#openstack-operators: ops-meetup-team

Meeting started by mihalis68 at 14:25:16 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. ACTION: mihalis68 to try and wake the docs thread up and refocus (mihalis68, 14:26:27)
    2. jproulx had volunteered to look into a new repo for the docs coming out of core docs (mihalis68, 14:27:03)
    3. a gentleman from redhat (Derek Kadzow) had mentioned his team could also contribute (mihalis68, 14:28:02)
    4. Adam Speirs had also said he could rewrite the HA doc if he could expect success in landing the changes (mihalis68, 14:28:21)

  1. meeting cadence (mihalis68, 14:28:39)
    1. ACTION: mihalis68 to see if sean will accept being on the official core ops meetups team roster (mihalis68, 14:32:56)

  2. Denver PTG/Ops Meetups (mihalis68, 14:35:03)
    1. ACTION: mihalis68 to poll operators community on interest in Denver PTG (mihalis68, 14:43:54)
    2. ACTION: vw emccormick to tweet the doodle poll once created (mihalis68, 14:50:24)
    3. ACTION: mihalis68 to create the doodle poll (mihalis68, 14:50:34)

Meeting ended at 14:51:55 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mihalis68 to try and wake the docs thread up and refocus
  2. mihalis68 to see if sean will accept being on the official core ops meetups team roster
  3. mihalis68 to poll operators community on interest in Denver PTG
  4. vw emccormick to tweet the doodle poll once created
  5. mihalis68 to create the doodle poll

Action items, by person

  1. emccormick
    1. vw emccormick to tweet the doodle poll once created
  2. mihalis68
    1. mihalis68 to try and wake the docs thread up and refocus
    2. mihalis68 to see if sean will accept being on the official core ops meetups team roster
    3. mihalis68 to poll operators community on interest in Denver PTG
    4. mihalis68 to create the doodle poll
  3. VW
    1. vw emccormick to tweet the doodle poll once created

People present (lines said)

  1. mihalis68 (50)
  2. emccormick (38)
  3. VW (12)
  4. openstack (3)
  5. jamesmcarthur (2)

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