issues on a tracking page. Maybe having something more focused to look at will garner mor involvement 14:23:46 <emccormick> smaller bites for people to chew. 14:24:54 <emccormick> Well, I guess with just 3 of us today we can cut this short. Do either of you have anything else you'd like to discuss? 14:25:11 <yankcrime> are there any plans for an eu ops meetup this year? 14:25:29 <med_> the plans so far is for a NYC based one in the second half of the year 14:25:30 <yankcrime> i'm guessing not - so should there be? 14:25:35 <emccormick> yankcrime Following the usual schedule that would be next spring. 14:25:39 <med_> but if you propose one, that could change. 14:25:46 <med_> yep, agree with emccormick 14:26:29 <yankcrime> emccormick: yup, but two years feels like too big a gap 14:26:34 <med_> basically oscillating between North America and Rest of the World. March is "rest of the world" in Tokyo and Sept-Oct is North America. 14:26:39 <mvenesio> bkero: i'm trying to find out that 14:27:05 <med_> yankcrime, nothing prevents someone from organizing another event but it probably wouldn't be called the Ops Meetup 14:27:47 <med_> we have spoken about having more regional events to keep momentum going--no one is against that 14:27:59 <shintaro> we usually do Japanese local ones twice a year 14:28:01 <med_> but hard to get more participationg behind more events. 14:28:36 <med_> #topic other stuff 14:28:51 <med_> I mentioned earlier that the Call For Speakers or Call for Presentations is out for Vancouver. 14:29:14 <emccormick> It seems like even the main event has waned a bit frankly. We used to have to worry about max numbers 14:29:15 <med_> We will need to start aligning out ducks for Ops events there but that's usually in the Forum so no particular rush yet. 14:29:16 <bkero> mvenesio: letsencrypt? 14:29:20 <emccormick> Seems not so much anymore 14:29:28 <med_> But if you have an ops talk you want to give broadly, start writing it up 14:29:52 <med_> if you need anyone to review such a thing, holler and we'll help 14:30:11 <emccormick> OH yeah, as far as EU goes, the fall summit is in Berlin 14:30:17 <emccormick> and we'll have the forum there of course. 14:30:19 <med_> yep 14:30:21 <smcginnis> Good point. 14:30:25 <med_> that will help with EU participating 14:30:42 * med_ doesn't have the dates for Berlin at hand, likely first week of Nov 14:30:59 <smcginnis> Nov 13-15 14:30:59 <med_> ah 13-15 Nov 14:31:07 <smcginnis> Another short one. 14:31:07 <med_> another 3 day 14:31:10 <med_> jinxi 14:31:13 <smcginnis> :) 14:31:16 <emccormick> 13-15 14:31:20 <emccormick> nod 14:31:22 <mvenesio> bkero: no, its a certificate from DigiCert Inc 14:31:29 <smcginnis> Maybe good to have an ops event the day before or after since it's just the three days. 14:32:07 <emccormick> hmm yeah it starts on a Tuesday 14:32:13 <bkero> So it's Tokyo then Berlin, right? 14:32:15 <emccormick> we certainly could do something on Monday 14:32:25 <emccormick> Tokyo then Vancouver 14:32:35 <bkero> ah 14:32:36 <emccormick> Then New York and Berlin 14:32:54 <emccormick> Tokyo and New York are just Ops, the other two are full Summits 14:32:55 <shintaro> Tokyo and NYC is OpsMeetup and Vancouver and Berlin is the Summit 14:33:09 <med_> and the summit includes the Ops part of the Forum 14:33:15 * med_ gets out all the buzzwords 14:34:14 <emccormick> ok, anything futher for this meeting? 14:34:19 * med_ has nothing more 14:34:21 <med_> jinx 14:34:25 <emccormick> :D 14:34:34 <emccormick> ok, Thanks everyone. Have a good week. 14:34:38 <emccormick> #endmeeting